definition module mTask /* Pieter Koopman Final version for TFP2016 -2: assignment =. suited for digital and analog input and output -3: ad hoc tasks todo: move task-loop ti setup() adhoc tasks task combinators imporove setp: >>*. */ //import iTasks import iTasks._Framework.Generic from iTasks._Framework.Task import :: Task import StdClass from iTasks.API.Core.Types import :: Display import gdynamic, gCons, GenEq, StdMisc, StdArray import mTaskCode, mTaskSimulation, mTaskInterpret import mTaskSerial, mTaskLCD // =================== mTask =================== // ----- dsl definition ----- // :: DigitalPin = D0 | D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D5 |D6 | D7 | D8 | D9 | D10 | D11 | D12 | D13 :: AnalogPin = A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 :: PinMode = INPUT | OUTPUT | INPUT_PULLUP :: Pin = Digital DigitalPin | Analog AnalogPin class pin p | type, == p where pin :: p -> Pin instance pin DigitalPin instance pin AnalogPin :: Upd = Upd :: Expr = Expr :: Stmt = Stmt :: MTask = MTask Int // String class isExpr a :: a -> Int instance isExpr Upd instance isExpr Expr class isStmt a :: a -> Int instance isStmt Upd instance isStmt Expr instance isStmt Stmt instance == MTask :: Main a = {main :: a} unMain :: (Main x) -> x class arith v where lit :: t -> v t Expr | toCode t & toByteCode t (+.) infixl 6 :: (v t p) (v t q) -> v t Expr | type, +, zero t & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q (-.) infixl 6 :: (v t p) (v t q) -> v t Expr | type, -, zero t & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q (*.) infixl 7 :: (v t p) (v t q) -> v t Expr | type, *, zero, one t & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q (/.) infixl 7 :: (v t p) (v t q) -> v t Expr | type, / t & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q class boolExpr v where (&.) infixr 3 :: (v Bool p) (v Bool q) -> v Bool Expr | isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q (|.) infixr 2 :: (v Bool p) (v Bool q) -> v Bool Expr | isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q Not :: (v Bool p) -> v Bool Expr | isExpr p //& toExpr2 p (==.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | ==, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q (!=.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | ==, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q (<.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | <, Ord, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q (>.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | <, Ord, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q (<=.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | <, Ord, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q (>=.) infix 4 :: (v a p) (v a q) -> v Bool Expr | <, Ord, toCode a & isExpr p & isExpr q //& toExpr2 p & toExpr2 q // using functional dependencies class If v q r ~s where If :: (v Bool p) (v t q) (v t r) -> v t s | isExpr p & type t class IF v where IF :: (v Bool p) (v t q) (v s r) -> v () Stmt | isExpr p (?) infix 1 :: (v Bool p) (v t q) -> v () Stmt | isExpr p class var2 v where var2 :: t ((v t Upd)->(Main (v c s))) -> (Main (v c s)) | type, toCode t con2 :: t ((v t Expr) ->(Main (v c s))) -> (Main (v c s)) | type t class sds v where sds :: ((v t Upd)->In t (Main (v c s))) -> (Main (v c s)) | type, toByteCode, toCode t con :: ((v t Expr) ->In t (Main (v c s))) -> (Main (v c s)) | type t class seq v where (>>=.) infixr 0 :: (v t p) ((v t Expr) -> (v u q)) -> (v u Stmt) | type t & type u (:.) infixr 0 :: (v t p) (v u q) -> v u Stmt | type t & type u class step` v where (>>*.) infixl 1 :: (v t p) ((v t Expr) -> [Step v u]) -> v u Stmt | type t & type u :: Step v t = E.p.q: Cond (v Bool q) (v t p) | E.p: Ever (v t p) class assign v where (=.) infixr 2 :: (v t Upd) (v t p) -> v t Expr | type t & isExpr p class fun v t where fun :: ((t->v s Expr)->In (t->v s p) (Main (v u q))) -> Main (v u q) | type s class mtask v a where task :: (((v delay r) a->v MTask Expr)->In (a->v u p) (Main (v t q))) -> Main (v t q) | type t & type u & isExpr r & long v delay class lag v where lag :: (v delay r) (v t p) -> v MTask Expr | type t & long v delay class setDelay v where setDelay :: (v Long p) (v MTask Expr) -> (v MTask Expr) | isExpr p class mtasks v a b where tasks :: (((v delay r1) a->v MTask Expr, (v delay r2) b->v MTask Expr)->In (a->v t p, b->v u p) (Main (v s q))) -> Main (v s q) | type s & isExpr r1 & isExpr r2 & long v delay class output v where output :: (v t p) -> v () Expr | type t & isExpr p class noOp v where noOp :: v t p class pinMode v where pinmode :: p PinMode -> v () Expr | pin p class digitalIO v where digitalRead :: p -> v Bool Expr | pin, readPinD p digitalWrite :: p (v Bool q) -> v Bool Expr | pin, writePinD p class analogIO v where analogRead :: AnalogPin -> v Int Expr analogWrite :: AnalogPin (v Int p) -> v Int Expr class dIO v where dIO :: p -> v Bool Upd | pin, readPinD p class aIO v where aIO :: AnalogPin -> v Int Upd class time v where delay :: (v Long p) -> (v Long Expr) millis :: (v Long Expr) class pio p t where pio :: p -> v t Upd | aIO v & dIO v instance pio AnalogPin Int instance pio AnalogPin Bool instance pio DigitalPin Bool int :: (v Int p) -> (v Int p) bool :: (v Bool p) -> (v Bool p) char :: (v Char p) -> (v Char p) class type t | showType, dyn, toCode, ==, type2string, varName t class type2string t :: t -> String instance type2string Int instance type2string Long instance type2string Real instance type2string Bool instance type2string Char instance type2string MTask instance type2string DigitalPin instance type2string AnalogPin instance type2string String instance type2string () class varName a :: a -> String instance varName Int instance varName Long instance varName Bool instance varName Char instance varName Real instance varName x class dsl t | arith, boolExpr, sds, assign, seq t :: SV t = SV String class showType2 t :: SV t instance showType2 () instance showType2 Int instance showType2 Char instance showType2 Bool instance showType2 a class showType t | showType2 /*, type*/ t :: (Code t p) instance showType () instance showType Int instance showType Long instance showType Char instance showType Bool instance showType a class typeSelector t | showType2, type t :: (Code t p) instance typeSelector Int instance typeSelector Char instance typeSelector Bool instance typeSelector a :: In a b = In infix 0 a b read` :: Int (ReadWrite a) State` -> (a,State`) | dyn a // ----- long ----- // :: Long = L Int // 32 bit on Arduino instance + Long instance - Long instance * Long instance / Long instance == Long instance one Long instance zero Long class long v t :: (v t p) -> v Long Expr | isExpr p instance long Code Int instance long Code Long instance long Eval Int instance long Eval Long // ----- tools ----- // derive consName DigitalPin, AnalogPin, PinMode instance == DigitalPin instance == AnalogPin derive consIndex DigitalPin, AnalogPin tab =: toString (repeatn tabSize ' ') tabSize :== 2 instance toString () a0 :== pio A0 a1 :== pio A1 a2 :== pio A2 a3 :== pio A3 a4 :== pio A4 a5 :== pio A5 d0 :== pio D0 d1 :== pio D1 d2 :== pio D2 d3 :== pio D3 d4 :== pio D4 d5 :== pio D5 d6 :== pio D6 d7 :== pio D7 d8 :== pio D8 d9 :== pio D9 d10 :== pio D10 d11 :== pio D11 d12 :== pio D12 d13 :== pio D13