implementation module gen import StdMisc import StdList import StdOverloaded import StdString from StdFunc import id, const import StdTuple import StdEnum import Data.Func import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List import Data.Either import Data.Tuple import Data.Functor import Data.Monoid import Data.Maybe import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String import AST import RWST TRUE :== -1 FALSE :== 0 :: Instr = Instr String [Arg] String | Lab Label :: Label :== String :: Arg = L Label | Lit Int | Raw String :: SSMProgram :== [Instr] :: GenError = Error String :: Addressbook :== 'Map'.Map String Address :: Address = LAB String Int Int | ADDR Int :: Gen a :== RWST () SSMProgram (Addressbook, [Label]) (Either GenError) a labelStream :: [Label] labelStream = ["lbl_" +++ toString i\\i<-[1..]] defaultAddressBook :: [FunDecl] -> Addressbook defaultAddressBook fd = extend "1printint" (LAB "1printint" 1 0) $ extend "1printchar" (LAB "1printchar" 1 1) $ extend "read" (LAB "read" 0 2) $ extend "1readint" (LAB "1readint" 0 3) $ extend "isEmpty" (LAB "isempty" 1 4) $ addFuncs fd 5 where addFuncs [] _ = 'Map'.newMap addFuncs [(FunDecl _ k args _ _ _):xs] n = extend k (LAB k (length args) n) $ addFuncs xs (n+1) gen :: AST -> Either String String gen (AST fds) = case evalRWST prog () (defaultAddressBook fds, labelStream) of Left (Error e) = Left e Right (_, p) = Right $ toString p where prog = tell [ Instr "bsr" [L "main"] "", Instr "halt" [] "" ] >>| tell (programContext fds) >>| mapM_ g fds programContext :: [FunDecl] -> SSMProgram programContext x = [Lab "1func" :fS ["1printint" ,"1printchar" ,"read" ,"1readint" ,"isEmpty":map (\(FunDecl _ k _ _ _ _)->k) x] 0] ++ context where fS :: [String] Int -> SSMProgram fS [] _ = [] fS [k:xs] n = [ Instr "lds" [Lit 0] "" ,Instr "ldc" [Lit n] $ "branch to: " +++ k ,Instr "eq" [] "" ,Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] "" ,Instr "bsr" [L k] "" :fS xs $ n+1] context :: SSMProgram context = [Lab "1printint" ,Instr "link" [Lit 0] "" ,Instr "ldl" [Lit -2] "load first argument" ,Instr "trap" [Lit 0] "print int" ,Instr "unlink" [] "" ,Instr "ret" [] "" ,Lab "1printchar" ,Instr "link" [Lit 0] "" ,Instr "ldl" [Lit -2] "load first argument" ,Instr "trap" [Lit 1] "print char" ,Instr "unlink" [] "" ,Instr "ret" [] "" ,Lab "read" ,Instr "link" [Lit 0] "" ,Instr "trap" [Lit 11] "read char" ,Instr "str" [Raw "RR"] "" ,Instr "unlink" [] "" ,Instr "ret" [] "" ,Lab "isempty" ,Instr "link" [Lit 0] "" ,Instr "ldl" [Lit -2] "load prt to list" ,Instr "lda" [Lit 0] "derefrence ptr" ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] "" ,Instr "eq" [] "test for null pointer" ,Instr "str" [Raw "RR"] "" ,Instr "unlink" [] "" ,Instr "ret" [] "" ,Lab "read" ] //helper functions for the gen monad getAdressbook :: Gen Addressbook getAdressbook = gets fst updateAdressbook :: (Addressbook -> Addressbook) -> Gen Addressbook updateAdressbook f = modify (appFst f) >>| getAdressbook extend :: String Address Addressbook -> Addressbook extend k pl g = 'Map'.put k pl g fresh :: Gen Label fresh = gets snd >>= \vars-> modify (appSnd $ const $ tail vars) >>| pure (head vars) class g a :: a -> Gen () instance g Op1 where g UnNegation = tell [Instr "not" [] ""] g UnMinus = tell [Instr "neg" [] ""] instance g Op2 where g o = tell [Instr s [] ""] where s = case o of BiPlus = "add" BiMinus = "sub" BiTimes = "mul" BiDivide = "div" BiMod = "mod" BiEquals = "eq" BiLesser = "lt" BiGreater = "gt" BiLesserEq = "le" BiGreaterEq = "ge" BiUnEqual = "ne" BiAnd = "and" BiOr = "or" BiCons = abort "Shit, Cons, how to deal with this?" instance g FieldSelector where g FieldFst = tell [Instr "lda" [Lit -1] "fst"] g FieldSnd = tell [Instr "lda" [Lit 0] "snd"] g FieldHd = tell [Instr "lda" [Lit -1] "hd"] g FieldTl = tell [Instr "lda" [Lit 0] "tl"] instance g Expr where g (IntExpr _ i) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit i] ""] g (CharExpr _ c) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit (toInt c)] ""] g (BoolExpr _ b) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit (if b TRUE FALSE)] ""] g (EmptyListExpr _) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] ""] >>| tell [Instr "sth" [] ""] g (Op1Expr _ o e) = g e >>| g o g (Op2Expr _ e1 BiCons e2) = g e2 >>| g e1 >>| tell [Instr "sth" [] ""] >>| tell [Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""] >>| tell [Instr "sth" [] ""] g (Op2Expr _ e1 op e2) = g e1 >>| g e2 >>| g op g (TupleExpr _ (e1,e2)) = g e1 >>| g e2 >>| tell [Instr "stmh" [Lit 2] ""] g (VarExpr _ (VarDef k fs)) = getAdressbook >>= \ab->case 'Map'.get k ab of Just (ADDR t) = tell [Instr "ldl" [Lit t] ""] >>| mapM_ g fs >>| pure () Just (LAB l _ fn) = tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit fn] "" ,Instr "sth" [] "" ,Instr "ldc" [Lit 0] "" ,Instr "sth" [] ""] g (FunExpr _ k es fs) = getAdressbook >>= \ab->case 'Map'.get k ab of Just (LAB l arity fn) = if (arity <> (length es)) ( tell [Instr "ldc" [Lit fn] "" ,Instr "sth" [] "" ,Instr "ldc" [Lit $ length es] "" ,Instr "sth" [] "" ,Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""] >>| mapM_ g es >>| if (isEmpty es) (pure ()) (tell [Instr "stmh" [Lit $ length es] "" ,Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""])) ( mapM_ g es >>| jump "bsr" k >>| mapM_ (const $ tell [Instr "ajs" [Lit -1] ""]) es //clean up args >>| tell [Instr "ldr" [Raw "RR"] ""]) Nothing = liftT (Left $ Error "Undefined function!!!") Just (ADDR t) = liftT (Left $ Error "FunExpr to addr") jump :: String String -> Gen () jump instr k = getAdressbook >>= \ab->case 'Map'.get k ab of Nothing = liftT (Left $ Error $ concat ["PANIC: ", k, " not found as function"]) Just (LAB t _ _) = tell [Instr instr [L t] (k +++"()")] Just (ADDR t) = liftT (Left $ Error "Address as jump???") instance g Stmt where g (IfStmt cond th el) = fresh >>= \elseLabel-> fresh >>= \endLabel-> g cond >>| tell [Instr "brf" [L elseLabel] "branch else"] >>| mapM_ g th >>| tell [Instr "bra" [L endLabel] "branch end if"] >>| tell [Lab elseLabel] >>| mapM_ g el >>| tell [Lab endLabel] g (WhileStmt cond th) = fresh >>= \startLabel-> fresh >>= \endLabel -> tell [Lab startLabel] >>| g cond >>| tell [Instr "brf" [L endLabel] "branch end while"] >>| mapM_ g th >>| tell [Instr "bra" [L startLabel] "branch start while"] >>| tell [Lab endLabel] g (AssStmt (VarDef k fs) e) = g e >>| getAdressbook >>= \ab->case 'Map'.get k ab of Nothing = liftT (Left $ Error $ concat ["PANIC: ", k, " not found as var"]) Just (LAB t _ _) = liftT (Left $ Error $ "PANIC: cannot assign to function") Just (ADDR t) = tell [Instr "stl" [Lit t] ""] g (FunStmt k es fs) = mapM_ g es >>| jump "bsr" k >>| tell [Instr "ajs" [Lit (~(length es))] ""] //clean up args >>| mapM_ g fs >>| pure () g (ReturnStmt Nothing) = tell [Instr "unlink" [] ""] >>| tell [Instr "ret" [] ""] g (ReturnStmt (Just e)) = g e >>| tell [Instr "str" [Raw "RR"] ""] >>| g (ReturnStmt Nothing) foldVarDecl :: Int VarDecl -> Gen Int foldVarDecl x (VarDecl _ mt k e) = g e >>| annote x k >>| updateAdressbook (extend k (ADDR x)) >>| pure (x + 1) addVars :: [String] -> (Addressbook -> Addressbook) addVars [] = id addVars [x:xs] = \ab->extend x (ADDR (-2 - (length xs))) (addVars xs ab) instance g FunDecl where g (FunDecl _ k args _ vds stms) = //varDecls can call the enclosing function, so first reserve a label for it getAdressbook >>= \oldMap -> updateAdressbook (addVars args) >>| tell [Lab k] >>| tell [Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""] >>| //add the vars foldM foldVarDecl 1 vds >>| //and the statements mapM_ g stms >>| //Ugly hack to always return g (ReturnStmt Nothing) >>| updateAdressbook (const oldMap) >>| pure () annote :: Int String -> Gen () annote pos key = tell [Instr "annote" [Raw "MP", Lit pos, Lit pos, Raw "green", Raw key] ""] class print a :: a -> [String] instance print Instr where print (Lab l) = [l, ":", "\n"] print (Instr i args com) = ["\t", i] ++ print args ++ [" ;", com, "\n"] instance print [Arg] where print args = (map toString args) instance toString Arg where toString (L l) = l toString (Lit int) = toString int toString (Raw s) = s instance toString SSMProgram where toString p = concat $ intersperse " " $ map (\i-> concat $ intersperse " " $ print i) p