implementation module mTaskSimulation import iTasks import gdynamic, gCons, GenEq, StdMisc, StdArray import mTask //derive class iTask Display eval :: (Main (Eval t p)) -> [String] | toString t eval {main=(E f)} = [toString (fst (f Rd zero))] :: State` = { tasks :: [(Int, State`->State`)] , store :: [Dyn] , dpins :: [(DigitalPin, Bool)] , apins :: [(AnalogPin, Int)] , serial:: [String] , millis:: Int } instance zero State` where zero = {store = [], tasks = [], serial = [], millis = 0, dpins = [] , apins = []} //:: TaskSim :== (Int, State`->State`) :: Eval t p = E ((ReadWrite t) State` -> (t, State`)) toS2S :: (Eval t p) -> (State`->State`) toS2S (E f) = \state.snd (f Rd state) unEval :: (Eval t p) -> ((ReadWrite t) State` -> (t, State`)) unEval (E f) = f :: ReadWrite t = Rd | Wrt t | Updt (t->t) (>>==) infixl 1 :: (Eval a p) (a -> Eval b q) -> Eval b r //(>>== ) (E f) g = E \r s. let (a, s2) = f Rd s; (E h) = g a in h Rd s2 (>>==) (E f) g = E\r s.let (a,t) = f Rd s in unEval (g a) Rd t rtrn :: t -> Eval t p rtrn a = E \r s -> (a, s) yield :: t (Eval s p) -> Eval t Expr //yield a (E f) = E (\r s.(\(_,t).(a,t)) (f r s)) yield a (E f) = E \r s.(a,snd (f Rd s)) instance arith Eval where lit a = rtrn a (+.) x y = x >>== \a. y >>== \b. rtrn (a + b) (-.) x y = x >>== \a. y >>== \b. rtrn (a - b) (*.) x y = x >>== \a. y >>== \b. rtrn (a * b) (/.) x y = x >>== \a. y >>== \b. rtrn (a / b) instance boolExpr Eval where (&.) x y = x >>== \a. if a y (rtrn False) // lazy AND (|.) x y = x >>== \a. if a (rtrn True) (y >>== rtrn) Not x = x >>== \a. rtrn (not a) (==.) x y = x >>== \a. y >>== \b. rtrn (a == b) (!=.) x y = x >>== \a. y >>== \b. rtrn (a <> b) (<.) x y = x >>== \a. y >>== \b. rtrn (a < b) (>.) x y = x >>== \a. y >>== \b. rtrn (a > b) (<=.) x y = x >>== \a. y >>== \b. rtrn (a <= b) (>=.) x y = x >>== \a. y >>== \b. rtrn (a >= b) instance If Eval p q Expr where If c t e = c >>== \b.if b (toExpr t) (toExpr e) instance IF Eval where IF c t e = c >>== \b.if b (yield () t) (yield () e) (?) c t = c >>== \b.if b (yield () t) (rtrn ()) instance var2 Eval where var2 v f = defEval2 v f con2 v f = defEval2 v f defEval2 :: t ((Eval t p)->Main (Eval u q)) -> (Main (Eval u q)) | dyn t defEval2 v f = {main = E (\r s.(length , {s & store = ++ [toDyn v]})) >>== \n.unMain (f (E (read` n)))} instance sds Eval where sds f = defEval f con f = defEval f // pub _ = undef defEval :: ((Eval t p)->In t (Main (Eval u q))) -> (Main (Eval u q)) | dyn t defEval f = {main = E \r s.let (v In g) = f (E (read` (length in unEval (unMain g) r {s & store = ++ [toDyn v]}} instance fun Eval x | arg x where fun f = e where (g In e) = f (\a.toExpr (g a)) instance mtask Eval x | arg x where task f = e where (t In e) = f (\d a.long d >>== \(L i).E\r s.(MTask (length s.tasks),{s&tasks=[(i,toS2S (t a)):s.tasks]})) instance mtasks Eval x y | arg x & arg y where tasks f = e where ((t,u) In e) = f ((\d a.long d >>== \(L i).E\r s.(MTask (length s.tasks),{s&tasks=[(i,toS2S (t a)):s.tasks]})) ,(\d b.long d >>== \(L j).E\r s.(MTask (length s.tasks),{s&tasks=[(j,toS2S (u b)):s.tasks]})) ) instance setDelay Eval where setDelay d t = d >>== \(L x). t >>== \(MTask n).E \r s.(MTask n,{s & tasks = updateAt n (x,snd (s.tasks !! n)) s.tasks}) class toExpr v where toExpr :: (v t p) -> v t Expr instance toExpr Eval where toExpr (E f) = E f instance toExpr Code where toExpr (C f) = C f instance seq Eval where (>>=.) x f = x >>== f o rtrn (:.) x y = x >>== \_. y instance assign Eval where (=.) (E v) e = e >>== \a. E \r s.v (Wrt a) s instance output Eval where output x = x >>== \a.E \r s.((),{s & serial = s.serial ++ [toCode a]}) instance pinMode Eval where pinmode p m = rtrn () instance digitalIO Eval where digitalRead p = E \rw s=:{dpins, apins}.(readPinD p dpins apins, s) digitalWrite p b = b >>== \a. E \rw s.(a, writePinD p a s) instance analogIO Eval where analogRead p = E \rw s=:{apins}. (readPinA p apins, s) analogWrite p b = b >>== \a. E \rw s.(a, writePinA p a s) instance noOp Eval where noOp = E \r s.