add skeleton for final exam
[itlast1617.git] / week10 / w10.tex
1 \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
3 \usepackage{geometry}
4 \usepackage{booktabs}
5 \usepackage{tabularx}
7 \title{Exercise week 10}
8 \author{Mart Lubbers}
9 \date{\today}
11 \begin{document}
12 \maketitle
13 \subsection*{Exercises Chapter 19}
14 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{llX}
15 \toprule
16 drink & \texttt{SPOKEN} & \ldots they were coming up and went across to get a drink of lemonade and \ldots\\
17 & \texttt{FICTION} & Then strew on water and make the people drink.\\
18 & \texttt{MAGAZINE} & A place for all kinds of wildlife to stop off and drink\\
19 & \texttt{NEWSPAPER} & \ldots stony -faced consultant Julian Chapman emerges in the shape of a failed marriage and a drink problem.\\
20 & \texttt{NON-ACAD} & Now it is 22. To work at that speed we can't even drink a cup of tea.\\
21 & \texttt{ACADEMIC} & You see, it'sonce people get drink in them.\\
22 \midrule
23 kiss & \texttt{SPOKEN} & Gon na give us a kiss, give us a kiss then, come on.\\
24 & \texttt{FICTION} & Lucy's lips tasted of brandy, their first kiss.\\
25 & \texttt{MAGAZINE} & \ldots to meet him and work with him was a thrill, but I got to kiss him, too!\\
26 & \texttt{NEWSPAPER} & Plenty of time for her to have had a string of boyfriends and perhaps kiss and tell lovers\ldots\\
27 & \texttt{NON-ACAD} & I'll kiss each several paper, for amends.\\
28 & \texttt{ACADEMIC} & \ldots varied according to whether it was the first phoneme of kiss or gift.\\
29 \midrule
30 write & \texttt{SPOKEN} & \ldots I've been sitting on it meaning to, to write to the press and\ldots\\
31 & \texttt{FICTION} & \ldots big glass and on the notes for the big glass, day, sleep and write this freewheeling commentary on the entire project,\ldots\\
32 & \texttt{MAGAZINE} & Don't Forget to Write\\
33 & \texttt{NEWSPAPER} & \ldots if Silence Of The Lambs is your choice for Rental Video Of The Year write: 1 {--} Silence Of The Lambs, and so on.\\
34 & \texttt{NON-ACAD} & \ldots the Social Fund Officer will write to the person who is, at the same time as a payment is made\ldots\\
35 & \texttt{ACADEMIC} & \ldots why should I let you write a book that won't do me any good but might do me some harm\ldots\\
36 \bottomrule
37 \end{tabularx}
39 \subsection*{Exercises Chapter 21}
41 \end{document}