implementation module parse import StdEnv import qualified _SystemStrictLists as SS import StdStrictLists import ast import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import Data.Data import Data.Maybe import Data.Either import Data.Func import Data.Functor import Data.Bifunctor import Data.GenCons import Data.List import Data.Monoid import Data.Tuple derive consName Token, Value :: Expression | DelayedParse [Token] :: Token = IntToken Int | BoolToken Bool | CharToken Char | IdentToken String | InfixrToken | InfixlToken | SemiColonToken | OpenBraceToken | CloseBraceToken | EqualsToken | CodeToken | LambdaToken | ArrowToken | LetToken | InToken :: ParseState = {tokens :: [Token], infixers :: [Infix]} :: Infix = Infix String Fixity Int :: Fixity = InfixL | InfixR :: Parser a :== StateT ParseState (Either [String]) a instance < Infix where (<) (Infix _ _ s) (Infix _ _ t) = s < t instance zero ParseState where zero = {tokens=[],infixers=[]} lex :: [Char] -> [Token] lex cs = lex` cs where lex` [] = [] lex` ['\n':cs] = lex` cs lex` [c:cs] | isSpace c = lex` cs lex` [';':cs] = [SemiColonToken:lex` cs] lex` ['=',c:cs] | not (isIdent c) = [EqualsToken:lex` [c:cs]] lex` ['(':cs] = [OpenBraceToken:lex` cs] lex` [')':cs] = [CloseBraceToken:lex` cs] lex` ['->':cs] = [ArrowToken:lex` cs] lex` ['\\':cs] = [LambdaToken:lex` cs] lex` ['\'',c,'\'':cs] = [CharToken c:lex` cs] lex` ['let':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [LetToken:lex` cs] lex` ['in':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [InToken:lex` cs] lex` ['code':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [CodeToken:lex` cs] lex` ['False':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [BoolToken True:lex` cs] lex` ['True':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [BoolToken True:lex` cs] lex` ['infixr':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [InfixrToken:lex` cs] lex` ['infixl':cs] | whiteOrEnd cs = [InfixlToken:lex` cs] lex` ['-',c:cs] | isDigit c = case lex` [c:cs] of [IntToken i:ts] = [IntToken (~i):ts] ts = ts lex` [c:cs] | isDigit c # (i, cs) = span isDigit [c:cs] = [IntToken $ toInt $ toString i:lex` cs] | isIdent c # (i, cs) = span (\c->isIdent c || isDigit c) cs = [IdentToken $ toString [c:i]:lex` cs] | isFunny c # (i, cs) = span (\c->isFunny c || isDigit c) cs = [IdentToken $ toString [c:i]:lex` cs] = abort $ "Huh lexer failed on: " +++ toString (toInt c) whiteOrEnd [] = True whiteOrEnd [c:cs] = isSpace c isIdent c = isAlpha c || elem c ['\'`'] isFunny = flip elem ['!@#$%^&*\|+-?/\'<>.:~='] () infixl 1 :: a (StateT b (Either (c a)) d) -> StateT b (Either (c a)) d | Semigroup (c a) & Applicative c () err p = StateT $ first (flip mappend (pure err)) o runStateT p top :: Parser Token top = getState >>= \st=:{tokens}->case tokens of [t:ts] = put {st & tokens=ts} >>| pure t _ = empty parseIf :: (a -> Bool) (Parser a) -> Parser a parseIf pred p = p >>= \a->if (pred a) (pure a) empty token t :== parseIf ((=+?