(undef,s) class arg x :: x -> Int instance arg () where arg _ = 0 instance arg (Eval t p) | type t where arg _ = 1 instance arg (Eval t p, Eval u q) | type t & type u where arg _ = 2 instance arg (Eval t p, Eval u q, Eval v r) | type t & type u & type v where arg _ = 3 instance arg (Eval t p, Eval u q, Eval v r, Eval w s) | type t & type u & type v where arg _ = 4 instance + String where (+) x y = x +++ y readPinA :: AnalogPin [(AnalogPin, Int)] -> Int readPinA p lista = case [b \\ (q, b) <- lista | p == q] of [] = 0 [a:x] = a writePinA :: AnalogPin Int State` -> State` writePinA p x s = {s & apins = [(p, x):[(q, y) \\ (q, y) <- s.apins | p <> q]]} class readPinD p :: p [(DigitalPin,Bool)] [(AnalogPin,Int)] -> Bool instance readPinD DigitalPin where readPinD p listd lista = case [b \\ (q,b) <- listd | p == q] of [] = False [a:x] = a instance readPinD AnalogPin where readPinD p listd lista = case [b \\ (q,b) <- lista | p == q] of [] = False [a:x] = a <> 0 class writePinD p :: p Bool State` -> State` instance writePinD DigitalPin where writePinD p b s=:{dpins} = {s & dpins = [(p, b):[(q, c) \\ (q, c) <- dpins | p <> q]]} instance writePinD AnalogPin where writePinD p b s=:{apins} = {s & apins = [(p, if b 1 0):[(q, c) \\ (q, c) <- apins | p <> q]]} // ----- Interactive Simulation ----- // derive class iTask DigitalPin, AnalogPin, Dyn, StateInterface, DisplayVar, Pin simulate :: (Main (Eval a p)) -> Task () simulate {main=(E f)} = setup zero where setup s = updateInformation "State" [] (toView s) @! () // >>* [ OnAction ActionFinish (always shutDown) // , OnAction (Action "setup" []) (hasValue // (\si.simloop (snd (f Rd (mergeView s si))))) // ] simloop s = updateInformation "State" [] (toView s) @!() // >>* [ OnAction ActionFinish (always shutDown) // , OnAction (Action "clear serial" []) (always (simloop {s & serial = []})) // , OnAction ActionNew (always (setup zero)) // : if (isEmpty s.tasks) // [] // [OnAction (Action "loop" []) (hasValue // \si.simloop (step` (mergeView s si))) // ] // ] toView :: State` -> StateInterface toView s = { serialOut = Display s.serial , analogPins = s.apins , digitalPins = s.dpins , var2iables = map toDisplayVar , timer = s.millis , taskCount = Display (length s.tasks) } mergeView :: State` StateInterface -> State` mergeView s si = { s & store = [fromDisplayVar new old \\ new <- si.var2iables & old <-] , dpins = si.digitalPins , apins = si.analogPins // , serial = si.serialOut , millis = si.timer } :: StateInterface = { serialOut :: Display [String] , analogPins :: [(AnalogPin, Int)] , digitalPins :: [(DigitalPin, Bool)] , var2iables :: [DisplayVar] , timer :: Int , taskCount :: Display Int } toDisplayVar :: Dyn -> DisplayVar toDisplayVar (Dyn [v]) # i = toInt v | toString i == v = INT i = Variable v toDisplayVar (Dyn ["L",v]) = LONG (toInt v) toDisplayVar (Dyn ["Servo",pinKind,pin,pos]) = Servo (fromJust (fromDyn (Dyn [pinKind,pin]))) (toInt pos) toDisplayVar (Dyn ["LCD",_,_,_,_,_,l1,_,l2,_]) = LCD16x2 l1 l2 toDisplayVar (Dyn l) = DisplayVar l fromDisplayVar :: DisplayVar Dyn -> Dyn fromDisplayVar (Variable v) dyn = Dyn [v] fromDisplayVar (INT v) dyn = Dyn [toString v] fromDisplayVar (LONG v) dyn = Dyn ["L",toString v] fromDisplayVar (Servo pin pos) dyn = Dyn (["Servo":let (Dyn p) = toDyn pin in p] ++ [toString pos]) fromDisplayVar (LCD16x2 l1 l2) (Dyn list) = Dyn (updateAt 6 l1 (updateAt 8 l2 list)) fromDisplayVar (DisplayVar l) dyn = Dyn l :: DisplayVar = Variable String | INT Int | LONG Int | Servo Pin Int | LCD16x2 String String | DisplayVar [String] step` :: State` -> State` step` s = foldr appTask {s & millis = s.millis + delta, tasks = []} [(w - delta, f) \\ (w, f) <- s.tasks] where delta = foldl1 min (map fst s.tasks) // smallest wait appTask t=:(w,f) s | w <= 0 = f s = {s & tasks = [t:s.tasks]} foldl1 op [a:x] = foldl op a x foldr1 op l :== foldr l where foldr [a] = a foldr [a:x] = op a (foldr x) class stringQuotes t | type t :: (Code t p) -> Code t p instance stringQuotes String where stringQuotes x = c "\"" +.+ x +.+ c "\"" instance stringQuotes t where stringQuotes x = x derive toGenDynamic (), MTask, DigitalPin, AnalogPin, Pin, [], Long//, Servo derive fromGenDynamic (), MTask, DigitalPin, AnalogPin, Pin, [], Long//, Servo instance == () where (==) _ _ = True