## mpdscribble - an audioscrobbler for the Music Player Daemon. ## http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Client:mpdscribble # HTTP proxy URL. #proxy = http://the.proxy.server:3128 # The location of the pid file. mpdscribble saves its process id there. #pidfile = /var/run/mpdscribble.pid # Change to this system user after daemonization. #daemon_user = mpdscribble # The location of the mpdscribble log file. The special value # "syslog" makes mpdscribble use the local syslog daemon. On most # systems, log messages will appear in /var/log/daemon.log then. # "-" means log to stderr (the current terminal). log = syslog # How verbose mpdscribble's logging should be. Default is 1. verbose = 1 # How often should mpdscribble save the journal file? [seconds] #journal_interval = 600 # The host running MPD, possibly protected by a password # ([PASSWORD@]HOSTNAME). Defaults to $MPD_HOST or localhost. #host = localhost # The port that the MPD listens on and mpdscribble should try to # connect to. Defaults to $MPD_PORT or 6600. #port = 6600 [last.fm] url = http://post.audioscrobbler.com/ username = thedopefishh password = PASSWORDHERE # The file where mpdscribble should store its Last.fm journal in case # you do not have a connection to the Last.fm server. journal = /var/cache/mpdscribble/lastfm.journal #[libre.fm] #url = http://turtle.libre.fm/ #username = my_username #password = my_password #journal = /var/cache/mpdscribble/librefm.journal #[jamendo] #url = http://postaudioscrobbler.jamendo.com/ #username = my_username #password = my_password #journal = /var/cache/mpdscribble/jamendo.journal #[file] #file = /var/log/mpdscribble/log