Acceleration 1000 Speed 150 Behaviour Drive take control: action: left motor forward right motor forward wait forever Behaviour Wander take control: action: left motor forward right motor forward wait 2000 ms turn randomly 0 to 45 degrees left motor forward right motor forward wait 2000 ms Behaviour StayInFieldL take control: Light on left action: turn right exactly 60 degrees wait 500 ms Behaviour StayInFieldR take control: Light on right action: turn left exactly 60 degrees wait 500 ms Behaviour StayInFieldB take control: Distance dangerous at back action: left motor forward right motor forward wait 1000 ms Behaviour MeasureGreenLake take control: (&& Color is Green not flag set GreenMeasured) action: measure Lake set flag GreenMeasured Behaviour MeasureBlueLake take control: (&& Color is Blue not flag set BlueMeasured) action: measure Lake set flag BlueMeasured Behaviour MeasureRedLake take control: (&& Color is Red not flag set RedMeasured) action: measure Lake set flag RedMeasured Behaviour LocateL take control: Touched on left action: right motor forward left motor backward wait 500 ms right motor forward left motor forward wait 1000 ms Behaviour LocateR take control: Touched on right action: left motor forward right motor backward wait 500 ms right motor forward left motor forward wait 1000 ms Behaviour Push take control: (&& Touched on left Touched on right) action: left motor forward right motor forward wait 1000 ms Behaviour BumpL take control: Touched on left action: left motor backward with speed 50 acceleration 1000 right motor backward wait 2000 ms Behaviour BumpR take control: Touched on right action: right motor backward with speed 50 acceleration 1000 left motor backward wait 2000 ms Behaviour AvoidHigh take control: Distance dangerous at front action: turn randomly 10 to 11 degrees Behaviour MeasureRock take control: (&& Distance dangerous at front not flag set RockMeasured) action: measure Rock set flag RockMeasured Behaviour FindParkingL take control: Light on left action: turn left exactly 10 degrees with speed 20 acceleration 1000 Behaviour FindParkingR take control: Light on right action: turn right exactly 10 degrees with speed 20 acceleration 1000 Behaviour FindParkingSpace take control: (&& Light on right Light on left) action: right motor backward with speed 80 acceleration 1000 left motor backward with speed 80 acceleration 1000 wait 1000 ms turn right exactly 180 degrees set flag Parked //Mission pushRock // using Drive LocateR LocateL Push StayInFieldB StayInFieldL StayInFieldR and stops when Never //Mission avoidHighRocks // using Drive AvoidHigh BumpR BumpL StayInFieldB StayInFieldL StayInFieldR and stops when Never Mission MeasureRocks using Drive StayInFieldB StayInFieldL StayInFieldR MeasureRock and stops when flag set RockMeasured Mission FindParkingSpaceInTheCorner using Wander StayInFieldB FindParkingL FindParkingR FindParkingSpace and stops when flag set Parked //Mission measureLakes // using Drive MeasureRedLake MeasureGreenLake MeasureBlueLake and stops when (&& flag set GreenMeasured flag set BlueMeasured flag set RedMeasured) //Mission findBlueLakeWhileAvoidingRocks // using Wander BumpR BumpL StayInFieldB StayInFieldL StayInFieldR and stops when Color is Blue //Mission findAllLakesAndMeasureThem // using Wander MeasureLake StayInFieldB StayInFieldL StayInFieldR and stops when Collected at least Green Blue Red //Mission justWander // using Wander Wander StayInFieldB StayInFieldL StayInFieldR and stops when Color is Cyan