Acceleration 1000 Speed 250 Behaviour Wander take control: action: left motor forward right motor forward wait forever Behaviour StayInFieldBoth take control: (&& Light on left Light on right) action: left motor backward with speed 1000 acceleration 10000 right motor backward with speed 250 acceleration 10000 wait 1000 ms Behaviour StayInFieldL take control: Light on left action: right motor backward with speed 250 acceleration 10000 left motor forward with speed 250 acceleration 10000 wait 750 ms Behaviour StayInFieldR take control: Light on right action: right motor forward with speed 250 acceleration 10000 left motor backward with speed 250 acceleration 10000 wait 750 ms Behaviour StayInFieldB take control: Distance dangerous at back action: wait 750 ms Mission stayinfield using Wander StayInFieldL StayInFieldR StayInFieldB StayInFieldBoth and stops when Color is Cyan