implementation module sem import qualified Data.Map as Map from Data.Func import $ from StdFunc import o, flip, const, id import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.Either import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.List import Data.Functor import StdString import StdList import StdMisc import StdEnum import RWST import GenEq from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String import AST :: Scheme = Forall [TVar] Type :: Gamma :== 'Map'.Map String Scheme //map from Variables! to types :: Substitution :== 'Map'.Map TVar Type :: Constraints :== [(Type, Type)] :: Infer a :== RWST Gamma Constraints [String] (Either SemError) a :: SemError = ParseError Pos String | UnifyError Pos Type Type | InfiniteTypeError Pos Type | FieldSelectorError Pos Type FieldSelector | OperatorError Pos Op2 Type | UndeclaredVariableError Pos String | ArgumentMisMatchError Pos String | SanityError Pos String | Error String instance zero Gamma where zero = 'Map'.newMap variableStream :: [String] variableStream = map toString [1..] sem :: AST -> Either [SemError] Constraints sem (AST fd) = case foldM (const $ hasNoDups fd) () fd >>| foldM (const isNiceMain) () fd >>| hasMain fd of Left e = Left [e] _ = case execRWST (constraints fd) zero variableStream of Left e = Left [e] Right (a, b) = Right b where constraints :: [FunDecl] -> Infer () constraints _ = pure () //TODO: fix //constraints fds = mapM_ funconstraint fds >>| pure () funconstraint :: FunDecl -> Infer () funconstraint fd=:(FunDecl _ ident args mt vardecls stmts) = case mt of Nothing = abort "Cannot infer functions yet" Just t = inEnv (ident, (Forall [] t)) ( mapM_ vardeclconstraint vardecls >>| pure ()) vardeclconstraint :: VarDecl -> Infer () vardeclconstraint _ = pure () //TODO: fix! //vardeclconstraint (VarDecl p mt ident expr) = infer expr //>>= \it->inEnv (ident, (Forall [] it)) (pure ()) hasNoDups :: [FunDecl] FunDecl -> Either SemError () hasNoDups fds (FunDecl p n _ _ _ _) # mbs = map (\(FunDecl p` n` _ _ _ _)->if (n == n`) (Just p`) Nothing) fds = case catMaybes mbs of [] = Left $ SanityError p "HUH THIS SHOULDN'T HAPPEN" [x] = pure () [_:x] = Left $ SanityError p (concat [n, " multiply defined at ", toString p]) hasMain :: [FunDecl] -> Either SemError () hasMain [(FunDecl _ "main" _ _ _ _):fd] = pure () hasMain [_:fd] = hasMain fd hasMain [] = Left $ SanityError zero "no main function defined" isNiceMain :: FunDecl -> Either SemError () isNiceMain (FunDecl p "main" as mt _ _) = case (as, mt) of ([_:_], _) = Left $ SanityError p "main must have arity 0" ([], t) = (case t of Nothing = pure () Just VoidType = pure () _ = Left $ SanityError p "main has to return Void") isNiceMain _ = pure () instance toString Scheme where toString (Forall x t) = concat ["Forall ": map ((+++) "\n") x] +++ toString t instance toString Gamma where toString mp = concat [concat [k, ": ", toString v, "\n"]\\(k, v)<-'Map'.toList mp] instance toString SemError where toString (SanityError p e) = concat [toString p, "SemError: SanityError: ", e] toString se = "SemError: " inEnv :: (String, Scheme) (Infer a) -> Infer a inEnv (x, sc) m = local ('Map'.put x sc) m class Typeable a where ftv :: a -> [TVar] subst :: Substitution a -> a instance Typeable Scheme where ftv (Forall bound t) = difference (ftv t) bound subst s (Forall bound t) = Forall bound $ subst s_ t where s_ = 'Map'.filterWithKey (\k _ -> not (elem k bound)) s instance Typeable [a] | Typeable a where ftv types = foldr (\t ts-> ftv t ++ ts) [] types subst s ts = map (\t->subst s t) ts instance Typeable Type where ftv (TupleType (t1, t2)) = ftv t1 ++ ftv t2 ftv (ListType t) = ftv t ftv (IdType tvar) = [tvar] ftv (t1 ->> t2) = ftv t1 ++ ftv t2 ftv _ = [] subst s (TupleType (t1, t2))= TupleType (subst s t1, subst s t2) subst s (ListType t1) = ListType (subst s t1) subst s (t1 ->> t2) = (subst s t1) ->> (subst s t2) subst s t1=:(IdType tvar) = 'Map'.findWithDefault t1 tvar s subst s t = t instance Typeable Gamma where ftv gamma = concatMap id $ map ftv ('Map'.elems gamma) subst s gamma = Mapmap (subst s) gamma //// ------------------------ //// algorithm U, Unification //// ------------------------ instance zero Substitution where zero = 'Map'.newMap compose :: Substitution Substitution -> Substitution compose s1 s2 = 'Map'.union (Mapmap (subst s1) s2) s1 //Note: unlike function composition, compose prefers left! occurs :: TVar a -> Bool | Typeable a occurs tvar a = elem tvar (ftv a) unify :: Type Type -> Either SemError Substitution unify t1=:(IdType tv) t2 = unify t2 t1 unify t1 t2=:(IdType tv) | t1 == (IdType tv) = Right zero | occurs tv t1 = Left $ InfiniteTypeError zero t1 | otherwise = Right $ 'Map'.singleton tv t1 unify (ta1->>ta2) (tb1->>tb2) = unify ta1 tb1 >>= \s1-> unify tb1 tb2 >>= \s2-> Right $ compose s1 s2 unify (TupleType (ta1,ta2)) (TupleType (tb1,tb2)) = unify ta1 tb1 >>= \s1-> unify ta2 tb2 >>= \s2-> Right $ compose s1 s2 unify (ListType t1) (ListType t2) = unify t1 t2 unify t1 t2 | t1 == t2 = Right zero | otherwise = Left $ UnifyError zero t1 t2 Mapmap :: (a->b) ('Map'.Map k a) -> ('Map'.Map k b) Mapmap _ 'Map'.Tip = 'Map'.Tip Mapmap f ('Map'.Bin sz k v ml mr) = 'Map'.Bin sz k (f v) (Mapmap f ml) (Mapmap f mr) //// ------------------------ //// First step: Inference //// ------------------------// //unify :: Type Type -> Infer () //unify t1 t2 = tell [(t1, t2)]// //fresh :: Infer Type //fresh = (gets id) >>= \vars-> (put $ tail vars) >>| (pure $ IdType $ head vars)// //op2Type :: Op2 -> Infer Type //op2Type op //| elem op [BiPlus, BiMinus, BiTimes, BiDivide, BiMod] // = pure (IntType ->> IntType ->> IntType) //| elem op [BiEquals, BiUnEqual] // = fresh >>= \t1-> fresh >>= \t2-> pure (t1 ->> t2 ->> BoolType) //| elem op [BiLesser, BiGreater, BiLesserEq, BiGreaterEq] // = pure (IntType ->> IntType ->> BoolType) //| elem op [BiAnd, BiOr] // = pure (BoolType ->> BoolType ->> BoolType) //| op == BiCons // = fresh >>= \t1-> pure (t1 ->> ListType t1 ->> ListType t1)// //op1Type :: Op1 -> Infer Type //op1Type UnNegation = pure $ (BoolType ->> BoolType) //op1Type UnMinus = pure $ (IntType ->> IntType)// ////instantiate :: Scheme -> Infer Type ////instantiate (Forall as t) = mapM (const fresh) as// //lookupEnv :: String -> Infer Type //lookupEnv ident = asks ('Map'.get ident) // >>= \m->case m of // Nothing = liftT $ Left $ UndeclaredVariableError zero ident // Just (Forall as t) = pure t //instantiate ???// //class infer a :: a -> Infer Type //instance infer Expr where // infer (VarExpr _ (VarDef ident fs)) = lookupEnv ident // infer (Op2Expr _ e1 op e2) = // infer e1 >>= \t1 -> // infer e2 >>= \t2 -> // fresh >>= \frsh -> // let given = t1 ->> (t2 ->> frsh) in // op2Type op >>= \expected -> // unify expected given >>| // return frsh // infer (Op1Expr _ op e) = // infer e >>= \t1 -> // fresh >>= \frsh -> // let given = t1 ->> frsh in // op1Type op >>= \expected -> // unify expected given >>| // pure frsh // infer (IntExpr _ _) = pure IntType // infer (CharExpr _ _) = pure CharType // infer (BoolExpr _ _) = pure BoolType // infer (FunExpr _ f args sels) = //todo, iets met field selectors // lookupEnv f >>= \expected -> // fresh >>= \frsh -> // mapM infer args >>= \argTypes -> // let given = foldr (->>) frsh argTypes in // unify expected given >>| // pure frsh // infer (EmptyListExpr _) = ListType <$> fresh // infer (TupleExpr _ (e1, e2)) = // infer e1 >>= \et1->infer e2 >>= \et2->pure $ TupleType (et1, et2)// ////:: VarDef = VarDef String [FieldSelector] ////:: FieldSelector = FieldHd | FieldTl | FieldFst | FieldSnd ////:: Op1 = UnNegation | UnMinus ////:: Op2 = BiPlus | BiMinus | BiTimes | BiDivide | BiMod | BiEquals | BiLesser | //// BiGreater | BiLesserEq | BiGreaterEq | BiUnEqual | BiAnd | BiOr | BiCons ////:: FunDecl = FunDecl Pos String [String] (Maybe Type) [VarDecl] [Stmt] ////:: FunCall = FunCall String [Expr] ////:: Stmt //// = IfStmt Expr [Stmt] [Stmt] //// | WhileStmt Expr [Stmt] //// | AssStmt VarDef Expr //// | FunStmt FunCall //// | ReturnStmt (Maybe Expr) ////:: Pos = {line :: Int, col :: Int} ////:: AST = AST [VarDecl] [FunDecl] ////:: VarDecl = VarDecl Pos Type String Expr ////:: Type //// = TupleType (Type, Type) //// | ListType Type //// | IdType String //// | IntType //// | BoolType //// | CharType //// | VarType //// | VoidType //// | (->>) infixl 7 Type Type