# Basic information set from="mart@martlubbers.net" set use_from="yes set envelope_from=yes set mbox_type=Maildir set folder=~/.mutt/mail set spoolfile=+/INBOX/ set record=+/Sent/ set postponed=+/Drafts/ set mask="!^\\.[^.]" source ~/.mutt/mailboxes # Receiving, sending and searching set sendmail="msmtp -C /home/mart/.mutt/msmtprc" macro index,pager $ "offlineimap -c ~/.mutt/offlineimaprc &" "Force refresh" macro attach B "firefox \"data:text/html;base64,$(base64 -w 0 <&0)\"" source /etc/Muttrc.d/notmuch-mutt.rc # Key bindings bind index gg first-entry bind index G last-entry bind pager k previous-line bind pager j next-line bind pager gg top bind pager G bottom bind pager R group-reply # Misc options set timeout=2 set mail_check=0 set include=yes set delete=yes set confirmappend=no set fast_reply=yes # Display options unset wait_key unset markers set sort_browser=alpha set sort=threads set sort_aux=date set editor=vim set duplicate_threads=yes ignore headers * unignore headers from to subject date cc set mailcap_path=~/.mutt/mailcap set mailcap_sanitize=yes auto_view text/html # Pager options set pager_index_lines=20 set pager_context=3 set pager_stop set menu_scroll set tilde set quote_regexp="^( {0,4}[>|:#%]| {0,4}[a-z0-9]+[>|]+)+" # Aliases set query_command= "khard mutt --search '%s'" bind editor complete-query bind editor ^T complete macro index,pager A \ "khard add-email" \ "add the sender email address to khard" # Colors color normal white default color attachment brightyellow default color hdrdefault cyan default color indicator default cyan color markers brightred default color quoted green default color signature cyan default color status brightgreen blue color tilde blue default color tree red default color body brightred default [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+ color body brightblue default (https?|ftp)://[\-\.\,/%~_:?\#a-zA-Z0-9]+ color quoted1 brightyellow default color quoted2 red default color hdrdefault cyan default color signature cyan default color index green default ~p color index brightyellow default ~N color index blue default ~T color index red default ~D color index brightblue default ~F # Crypto source /etc/Muttrc.d/gpg.rc set crypt_autosign set crypt_replysign set crypt_replysignencrypted=yes set crypt_verify_sig=yes message-hook '!(~g|~G) ~b"^-----BEGIN\ PGP\ (SIGNED\ )?MESSAGE"' "exec check-traditional-pgp"