implementation module ReadLine import StdEnv import code from "readLine.o" instance toString HistoryItem where toString {line,timestamp} = line +++ " (" +++ timestamp +++ ")" instance toString HistoryState where toString {entries,offset,flags} = "[" +++ toS entries +++ "]\n" +++ "offset: " +++ toString offset +++ "\nflags: " +++ toString flags where toS :: [HistoryItem] -> String toS [] = "--empty--" toS [x] = toString x toS [x:xs] = toString x +++ "," //Readline readLine :: !String !Bool !*env -> (!Maybe String, !*env) readLine s h e # (s, eof, e) = readLineEof s h e = (if eof Nothing (Just s), e) where readLineEof :: !String !Bool !*env -> (!String, !Bool, !*env) readLineEof s h e = code { ccall cleanReadLine "SI:VSI:A" } setReadLineName :: !String !*env -> *env setReadLineName s e = code { ccall cleanSetReadLineName "S:V:A" } //Initializing History and State Management usingHistory :: !*env -> *env usingHistory e = code { ccall cleanUsingHistory ":V:A" } historyGetHistoryState :: !*env -> (!HistoryState, !*env) historyGetHistoryState e # (offset, num, flags, e) = getState e # (entries, e) = getItems num e = ({HistoryState | entries=entries, offset=offset, flags=flags}, e) where getState :: !*env -> (!Int, !Int, !Int, !*env) getState e= code { ccall cleanGetState ":VIII:A" } getItems :: !Int !*env -> (![HistoryItem], !*env) getItems 0 e = ([], e) getItems i e # (line, timestamp, e) = getItem (i-1) e # (rest, e) = getItems (i-1) e = ([{line=line,timestamp=timestamp}:rest], e) getItem :: !Int !*env -> (!String, !String, !*env) getItem i e = code { ccall cleanGetHistoryItem "I:VSS:A" } historySetHistoryState :: !HistoryState !*env -> *env historySetHistoryState {entries,offset,flags} e # e = initNewHistoryState offset flags (length entries) e # e = setItems entries 0 e = commit e where initNewHistoryState :: !Int !Int !Int !*env -> *env initNewHistoryState o f l e = code { ccall cleanInitNewHistoryState "III:V:A" } setItems :: ![HistoryItem] !Int !*env -> *env setItems [] _ e = e setItems [x:xs] i e # e = setItem i x.line x.timestamp e = setItems xs (i+1) e setItem :: !Int !String !String !*env -> *env setItem i l t e = code { ccall cleanSetNewHistoryEntry "ISS:V:A" } commit :: !*env -> *env commit e = code { ccall cleanCommitSetHistory ":V:A" } //History List Management addHistory :: !String !*env -> *env addHistory s e = code { ccall cleanAddHistory "S:V:A" } addHistoryTime :: !String !*env -> *env addHistoryTime s e = code { ccall cleanAddHistoryTime "S:V:A" } removeHistory :: !Int !*env -> (!HistoryItem, !*env) removeHistory i e # (line, timestamp, e) = removeHistoryItem i e = ({HistoryItem | line=line, timestamp=timestamp}, e) where removeHistoryItem :: !Int !*env -> (!String, !String, !*env) removeHistoryItem i e = code { ccall cleanRemoveHistory "I:VSS:A" } replaceHistoryEntry :: !Int !String !*env -> (!HistoryItem, !*env) replaceHistoryEntry i s e # (line, timestamp, e) = replaceItem i s e = ({HistoryItem | line=line, timestamp=timestamp}, e) where replaceItem :: !Int !String !*env -> (!String, !String, !*env) replaceItem i s e = code { ccall cleanReplaceHistoryEntry "IS:VSS:A" } clearHistory :: !*env -> *env clearHistory e = code { ccall cleanClearHistory ":V:A" } stifleHistory :: !Int !*env -> *env stifleHistory i e = code { ccall cleanStifleHistory "I:V:A" } unstifleHistory :: !*env -> *env unstifleHistory e = code { ccall cleanUnstifleHistory ":V:A" } historyIsStifled :: !*env -> (!Int, !*env) historyIsStifled e = code { ccall cleanHistoryIsStifled ":I:A" } //Information About the History List historyList :: !*env -> (![HistoryItem], !*env) historyList e # ({entries,offset,flags}, e) = historyGetHistoryState e = (entries, e) whereHistory :: !*env -> (!Int, !*env) whereHistory e # ({entries,offset,flags}, e) = historyGetHistoryState e = (offset, e) currentHistory :: !*env -> (!Maybe HistoryItem, !*env) currentHistory e # ({entries,offset,flags}, e) = historyGetHistoryState e = (if (isEmpty entries) Nothing (Just (entries!!offset)), e) historyGet :: !Int !*env -> (!Maybe HistoryItem, !*env) historyGet i e # ({entries,offset,flags}, e) = historyGetHistoryState e = (if (isEmpty entries) Nothing (Just (entries!!i)), e) historyGetTime :: HistoryItem -> String historyGetTime {line,timestamp} = timestamp historyTotalBytes :: !*env -> (!Int, !*env) historyTotalBytes e = code { ccall cleanHistoryTotalBytes ":I:A" } //Moving Around the History List //Searching the History List historySearch :: !String !Int !*env-> (!Int, !*env) historySearch s i e = code { ccall cleanHistorySearch "SI:I:A" } historySearchPrefix :: !String !Int !*env-> (!Int, !*env) historySearchPrefix s i e = code { ccall cleanHistorySearchPrefix "SI:I:A" } historySearchPos :: !String !Int !Int !*env-> (!Int, !*env) historySearchPos s i1 i2 e = code { ccall cleanHistorySearchPos "SI:I:A" } //Managing the History File readHistory :: !String !*env -> (!Bool, !*env) readHistory s e = code { ccall cleanReadHistory "S:I:A" } readHistoryRange :: !String !Int !Int !*env -> (!Bool, !*env) readHistoryRange s i1 i2 e = code { ccall cleanReadHistoryRange "SII:I:A" } writeHistory :: !String !*env -> (!Bool, !*env) writeHistory s e = code { ccall cleanWriteHistory "S:I:A" } appendHistory :: !Int !String !*env -> (!Bool, !*env) appendHistory i s e = code { ccall cleanWriteHistory "IS:I:A" } historyTruncateFile :: !String !Int !*env -> (!Bool, !*env) historyTruncateFile i s e = code { ccall cleanWriteHistory "SI:I:A" }