implementation module matchGame import StdEnvExt, fileIO import guiInterface, matchControl, render from Parsers import parse, :: Parser, :: Result(..), :: SugPosition, :: Rose(..), :: RoseNode(..), :: SymbolTypes(..), :: SymbolType(..), fail, yield, token, symbol, <&>, &>, , , , number, digit timeLeft :: !FootballGame -> Bool timeLeft game = game.match.Match.playingTime > zero defaultPlayingTime :: PlayingTime defaultPlayingTime = minutes 1.0 incFrames :: !FootballGame -> FootballGame incFrames game=:{frames} = {game & frames=frames+1} instance zero Rank where zero = { matchpoints = zero, goals_scored = zero, goals_against = zero } instance == Rank where (==) r1 r2 = (r1.matchpoints,r1.goals_scored,r1.goals_against) == (r2.matchpoints,r2.goals_scored,r2.goals_against) instance < Rank where (<) r1 r2 = r1.matchpoints < r2.matchpoints || r1.matchpoints == r2.matchpoints && r1.goals_scored < r2.goals_scored || r1.matchpoints == r2.matchpoints && r1.goals_scored == r2.goals_scored && r1.goals_against > r2.goals_against instance + Rank where (+) r1 r2 = { matchpoints = r1.matchpoints + r2.matchpoints , goals_scored = r1.goals_scored + r2.goals_scored , goals_against = r1.goals_against + r2.goals_against } competition :: ![Home FootballField -> Team] !FootballField !Referee !PlayingTime !RandomSeed -> Competition competition teams field referee playingtime rs = { results = [ [ if (nr_west == nr_east) Nothing (Just (computeMatch (setMatchStart (team_west West field) (team_east East field) field referee playingtime rs))) \\ (nr_east,team_east) <- zip2 [1..] teams ] \\ (nr_west,team_west) <- zip2 [1..] teams ] , west = map (\f -> nameOf (f West field)) teams , east = map (\f -> nameOf (f East field)) teams , usedRandomSeed = rs } computeMatch :: !Match -> Score computeMatch match | match.Match.playingTime > zero = computeMatch (snd (stepMatch match)) | otherwise = match.score ranking :: ![ClubName] ![Maybe Score] -> Ranking ranking names scores = foldl upd [(t,zero) \\ t <- names] (zip2 [(tw,te) \\ tw <- names, te <- names] scores) where upd ranking (_,Nothing) = ranking upd ranking ((west,east),Just (goals_west,goals_east)) = updkeyvalue west ((+) rank_west) (updkeyvalue east ((+) rank_east) ranking) where (mps_west, mps_east) = if (goals_west > goals_east) (3,0) (if (goals_west < goals_east) (0,3) (1,1)) (rank_west,rank_east) = ({matchpoints=mps_west,goals_scored=goals_west,goals_against=goals_east} ,{matchpoints=mps_east,goals_scored=goals_east,goals_against=goals_west} ) instance toString Options where toString {closeReferee,showSplash,displaySpeed,showReferee,playingTime,renderStyle} = "{closeReferee=" <+++ closeReferee <+++ ",showSplash=" <+++ showSplash <+++ ",displaySpeed=" <+++ displaySpeed <+++ ",showReferee=" <+++ showReferee <+++ ",playingTime=" <+++ playingTime <+++ ",renderStyle=" <+++ nameOf renderStyle <+++ "}" instance fromString Options where fromString str = case parse optionsP (fromString str) optionsFile "char" of Succ [opt:_] = opt _ = defaultOptions where optionsP :: Parser Char Options Options optionsP = token ['{closeReferee='] &> boolP <&> \closeReferee -> token [',showSplash='] &> boolP <&> \showSplash -> token [',displaySpeed='] &> displaySpeedP <&> \displaySpeed -> token [',showReferee='] &> boolP <&> \showReferee -> token [',playingTime='] &> timeP <&> \playingTime -> token [',renderStyle='] &> renderP <&> \renderStyle -> symbol '}' &> yield { closeReferee = closeReferee , showSplash = showSplash , displaySpeed = displaySpeed , showReferee = showReferee , playingTime = playingTime , renderStyle = renderStyle } boolP = (token ['True'] &> yield True) (token ['False'] &> yield False) renderP = firstP [token (fromString (nameOf style)) &> yield style \\ style <- allRenderStyles] yield (hd allRenderStyles) firstP [] = fail firstP [p:ps] = p firstP ps timeP = digit <&> \mts -> (symbol ':') <&> \colon -> digit <&> \secs -> (token [' min']) <&> \_ -> yield (minutes ((toReal (toInt (toString mts))) + (toReal (toInt (toString secs)))/60.0)) displaySpeedP = (token ['Slowest'] &> yield Slowest) (token ['Slower'] &> yield Slower) (token ['Normal'] &> yield Normal) (token ['Faster'] &> yield Faster) (token ['Fastest'] &> yield Fastest) instance == Options where (==) o1 o2 = o1.closeReferee == o2.closeReferee && o1.showSplash == o2.showSplash && o1.displaySpeed == o2.displaySpeed && o1.showReferee == o2.showReferee && o1.Options.playingTime == o2.Options.playingTime && == getOptions :: !