module tcpmodel import gast, TCPIP derive bimap [] derive gEq State derive gLess State derive genShow State derive ggen Input derive genShow Input derive gEq Output derive genShow Output /* connection settings */ hostIP = "" hostPort = 1203 /* states */ :: State = Listen | ReceivedSYN | Established | Waiting | Closed /* input (received from client) */ :: Input = InSYN | InACK | InRST | InFIN | InUserData instance toString Input where toString InSYN = "SYN" toString InACK = "ACK" toString InRST = "RST" toString InFIN = "FIN" toString InUserData = "DATA " /* output (sent to client) */ :: Output = OutSYN | OutACK | OutFIN toOutput :: String -> [Output] toOutput "SYN-ACK" = [OutSYN, OutACK] toOutput _ = [] /* state transitions */ stateTrans :: State Input -> [Trans Output State] stateTrans Listen InSYN = [Pt [OutSYN, OutACK] ReceivedSYN] stateTrans Listen _ = [Pt [] Listen] stateTrans ReceivedSYN InRST = [Pt [] Listen] stateTrans ReceivedSYN InACK = [Pt [] Established] stateTrans ReceivedSYN _ = [Pt [] ReceivedSYN] stateTrans Established InACK = [Pt [OutACK] Established] stateTrans Established InUserData = [Pt [OutACK] Waiting] stateTrans Established InFIN = [Pt [OutACK] Closed] stateTrans Established _ = [Pt [] Established] stateTrans Waiting InACK = [Pt [] Established] stateTrans Waiting _ = [Pt [] Waiting] /* sut state */ :: *SutState :== (StringSChannel, StringRChannel, *World) /* adapter for SUT communication */ adapter :: *SutState Input -> ([Output], *SutState) adapter (s, r, world) i # (s, world) = send (toString i) s world # (cmd, r, world) = receive r world = (toOutput cmd, (s, r, world)) /* reset SUT */ reset :: *SutState -> *SutState reset (s, r, world) # (s, world) = send "SUT-RESET" s world = (s, r, world) Start world /* open console */ # (console, world) = stdio world /* setup connection with adapter */ # (Just adr, world) = lookupIPAddress hostIP world # (to, mcon, world) = connectTCP_MT Nothing (adr, hostPort) world | to <> TR_Success # console = console <<< "ERROR: can't connect to SUT!\n" # (_, world) = fclose console world = world # (Just con) = mcon /* open files */ # (_, file, world) = fopen "testOut.txt" FWriteText world /* perform testing */ # st = (toStringSChannel con.sChannel, toStringRChannel con.rChannel, world) # ((_, _, world), console, file) = testConfSM [] stateTrans Listen adapter st reset console file /* close connection */ /* close files */ # (_, world) = fclose file world # (_, world) = fclose console world /* done */ = world