module skeleton12 from Text import class Text, instance Text String import Control.Applicative, Control.Monad import Data.Maybe, Data.Functor import StdInt, StdString, StdBool, StdList import qualified Text class arith x where lit :: a -> x a | toString a (+.) infixl 6 :: (x a) (x a) -> x a | + a (*.) infixl 7 :: (x a) (x a) -> x a | * a class store x where read :: (x Int) write :: (x Int) -> x Int class truth x where (XOR) infixr 3 :: (x Bool) (x Bool) -> x Bool -. :: (x Bool) -> x Bool class (=.=) infix 4 x :: (x a) (x a) -> x Bool | == a class except x where throw :: (x a) try :: (x a) (x a) -> x a class aexpr x | arith, store, except, =.= x class bexpr x | arith, truth, except, =.= x class expr x | aexpr, bexpr x instance * Bool where (*) b1 b2 = b1 && b2 instance + Bool where (+) b1 b2 = b1 || b2 //Section 1: Showing expressions :: Show a = Show ([String] -> [String]) instance arith Show where lit x = Show \s.[toString x:s] (+.) (Show x1) (Show x2) = Show \s.x1 ["+":x2 s] (*.) (Show x1) (Show x2) = Show \s.x1 ["*":x2 s] instance store Show where read = Show \s.["read":s] write (Show x) = Show \s.["write (":x [")":s]] instance truth Show where (XOR) (Show x1) (Show x2) = Show \s.x1 ["⊕":x2 s] -. (Show x) = Show \s.["¬":x s] instance =.= Show where (=.=) (Show x1) (Show x2) = Show \s.x1 ["=":x2 s] instance except Show where throw = Show \s.["throw":s] try (Show x1) (Show x2) = Show \s.["try (":x1 [") except (":x2 [")":s]]] show (Show f) = 'Text'.concat (f ["\n"]) //Section 2: Evaluation :: Step a = Step (State -> (Maybe a, State)) :: State :== Int instance Functor Step where fmap f (Step s) = Step \st.let (x, st`)=s st in (fmap f x, st`) instance Applicative Step where pure s = Step \st.(pure s, st) (<*>) x1 x2 = ap x1 x2 instance Monad Step where bind (Step s) f = Step \ s st of (Just x, st`) = let (Step s`) = f x in s` st` (_, st`) = (Nothing, st`) instance arith Step where lit x = pure x (+.) x1 x2 = (+) <$> x1 <*> x2 (*.) x1 x2 = (*) <$> x1 <*> x2 instance store Step where read = Step \st.(Just st, st) write (Step x) = Step \ x st of (Just v`, _) = (Just v`, v`) (_, st) = (Nothing, st) instance truth Step where (XOR) x1 x2 = (\x.(\y.x && not y || not x && y)) <$> x1 <*> x2 -. x1 = (not) <$> x1 instance =.= Step where (=.=) x1 x2 = (==) <$> x1 <*> x2 instance except Step where throw = Step \st.(Nothing, st) try (Step x1) (Step x2) = Step \ x1 st of (Just v`, st`) = (Just v`, st) (Nothing, st`) = x2 st` eval (Step f) = f 0 seven :: e Int | aexpr e seven = lit 3 +. lit 4 throw1 :: e Int | expr e throw1 = lit 3 +. throw six :: e Int | expr e six = write (lit 3) +. read try1 :: e Int | expr e try1 = try throw1 (lit 42) loge :: e Bool | expr e loge = lit True *. -. (lit True) comp :: e Bool | expr e comp = lit 1 =.= lit 2 XOR -. (-. (lit True)) Start = ( (eval seven, show seven), (eval throw1, show throw1), (eval six, show six), (eval try1, show try1), (eval loge, show loge), (eval comp, show comp)) /* ((Just 7),0),"3+4"), ((Nothing,0),"3+throw"), (((Just 6),3),"write (3)+read"), (((Just 42),0),"try (3+throw) except (42)"), (((Just False),0),"True*¬True"), (((Just True),0),"1=2⊕¬¬True") */