implementation module Generics.gCons /* Pieter Koopman 2015 Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands ARDSL project */ import StdEnv, StdGeneric, GenBimap, _SystemStrictLists generic consName a :: a -> String consName{|CONS of {gcd_name}|} f x = gcd_name consName{|UNIT|} _ = "UNIT" consName{|PAIR|} f g (PAIR x y) = f x consName{|EITHER|} f g (LEFT x) = f x consName{|EITHER|} f g (RIGHT y) = g y consName{|OBJECT|} f (OBJECT x) = f x consName{|RECORD|} f (RECORD x) = f x consName{|FIELD|} f (FIELD x) = f x consName{|Int|} i = toString i consName{|Bool|} b = toString b consName{|Char|} c = toString c consName{|String|} s = s consName{|[]|} _ _ = "[]" consName{|(->)|} f g x = g (x undef) generic consIndex a :: a -> Int consIndex{|CONS of {gcd_index}|} f x = gcd_index consIndex{|UNIT|} _ = 0 consIndex{|PAIR|} f g (PAIR x y) = f x consIndex{|EITHER|} f g (LEFT x) = f x consIndex{|EITHER|} f g (RIGHT y) = g y consIndex{|OBJECT|} f (OBJECT x) = f x consIndex{|Int|} i = i consIndex{|Bool|} b = if b 1 0 consIndex{|Char|} c = toInt c consIndex{|String|} _ = 0 consIndex{|[]|} _ _ = 0 generic conses a :: [a] conses{|CONS|} f = [CONS (hd f)] conses{|UNIT|} = [UNIT] conses{|PAIR|} f g = [] conses{|EITHER|} f g = map LEFT f ++ map RIGHT g conses{|OBJECT|} f = map OBJECT f conses{|RECORD|} f = map RECORD f conses{|FIELD|} f = map FIELD f conses{|Int|} = [0] conses{|Bool|} = [True] conses{|Char|} = ['\0'] conses{|Real|} = [0.0] conses{|String|} = [""] conses{|[]|} _ = [[ ]] conses{|[!]|} _ = [[!]] conses{|[ !]|} _ = [[ !]] conses{|[!!]|} _ = [[!!]] conses{|{}|} _ = [{}] conses{|{!}|} _ = [{!}] conses{|()|} = [()] conses{|(->)|} _ _ = [const undef]