=)t) top (until) infix 5 :: (Parser a) (Parser b) -> Parser ([a], b) (until) p grd = (tuple [] <$> grd) <|> (appFst o 'SS'._cons <$> p <*> p until grd) parse :: [Token] ParseState -> Either [String] AST parse ts st = runStateT parseAST {st & tokens=ts} >>= uncurry parse2 parse2 :: AST ParseState -> Either [String] AST parse2 (AST fs) ps = AST <$> mapM pfun fs where pfun :: Function -> Either [String] Function pfun (Function s a (DelayedParse ts)) = Function s a <$> evalStateT parseExpr {ps & tokens=ts} pfun x = pure x cons x xs = [x:xs] parseExpr :: Parser Expression parseExpr = gets (\s->sort s.infixers) >>= foldr ($) parseBasic o (\x xs->[x:xs]) parseApp o map op2parser where op2parser :: Infix -> ((Parser Expression) -> Parser Expression) op2parser (Infix sym dir str) = if (dir =: InfixL) parseLOP parseROP (\l op->Apply (Apply op l)) $ Variable <$> parseIf ((==)sym) parseIdent parseApp :: ((Parser Expression) -> Parser Expression) parseApp = parseLOP (const o Apply) (pure ()) parseLOP :: (a b a -> a) (c b) (c a) -> c a | Alternative c parseLOP comb ops prev = foldl (uncurry o comb) <$> prev <*> many (tuple <$> ops <*> prev) parseROP :: (a b a -> a) (c b) (c a) -> c a | Monad c & Alternative c parseROP comb ops prev = prev >>= \e1->comb e1 <$> ops <*> parseROP comb ops prev <|> pure e1 parseBasic :: Parser Expression parseBasic //Bracketed = token OpenBraceToken *> parseBracketed <* token CloseBraceToken <|> Let <$> (token LetToken *> parseIdent <* token EqualsToken) <*> (parseExpr <* token InToken) <*> parseExpr <|> Literal <$> Int <$> parseInt <|> Code <$> (token CodeToken *> parseIdent) <|> flip (foldr Lambda) <$> (token LambdaToken *> some parseIdent <* token ArrowToken) <*> parseExpr <|> Variable <$> parseWithIfx ((o) not o flip elem) parseBracketed :: Parser Expression parseBracketed //Curried prefix infix = (\op->Lambda "_v" o Apply (Apply op (Variable "v"))) <$> parseIfx <*> parseExpr //Regular Prefix infix <|> parseIfx //Curried flipped prefix infix <|> (\e op->Lambda "_v" (Apply (Apply op e) (Variable "v"))) <$> parseExpr <*> parseIfx //Parse regular expression <|> parseExpr parseWithIfx :: ([String] String -> Bool) -> Parser String parseWithIfx f = gets (\s->[i\\Infix i _ _<-s.infixers]) >>= flip parseIf parseIdent o f parseIfx :: Parser Expression parseIfx = Variable <$> parseWithIfx (flip elem) parseAST :: Parser AST parseAST = AST <$> many parseFunction parseFunction :: Parser Function parseFunction = Function <$> (parseIdent >>= \ident->(parseFixity ident <|> pure ()) >>| pure ident) <*> many parseIdent <*> (DelayedParse o fst <$> (token EqualsToken *> top until token SemiColonToken)) parseFixity :: String -> Parser () parseFixity ident = Infix ident <$> (token InfixrToken *> pure InfixR <|> token InfixlToken *> pure InfixL) <*> parseInt >>= \f->modify \s->{s & infixers=[f:s.infixers]} parseIdent :: Parser String parseIdent = (\(IdentToken s)->s) <$> token (IdentToken "") parseInt :: Parser Int parseInt = (\(IntToken i)->i) <$> token (IntToken 0) Start = toString <$> parse ( lex $ ['id x = x;'] ++ ['const x y = x;'] ++ ['flip x y z = x z y;'] ++ ['twice f = f . f;'] ++ ['fix f x = let x = f x in x;'] ++ ['. infixr 9 f g x = f $ g x;'] ++ ['$ infixr 0 = id;'] ++ ['& infixr 0 = flip $;'] ++ ['+ infixr 6 = code add;'] ++ ['- infixr 6 = code sub;'] ++ ['* infixr 7 = code mul;'] ++ ['/ infixr 7 = code div;'] ++ ['&& infixl 3 = code and;'] ++ ['|| infixl 2 = code or;'] ++ ['ap = (1 +);'] ++ ['ap = (+ 1);'] ) zero