To install SoccerFun on a Windows machine: (1) You need a Clean 2.3 distribution. You can download this for free at: (2) Unpack the Clean 2.3 distribution. (3) In the Clean 2.3 distribution you find the CleanIDE.exe and a number of directories: Config, Examples, Help, Libraries, Temp, and Tools. Move the unpacked SoccerFun distribution to Examples. After this action the Examples folder of your Clean distribution should contain a SoccerFun folder with the following content: Examples\ ... SoccerFun\ doc\ quickstart_SoccerFun\ quickstart_SoccerFun.pdf Installing SoccerFun on Windows.txt // the document you're reading right now src\ afbeeldingen\ Game\ Gui\ sound\ StdLibExt\ StdReferee\ StdTeam\ SoccerFun.env // see step 5 below SoccerFun64.env // see step 5 below SoccerFun.icl SoccerFun.prj // see step 6 below (4) Run the CleanIDE. If it is the first time that you run it, it will ask you if it can integrate itself in the Windows system. Choose "Yes" if you want this, "No" if you want to defer. Note: choose "Never" only if you are very certain about this, because it means truely never. (5) In the CleanIDE choose the command "Environment:Import...". On a 32bit Windows machine, direct the file selector dialog to SoccerFun\src\SoccerFun.env and import the environment. On a 64bit Windows machine, direct the file selector dialog to SoccerFun\src\SoccerFun64.env and import the environment. This will set the default paths for the compiler. You need to do this only once for your Clean distribution. This step was successful if the CleanIDE has added "SoccerFun" to its list of environments (command "Environment"). (6) Now you can open (command "File:Open...") the project file at Examples\SoccerFun\src\SoccerFun.prj. (7) Make sure the Environment of the CleanIDE is set to "SoccerFun". Do this with the command "Environment:SoccerFun". (8) Bring the project up to date with "Project:Bring Up To Date". Now all modules are compiled and an executable is created. The executable can be launched with "Project:Run". Note that "Project:Update and Run" combines the latter commands. (9) If all went well, Soccer-Fun should have started. Have fun!