module a10 /* Advanced Progrmming 2018, Assignment 8 Pieter Koopman, */ import StdEnv import iTasks => qualified return, >>=, >>|, sequence, forever, :: Set import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.Func import Data.List import Data.Functor import Data.Either import Data.Maybe import Text => qualified join import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map :: BM a b = { t :: a -> b, f :: b -> a, t2 :: A.t: (t a) -> (t b), f2 :: A.t: (t b) -> (t a)} bm :: BM a a bm = {t = id, f = id, t2 = id, f2 = id} :: Expr a = E.e: New (BM a [e]) [e] & Eq, Ord, toString e | E.e: Lit (BM a e) e & toString e | E.e: Variable (BM a e) Ident & TC e | E.e: Size (BM a Int) (Expr [e]) & toString e | E.e: Plus (BM a e) (Expr e) (Expr e) & + e | E.e: Minus (BM a e) (Expr e) (Expr e) & - e | E.e: Times (BM a e) (Expr e) (Expr e) & * e | E.e: Union (BM a [e]) (Expr [e]) (Expr [e]) & Eq, Ord e | E.e: Difference (BM a [e]) (Expr [e]) (Expr [e]) & Eq, Ord e | E.e: Intersect (BM a [e]) (Expr [e]) (Expr [e]) & Eq, Ord e | E.e: Remove (BM a [e]) (Expr e) (Expr [e]) & Eq e | E.e: Insert (BM a [e]) (Expr e) (Expr [e]) & Eq e | E.e: Scale (BM a [e]) (Expr e) (Expr [e]) & * e | E.e: Assign (BM a e) Ident (Expr e) & TC e | Not (BM a Bool) (Expr Bool) | And (BM a Bool) (Expr Bool)(Expr Bool) | Or (BM a Bool) (Expr Bool)(Expr Bool) | E.e: ElemOf (BM a Bool) (Expr e) (Expr [e]) & Eq e | E.e: Equals (BM a Bool) (Expr e) (Expr e) & Eq e | E.e: LesEquals (BM a Bool) (Expr e) (Expr e) & Ord e | E.e: Expr (BM a ()) (Expr e) | E.e: For (BM a ()) String (Expr [e]) (Expr ()) & TC e | E.e: If (BM a ()) (Expr Bool) (Expr ()) (Expr ()) | Seq (BM a ()) (Expr ()) (Expr ()) // === Smart constructors new e = New bm e lit e = Lit bm e var e = Variable bm e size e = Size bm e (+.) infixl 6 (+.) a b = Plus bm a b (-.) infixl 6 (-.) a b = Minus bm a b (*.) infixl 6 (*.) a b = Times bm a b union a b = Union bm a b difference a b = Difference bm a b intersect a b = Intersect bm a b remove a b = Remove bm a b insert a b = Insert bm a b scale a b = Scale bm a b (=.) infixl 2 (=.) a b = Assign bm a b instance ~ (Expr Bool) where ~ a = Not bm a (&&.) infixr 2 (&&.) a b = And bm a b (||.) infixr 2 (||.) a b = Or bm a b (In) infix 4 (In) a b = ElemOf bm a b (==.) infix 4 (==.) a b = Equals bm a b (<=.) infix 4 (<=.) a b = LesEquals bm a b expr a = Expr bm a for a b c = For bm a b c iff a b c = If bm a b c (:.) infixl 1 (:.) a b = Seq bm a b :: Ident :== String // === State :: Val :== Either Int [Int] :: SemState :== 'Map'.Map String Dynamic :: Sem a :== StateT SemState (Either String) a store :: Ident a -> Sem a | TC a store k v = modify ('Map'.put k (dynamic v)) *> pure v read :: Ident -> Sem a | TC a read k = gets ('Map'.get k) >>= \v->case v of (Just (a :: a^)) = pure a (Just a) = fail ( "Type mismatch... expected: " +++ toString (undef :: a^) +++ " got: " +++ printType a ) Nothing = fail ("No variable with ident " +++ k) where printType :: Dynamic -> String printType a = toString (typeCodeOfDynamic a) fail :: String -> Sem a fail s = liftT (Left s) eval :: (Expr e) -> Sem e eval (New {f,f2} s) = f2 $ pure ('List'.nub s) eval (Lit {f2} i) = f2 $ pure i eval (Variable {f2} i) = f2 $ read i eval (Size {f2} s) = f2 $ length <$> eval s eval (Plus {f2} a b) = f2 $ (+) <$> eval a <*> eval b eval (Minus {f2} a b) = f2 $ (-) <$> eval a <*> eval b eval (Times {f2} a b) = f2 $ (*) <$> eval a <*> eval b eval (Union {f2} a b) = f2 $ 'List'.union <$> eval a <*> eval b eval (Difference {f2} a b) = f2 $ 'List'.difference <$> eval a <*> eval b eval (Intersect {f2} a b) = f2 $ 'List'.intersect <$> eval a <*> eval b eval (Remove {f2} a b) = f2 $ 'List'.delete <$> eval a <*> eval b eval (Insert {f2} a b) = f2 $ 'List'.union <$> (pure <$> eval a) <*> eval b eval (Scale {f2} a b) = f2 $ (map o (*)) <$> eval a <*> eval b eval (Assign {f2} v b) = f2 $ eval b >>= store v eval (Not {f2} b) = f2 $ not <$> eval b eval (And {f2} b1 b2) = f2 $ (&&) <$> eval b1 <*> eval b2 eval (Or {f2} b1 b2) = f2 $ (||) <$> eval b1 <*> eval b2 eval (ElemOf {f2} e s) = f2 $ 'List'.elem <$> eval e <*> eval s eval (Equals {f2} e1 e2) = f2 $ (==) <$> eval e1 <*> eval e2 eval (LesEquals {f2} e1 e2)= f2 $ (<=) <$> eval e2 <*> eval e2 eval (Expr {f2} e) = f2 $ eval e *> pure () eval (For {f2} i bag b) = f2 $ eval bag >>= foldr proc (pure ()) where //Needed to convince the compiler that there is a TC of e proc :: e (Sem ()) -> Sem () | TC e proc e m = store i e *> eval b *> m eval (If {f2} p t e) = f2 $ eval p >>= \v->eval if v t e eval (Seq {f2} l r) = f2 $ eval l *> eval r *> pure () print :: (Expr e) [String] -> [String] print (New _ s) c = ["[":'List'.intersperse "," $ map toString s] ++ ["]":c] print (Lit _ i) c = [toString i:c] print (Variable _ i) c = [i:c] print (Size _ s) c = ["size(":print s [")":c]] print (Plus _ a b) c = print a ["+":print b c] print (Minus _ a b) c = print a ["-":print b c] print (Times _ a b) c = print a ["*":print b c] print (Union _ a b) c = print a ["+":print b c] print (Difference _ a b) c = print a ["-":print b c] print (Intersect _ a b) c = print a ["*":print b c] print (Remove _ a b) c = print a ["-":print b c] print (Insert _ a b) c = print a ["+":print b c] print (Scale _ a b) c = print a ["*":print b c] print (Assign _ v b) c = [v,"=":print b c] print (Not _ b) c = ["not":print b c] print (And _ a b) c = print a ["&&":print b c] print (Or _ a b) c = print a ["||":print b c] print (ElemOf _ a b) c = print a ["in":print b c] print (Equals _ a b) c = print a ["==":print b c] print (LesEquals _ a b) c = print a ["<=":print b c] print (Expr _ e) c = print e c print (For _ i bag b) c = ["For",i,"in":print bag ["do":print b c]] print (If _ p t e) c = ["If":print p ["then":print t ["else":print e c]]] print (Seq _ l r) c = print l ["\n":print r c] Start :: (Either String (), String) Start = (evalStateT (eval stmt) 'Map'.newMap ,"\n" +++ 'Text'.join " " (print stmt []) ) where stmt = expr ("x" =. new [42]) :. expr (lit 42 +. var "x")