*env -> (!Options,!*env) | FileSystem env getOptions env = case readFile optionsFile env of (Just options,env) = (fromString options,env) (nothing, env) = (defaultOptions, env) setOptions :: !Options !*env -> *env | FileSystem env setOptions options env = writeFile False optionsFile (toString options) env optionsFile :== "SoccerFun_options.txt" defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = { closeReferee = True , showSplash = False , displaySpeed = Normal , showReferee = True , playingTime = defaultPlayingTime , renderStyle = hd allRenderStyles } checkCompetitionFile :: ![ClubName] !RandomSeed !*env -> (!(!RandomSeed,![Maybe Score]),!*env) | FileSystem env checkCompetitionFile west rs env # (ok,cf,env) = fopen competitionFile FReadText env | not ok = ((rs,[]), createCompetitionFile west rs env) // competition file does not exist: create it # (ok,frs,fwest,cf) = header cf | not ok || fwest <> teams_line west = ((rs,[]), createCompetitionFile west rs (snd (fclose cf env))) // competition file ill-formatted or different set of teams: create it # (scores,cf) = readScores cf // competition file exists, and for this competition # (ok,env) = fclose cf env | not ok = abort ("Could not close competition file after reading scores.\n" <+++ length scores) | otherwise = ((frs,scores),env) where readScores :: !*File -> (![Maybe Score],!*File) readScores cf # (end,cf) = fend cf | end = ([],cf) # (line,cf) = freadline cf # score = if (line.[0] == 'x') Nothing (let (i1,l1) = span ((<>) ' ') [c \\ c<-:line] (i2,l2) = span ((<>) ' ') (tl l1) in Just (toInt (toString i1),toInt (toString i2)) ) # (scores,cf) = readScores cf = ([score:scores],cf) appendMatchToCompetitionFile:: !ClubName !ClubName !*env -> (!Int,!*env) | FileSystem env appendMatchToCompetitionFile west east env # (ok,cf,env) = fopen competitionFile FAppendText env | not ok = abort "Could not open competition file for appending data.\n" # (pos,cf) = fposition cf # (ok,env) = fclose (cf <<< "x " <<< west <<< " vs " <<< east <<< '\n') env | not ok = abort "Could not close competition file after appending data.\n" | otherwise = (pos,env) updateMatchToCompetitionFile:: !ClubName !ClubName !(Maybe Score) !Int !*env -> *env | FileSystem env updateMatchToCompetitionFile west east score pos env # (ok,cf,env) = fopen competitionFile FAppendText env | not ok = abort "Could not open competition file for appending data.\n" # (ok,cf) = fseek cf pos FSeekSet | not ok = abort "Could not seek in competition file for updating data.\n" # (ok,env) = fclose (cf <<< result <<< ' ' <<< west <<< " vs " <<< east <<< '\n') env | not ok = abort "Could not close competition file after appending data.\n" | otherwise = env where result = case score of Nothing = "x" Just (gw,ge) = gw +++> (" " <+++ ge) createCompetitionFile :: ![ClubName] !RandomSeed !*env -> *env | FileSystem env createCompetitionFile west rs env # (ok,cf,env) = fopen competitionFile FWriteText env | not ok = abort "Could not create competition file.\n" # (ok,env) = fclose (cf <<< seed_line rs <<< '\n' <<< teams_line west <<< '\n') env | not ok = abort "Could not close competition file.\n" | otherwise = env header :: !*File -> (!Bool,!RandomSeed,!String,!*File) header file # (rs_line, file) = freadline file # (teams_line,file) = freadline file = (size rs_line > 1 && size teams_line > 1, fromString (rs_line%(0,size rs_line-2)), teams_line%(0,size teams_line-2),file) seed_line :: !RandomSeed -> String seed_line rs = toString rs teams_line :: ![ClubName] -> String teams_line west = foldl (\t ts -> t +++ "," +++ ts) "" west competitionFile :== "competition.txt"