implementation module Generics.gdynamic /* Pieter Koopman 2015 Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands ARDSL project */ import StdEnv, StdGeneric, StdMaybe :: DYNAMIC :== [String] :: Dyn = Dyn DYNAMIC class dyn a | toGenDynamic{|*|}, fromGenDynamic{|*|} a derive class dyn [], (,), (,,), (,,,) //derive fromGenDynamic [], (,), (,,) //derive toGenDynamic [], (,), (,,) generic toGenDynamic a :: a -> [String] toGenDynamic{|Int|} x = [toString x] toGenDynamic{|Real|} x = [toString x] toGenDynamic{|Char|} x = ["'" +++ toString x +++ "'"] toGenDynamic{|String|} x = ["\"" +++ toString x +++ "\""] toGenDynamic{|Bool|} x = [toString x] toGenDynamic{|UNIT|} x = [] toGenDynamic{|PAIR|} f g (PAIR x y) = f x ++ g y toGenDynamic{|EITHER|} f g (LEFT x) = f x toGenDynamic{|EITHER|} f g (RIGHT y) = g y toGenDynamic{|OBJECT|} f (OBJECT x) = f x toGenDynamic{|CONS of gcd|} f (CONS x) = [gcd.gcd_name:f x] toGenDynamic{|FIELD|} f (FIELD x) = f x toGenDynamic{|RECORD of r|} f (RECORD x) = [r.grd_name:f x] // ---------------------------- generic fromGenDynamic a :: [String] -> Maybe (a, [String]) fromGenDynamic{|UNIT|} l = Just(UNIT,l) fromGenDynamic{|Char|} [a:x] | size a == 3 && a.[0] == '\'' && a.[2] == '\'' = Just (toChar a.[1],x) = Nothing fromGenDynamic{|String|} [a:x] # len = size a | len >= 2 && a.[0] == '"' && a.[len-1] == '"' = Just (a%(1,len-2),x) = Nothing fromGenDynamic{|String|} [] = Nothing fromGenDynamic{|Bool|} ["True" :l] = Just (True ,l) fromGenDynamic{|Bool|} ["False":l] = Just (False,l) fromGenDynamic{|Bool|} l = Nothing fromGenDynamic{|Int|} [a:x] = if (toString i == a) (Just (i,x)) Nothing where i = toInt a fromGenDynamic{|Int|} [] = Nothing fromGenDynamic{|Real|} [a:x] = if (toString i == a) (Just (i,x)) Nothing where i = toReal a fromGenDynamic{|Real|} [] = Nothing fromGenDynamic{|PAIR|} f g l = case f l of Just (x,l) = case g l of Just (y,l) = Just (PAIR x y, l) _ = Nothing _ = Nothing fromGenDynamic{|EITHER|} f g l = case f l of Just (x,l) = Just (LEFT x,l) _ = case g l of Just (x,l) = Just (RIGHT x,l) _ = Nothing fromGenDynamic{|OBJECT|} f l = case f l of Just (x,l) = Just (OBJECT x,l); _ = Nothing fromGenDynamic{|FIELD|} f l = case f l of Just (x,l) = Just (FIELD x,l); _ = Nothing fromGenDynamic{|RECORD of r|} f [n:l] | n == r.grd_name = case f l of Just (x,l) = Just (RECORD x,l) _ = Nothing = Nothing fromGenDynamic{|CONS of gcd|} f l | [gcd.gcd_name] == take 1 l = case f (tl l) of Just (x,l) = Just (CONS x,l); _ = Nothing = Nothing // ---------------------------- toDyn :: a -> Dyn | dyn a toDyn a = Dyn (toGenDynamic{|*|} a) fromDyn :: Dyn -> Maybe a | dyn a fromDyn (Dyn a) = case fromGenDynamic{|*|} a of Just (x,[]) = Just x _ = Nothing Start1 = toLIBC (toDyn [(1,True,'a'),(2,False,'1')]) Start = toGenDynamic{|*->*|} (\b.if b ["I"] ["O"]) [True,False,True] toLIBC :: Dyn -> Maybe [(Int,Bool,Char)] toLIBC l = fromDyn l