module miTask import StdDebug, StdMisc from StdFunc import flip import iTasks import mTask from Text import class Text(startsWith,concat,split,join), instance Text String from Data.Func import $ import Data.Tuple import Data.List import System.Directory import iTasks.UI.Definition import iTasks._Framework.TaskState import iTasks._Framework.TaskServer import iTasks._Framework.IWorld import iTasks._Framework.Store import TTY derive class iTask Queue, TTYSettings, Parity, BaudRate, ByteSize derive class iTask MTaskMSGRecv, MTaskMSGSend, SerTCP, UserLED derive class iTask MTaskDevice :: SerTCP = Serial | TCP :: *Resource | TTYd !*TTY :: MTaskDevice = { deviceConnected :: Maybe (Shared ([String], [String], Bool)), deviceName :: String, deviceSettings :: Either (String, Int) (String, TTYSettings) } Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startEngine (mTaskManager >>* [OnAction (Action "Shutdown") (always $ shutDown)]) world //Start world = startEngine mTaskTask world bc :: Main (ByteCode () Stmt) bc = sds \x=1 In sds \pinnetje=1 In {main = IF (digitalRead D3) ( x =. x +. lit 1 :. pub x ) ( noOp ) :. IF (pinnetje ==. lit 1) ( ledOn LED1 ) ( IF (pinnetje ==. lit 2) ( ledOn LED2 ) ( ledOn LED3 ) )} bc2 :: UserLED -> Main (ByteCode () Stmt) bc2 d = {main = ledOn d} bc3 :: UserLED -> Main (ByteCode () Stmt) bc3 d = {main = ledOff d} :: MTaskDeviceStatus = {connected :: Bool, name :: String} derive class iTask MTaskDeviceStatus mTaskManager :: Task () mTaskManager = forever (addDevice >>= \d->upd (\l->[d:l]) deviceStore) ||- viewSharedInformation "Devices" [ViewAs deviceviewer] deviceStore ||- whileUnchanged deviceStore (\m->if (isEmpty m) (viewInformation "No devices yet" [] "" @! ()) (connectDevice m)) @! () // ) where connectDevice :: [MTaskDevice] -> Task () connectDevice [] = treturn () connectDevice [d:ds] = (case d.deviceConnected of (Just sh) = viewSharedInformation "Buffers" [] sh @! () Nothing = viewInformation ("Connect " +++ d.deviceName) [] "" >>* [ OnAction (Action "connect") (const $ Just $ connect d)] ) -|| connectDevice ds connect :: MTaskDevice -> Task () connect d=:{deviceSettings} = withShared ([], [], False) $ \ch-> case deviceSettings of Left (host, port) = syncNetworkChannel host port ch Right (dev, sett) = syncSerialChannel dev sett ch ||- viewSharedInformation "Buffers" [] ch @! () deviceviewer :: [MTaskDevice] -> [MTaskDeviceStatus] deviceviewer ds = [{MTaskDeviceStatus | name = d.deviceName, connected = if (isNothing d.deviceConnected) False True}\\d<-ds] deviceStore :: Shared [MTaskDevice] deviceStore = sdsFocus "mTaskDevices" $ memoryStore "" (Just []) // showTabbed :: [MTaskDevice] -> Task () // showTabbed [] = viewInformation "" [] "No devices yet" @! () // showTabbed [l:ls] = foldr (\e es->manageDevice e ||- es) (manageDevice l) ls // // manageDevice :: MTaskDevice -> Task () // manageDevice md = // either viewTCP viewSer md.deviceSettings // ||- maybe // (treturn () >>* [OnAction (Action "Connect") (always shutDown)] @! ()) // (\b->viewSharedInformation "Buffers" [] b @! ()) // md.deviceConnected // <<@ ArrangeVertical mapPar :: (a -> Task a) [a] -> Task () mapPar f l = foldr1 (\x y->f x ||- y) l <<@ ArrangeWithTabs @! () allAtOnce t = foldr1 (||-) t @! () //allAtOnce = (flip (@!) ()) o foldr1 (||-) addDevice :: Task MTaskDevice addDevice = enterInformation "Device name" [] -&&- enterInformation "Device type" [] >>= \(name, ty)->(case ty of TCP = (enterInformation "Host" [] -&&- enterInformation "Port" []) >>= treturn o Left Serial = accWorld getDevices >>= \dl->(enterChoice "Device" [] dl -&&- updateInformation "Settings" [] zero) >>= treturn o Right ) >>= \set->treturn {MTaskDevice | deviceConnected=Nothing, deviceName=name, deviceSettings=set} where getDevices :: !