FSM-based testing =============================================================================== FSM: States, transitions, inputs, outputs (S, s0, I, O, delta, lambda) (States, initial, inputs, outputs, transition function, output function) - Deterministic, complete, connected, reduced - Tests length k only prove models with k extra states(k-complete) - With resets - W method - we test a state by testing that after reaching it the input/output is good - Transition tour, one loop all transitions - Synchonizing, get always to a fixed state - Compare with LTS: - has to be deterministic and complete - Only i/o alternation - not compositional - more intuitive - older theory MBT with LTS 1 =============================================================================== MBT with LTS 2 =============================================================================== MBT with LTS 3 =============================================================================== MBT with LTS 4 =============================================================================== MBT with GAST =============================================================================== Functional, black box, cycle detection, automatic generation, quickcheck, quantification - Property - Model MBT with SpecExplorer ===============================================================================