Acceleration 1000 Speed 150 Behaviour Drive take control: action: left motor forward right motor forward wait forever Behaviour Wander take control: action: left motor forward right motor forward wait 2000 ms turn randomly 0 to 45 degrees left motor forward right motor forward wait 2000 ms Behaviour StayInFieldL take control: Light on left action: turn right exactly 60 degrees wait 500 ms Behaviour StayInFieldR take control: Light on right action: turn left exactly 60 degrees wait 500 ms Behaviour StayInFieldB take control: Distance dangerous at back action: left motor forward right motor forward wait 1000 ms Behaviour MeasureLake take control: (|| Color is Green Color is Blue Color is Red) action: measure Lake Behaviour LocateL take control: Touched on left action: right motor forward left motor backward wait 500 ms right motor forward left motor forward wait 1000 ms Behaviour LocateR take control: Touched on right action: left motor forward right motor backward wait 500 ms right motor forward left motor forward wait 1000 ms Behaviour Push take control: (&& Touched on left Touched on right) action: left motor forward right motor forward wait 1000 ms Behaviour BumpL take control: Touched on left action: left motor backward with speed 50 acceleration 1000 right motor backward wait 2000 ms Behaviour BumpR take control: Touched on right action: right motor backward with speed 50 acceleration 1000 left motor backward wait 2000 ms Behaviour AvoidHigh take control: Distance dangerous at front action: turn randomly 10 to 11 degrees //Mission pushRock // using Drive LocateR LocateL Push StayInFieldB StayInFieldL StayInFieldR and stops when Never Mission avoidHighRocks using Drive AvoidHigh BumpR BumpL StayInFieldB StayInFieldL StayInFieldR and stops when Never //Mission measureLake // using Drive MeasureLake and stops when Never //Mission findBlueLakeWhileAvoidingRocks // using Wander BumpR BumpL StayInFieldB StayInFieldL StayInFieldR and stops when Color is Blue //Mission findAllLakesAndMeasureThem // using Wander MeasureLake StayInFieldB StayInFieldL StayInFieldR and stops when Collected at least Green Blue Red //Mission justWander // using Wander Wander StayInFieldB StayInFieldL StayInFieldR and stops when Color is Cyan