implementation module mTask /* Pieter Koopman Final version for TFP2016 -2: assignment =. suited for digital and analog input and output -3: ad hoc tasks todo: move task-loop ti setup() adhoc tasks task combinators imporove setp: >>*. */ import iTasks import gdynamic, gCons, GenEq, StdMisc, StdArray import mTaskCode import mTaskSerial, mTaskLCD instance pin DigitalPin where pin p = Digital p instance pin AnalogPin where pin p = Analog p instance isExpr Upd where isExpr _ = 0 instance isExpr Expr where isExpr _ = 1 instance isStmt Upd where isStmt _ = 10 instance isStmt Expr where isStmt _ = 11 instance isStmt Stmt where isStmt _ = 12 instance == MTask where (==) (MTask x) (MTask y) = x == y unMain :: (Main x) -> x unMain m = m.main //{main=x} = x instance pio AnalogPin Int where pio p = aIO p instance pio AnalogPin Bool where pio p = dIO p instance pio DigitalPin Bool where pio p = dIO p int :: (v Int p) -> (v Int p) int x = x bool :: (v Bool p) -> (v Bool p) bool x = x char :: (v Char p) -> (v Char p) char x = x instance type2string Int where type2string _ = "int" instance type2string Long where type2string _ = "long" instance type2string Real where type2string _ = "float" instance type2string Bool where type2string _ = "bool" //"boolean" instance type2string Char where type2string _ = "char" instance type2string MTask where type2string _ = "task" instance type2string DigitalPin where type2string _ = "int" instance type2string AnalogPin where type2string _ = "int" instance type2string String where type2string _ = "Char []" instance type2string () where type2string _ = "" instance varName Int where varName _ = "vInt" instance varName Long where varName _ = "vLong" instance varName Bool where varName _ = "vBool" instance varName Char where varName _ = "vChar" instance varName Real where varName _ = "vFloat" instance varName x where varName _ = "" instance showType2 () where showType2 = SV "void " instance showType2 Int where showType2 = SV "int " instance showType2 Char where showType2 = SV "char " instance showType2 Bool where showType2 = SV "bool " instance showType2 a where showType2 = SV "word /* default */" instance showType () where showType = c "void " instance showType Int where showType = c "int " instance showType Long where showType = c "long " instance showType Char where showType = c "char " instance showType Bool where showType = c "bool " instance showType a where showType = c "word /* default */ " instance typeSelector Int where typeSelector = c ".i" instance typeSelector Char where typeSelector = c ".c" instance typeSelector Bool where typeSelector = c ".b" instance typeSelector a where typeSelector = c ".w" read` :: Int (ReadWrite a) State -> (a,State) | dyn a read` n Rd s = (fromJust (fromDyn ( !! n)), s) read` n (Wrt a) s = (a,{s&store=updateAt n (toDyn a)}) read` n (Updt f) s=:{store} # obj = f (fromJust (fromDyn (store !! n))) = (obj, {s & store = updateAt n (toDyn obj) store}) // ----- long ----- // :: Long = L Int // 32 bit on Arduino instance + Long where (+) (L x) (L y) = L (x + y) instance - Long where (-) (L x) (L y) = L (x + y) instance * Long where (*) (L x) (L y) = L (x + y) instance / Long where (/) (L x) (L y) = L (x + y) instance == Long where (==) (L x) (L y) = x == y instance one Long where one = L one instance zero Long where zero = L zero now = lit (L 0) class long v t :: (v t p) -> v Long Expr | isExpr p instance long Code Int where long x = embed (c "long" +.+ brac x) instance long Code Long where long x = embed (c "long" +.+ brac x) instance long Eval Int where long x = x >>== rtrn o L instance long Eval Long where long (E x) = E x // ----- tools ----- // instance == DigitalPin where (==) x y = x === y instance == AnalogPin where (==) x y = x === y derive consName DigitalPin, AnalogPin, PinMode derive consIndex DigitalPin, AnalogPin tab =: toString (repeatn tabSize ' ') tabSize :== 2 instance toString () where toString _ = "()"