*World -> *(![String], !*World) getDevices w = case readDirectory "/dev" w of (Error (errcode, errmsg), w) = abort errmsg (Ok entries, w) = (map ((+++) "/dev/") (filter isTTY entries), w) where isTTY s = not (isEmpty (filter (flip startsWith s) prefixes)) prefixes = ["ttyS", "ttyACM", "ttyUSB", "tty.usbserial"] //mTaskTask :: Task () //mTaskTask = let (msgs, sdsShares) = makeMsgs 1000 bc in // withDevice \ch-> // sendMsg msgs ch // ||- processMessages ch messageShare sdsShares // ||- forever (enterChoice "Choose led to enable" [] [LED1, LED2, LED3] // >>= \p->sendMsg (fst (makeMsgs 0 (bc2 p))) ch) // ||- forever (enterChoice "Choose led to disable" [] [LED1, LED2, LED3] // >>= \p->sendMsg (fst (makeMsgs 0 (bc3 p))) ch) // ||- viewSharedInformation "channels" [ViewAs lens] ch // ||- viewSharedInformation "messages" [] messageShare // ||- viewSh sdsShares ch // >>* [OnAction ActionFinish (always shutDown)] // where // messageShare :: Shared [String] // messageShare = sharedStore "mTaskMessagesRecv" [] // // processMessages ch msgs sdss = forever (watch ch // >>* [OnValue (ifValue (not o isEmpty o fst3) (process ch))]) // where // process :: (Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool)) ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool) -> Task () // process ch (r,_,_) = upd (appFst3 (const [])) ch >>| process` r // where // process` = foldr (\r t->updateSDSs sdss msgs r >>| t) (return ()) // // makeMsgs :: Int (Main (ByteCode () Stmt)) -> ([MTaskMSGSend], [(Int, Shared Int)]) // makeMsgs timeout bc // # (msgs, st) = toMessages timeout (toRealByteCode (unMain bc)) // = (msgs, map f st.sdss) // where // f (i,d) = (i, sharedStore ("mTaskSDS-" +++ toString i) (dd d)) // dd [x,y] = toInt x*265 + toInt y // // updateSDSs :: [(Int, Shared Int)] (Shared [String]) MTaskMSGRecv -> Task () // updateSDSs [(id, sh):xs] m n=:(MTPub i d) // | id == i = set ((toInt d.[0])*265 + toInt d.[1]) sh @! () // = updateSDSs xs m n // updateSDSs _ m mtm = case mtm of // MTMessage s = upd (\l->take 5 [s:l]) m @! () // mta=:(MTTaskAck _) = upd (\l->take 5 [toString mta:l]) m @! () // //TODO other recv msgs // _ = return () // // lens :: ([MTaskMSGRecv], [MTaskMSGSend],Bool) -> ([String], [String]) // lens (r,s,_) = (map toString r, map toString s) // // viewSh :: [(Int, Shared Int)] (Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool)) -> Task () // viewSh [] ch = return () // viewSh [(i, sh):xs] ch // # sharename = "SDS-" +++ toString i // = ( // viewSharedInformation ("SDS-" +++ toString i) [] sh ||- // forever ( // enterInformation sharename [] // >>* [OnAction ActionOk // (ifValue (\j->j>=1 && j <= 3) // (\c->set c sh // >>= \_->sendMsg (toSDSUpdate i c) ch // @! () // ) // )] // ) // ) ||- viewSh xs ch sendMsg :: [MTaskMSGSend] (Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool)) -> Task () sendMsg m ch = upd (\(r,s,ss)->(r,s ++ m,True)) ch @! () syncSerialChannel :: String TTYSettings (Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool)) -> Task () syncSerialChannel dev opts rw = Task eval where eval event evalOpts tree=:(TCInit taskId ts) iworld=:{IWorld|world} = case TTYopen dev opts world of (False, _, world) # (err, world) = TTYerror world = (ExceptionResult (exception err), {iworld & world=world}) (True, tty, world) # iworld = {iworld & world=world, resources=Just (TTYd tty)} = case addBackgroundTask 42 (BackgroundTask (serialDeviceBackgroundTask rw)) iworld of (Error e, iworld) = (ExceptionResult (exception "h"), iworld) (Ok _, iworld) = (ValueResult NoValue {TaskEvalInfo|lastEvent=ts,removedTasks=[],refreshSensitive=True} NoChange (TCBasic taskId ts JSONNull False), iworld) eval _ _ tree=:(TCBasic _ ts _ _) iworld = (ValueResult NoValue {TaskEvalInfo|lastEvent=ts,removedTasks=[],refreshSensitive=False} NoChange tree, iworld) eval event evalOpts tree=:(TCDestroy _) iworld=:{IWorld|resources,world} # (TTYd tty) = fromJust resources # (ok, world) = TTYclose tty world # iworld = {iworld & world=world,resources=Nothing} = case removeBackgroundTask 42 iworld of (Error e, iworld) = (ExceptionResult (exception "h"), iworld) (Ok _, iworld) = (DestroyedResult, iworld) serialDeviceBackgroundTask :: (Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool)) !*IWorld -> (MaybeError TaskException (), *IWorld) serialDeviceBackgroundTask rw iworld = case read rw iworld of (Error e, iworld) = (Error $ exception "share couldn't be read", iworld) (Ok (r,s,ss), iworld) # (Just (TTYd tty)) = iworld.resources # tty = writet (map encode s) tty # (ml, tty) = case TTYavailable tty of (False, tty) = ([], tty) (_, tty) # (l, tty) = TTYreadline tty = ([decode l], tty) # iworld = {iworld & resources=Just (TTYd tty)} = case write (r++ml,[],False) rw iworld of (Error e, iworld) = (Error $ exception "share couldn't be written", iworld) (Ok _, iworld) = case notify rw iworld of (Error e, iworld) = (Error $ exception "share couldn't be notified", iworld) (Ok _, iworld) = (Ok (), iworld) where writet :: [String] -> (*TTY -> *TTY) writet [] = id writet [x:xs] = writet xs o TTYwrite x syncNetworkChannel :: String Int (Shared ([MTaskMSGRecv], [MTaskMSGSend], Bool)) -> Task () syncNetworkChannel server port channel = tcpconnect server port channel {ConnectionHandlers|onConnect=onConnect,whileConnected=whileConnected,onDisconnect=onDisconnect} @! () where onConnect :: String ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool) -> (MaybeErrorString String, Maybe ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool), [String], Bool) onConnect _ (msgs,send,sendStopped) = (Ok "", Just (msgs,[],sendStopped), map encode send, False) whileConnected :: (Maybe String) String ([MTaskMSGRecv], [MTaskMSGSend],Bool) -> (MaybeErrorString String, Maybe ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool), [String], Bool) whileConnected Nothing acc (msgs,send,sendStopped) = (Ok acc, Nothing, [], False) // = (Ok acc, Just (msgs,[],sendStopped), map encode send, False) whileConnected (Just newData) acc (msgs,send,sendStopped) | sendStopped = (Ok acc, Just (msgs ++ [decode newData],[],False), map encode send, False) = (Ok acc, Just (msgs ++ [decode newData],[],False), [], False) onDisconnect :: String ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool) -> (MaybeErrorString String, Maybe ([MTaskMSGRecv],[MTaskMSGSend],Bool)) onDisconnect l (msgs,send,sendStopped) = (Ok l, Nothing)