Mon | Wk | Tuesday | Thursday | Deliverables -----+-----+----------------+--------------+----------------------------------- June | 25 | Meeting Franc | Meeting Aldo | Planning June | 26 | Meeting Franc | Meeting Aldo | Testdata and manual regexes used as concept solution Take a look at July | 27 | | Meeting Aldo | Literature and framework for state diagrams July | 28 | Meeting Franc | Meeting Aldo | Description of the method in the thesis July | 29 | | Meeting Aldo | Finalizing implementation July | 30 | Meeting Franc | Meeting Aldo | Integration with the existing software Augu | 31 | | Meeting Aldo | Software finished Augu | 32 | Meeting Franc | Meeting Aldo | Thesis finished Augu | 33 | | Meeting Aldo | Presentation option Augu | 34 | Meeting Franc | Meeting Aldo | Presentation option Augu | 35 | | Meeting Aldo | Project finished