implementation module RefereeCoach_Keeper_Assignment import StdEnvExt import Referee import Team_Opponent_Keeper_Assignment import Team_Student_Keeper_Assignment RefereeCoach_Keeper :: !FootballField -> Referee RefereeCoach_Keeper field = { name = "RefereeCoach Keeper" , brain = { memory = initMem , ai = randomlessRefereeAI (brain field) } , refActionPics = [] } :: Memory = { first :: !Bool , practiceFailed :: !Bool , gameOver :: !Bool , showHowExit :: !Maybe Exit , timesGainedBy5 :: !Int , practiceSucceed :: !Bool } :: Exit = { student :: !Team , computer :: !Team , ball :: !Position , exit :: !Position } initMem :: Memory initMem = { first = True , practiceFailed = False , gameOver = False , showHowExit = Nothing , timesGainedBy5 = 0 , practiceSucceed = False } brain :: !FootballField !(!RefereeInput,!Memory) -> (!RefereeOutput,!Memory) brain field ({RefereeInput | playingTime=time,theBall=ballState,team1,team2},memory) | memory.gameOver // game over because of succes or failure = ([GameOver],memory) | memory.practiceFailed && memory.practiceSucceed // assignment failed but you had already succeeded = ([TellMessage "Failed, but you had already passed the test", DirectFreeKick studentHome ballKickoff],{memory & practiceFailed = False, showHowExit = Nothing}) | memory.practiceFailed // assignment failed = ([TellMessage "Assignment failed, correct your team and try again"],{memory & gameOver = True}) | isEmpty (filter isKeeper studentTeam) // check if there is a keeper = ([TellMessage ("No keeper in student team, please choose " <+++ base_TeamName_Student_Keeper)],{memory & gameOver = True}) # (refActions,memory) = if (time <= minutes 0.5 && not memory.practiceSucceed) ([TellMessage "Well Done! (but let's see how much longer you can gain control...)"], {memory & practiceSucceed=True}) ([],memory) # (refActions,memory) = if memory.first // when this is the first round, reposition the ball (refActions ++ [DirectFreeKick studentHome ballKickoff],{memory & first = False}) (refActions,memory) | isJust memory.showHowExit // The ball could pass, show how the ball could pass the keeper # exitInfo = fromJust memory.showHowExit # directionToExit = bearing zero exitInfo.ball exitInfo.exit // move the ball towards exit # nextBallPos = move_point {dx = m (cosinus directionToExit), dy = m (sinus directionToExit)} exitInfo.ball | studentHome == West && nextBallPos.px < scale -0.5 field.flength || studentHome == East && nextBallPos.px > scale 0.5 field.flength = ([],{memory & practiceFailed = True}) | otherwise = ([DirectFreeKick West nextBallPos],{memory & showHowExit = Just {exitInfo & ball=nextBallPos}}) | not memory.first && >= scale 0.5 goal_width - spaceAllowed # sideStr = if (studentHome == West) "left" "right" = ( [TellMessage ("Keeper left the " <+++ sideStr <+++ " side of the goal open. Exit ypos could be: " <+++] , {memory & showHowExit = Just {student=studentTeam,computer=compTeam,ball=theBall.ballPos.pxy,exit=topExit}} ) | not memory.first && <= scale -0.5 goal_width + spaceAllowed # sideStr = if (studentHome == West) "right" "left" = ( [TellMessage ("keeper left the " <+++ sideStr <+++ " side of the goal open. Exit ypos could be: " <+++] , {memory & showHowExit = Just {student=studentTeam,computer=compTeam,ball=theBall.ballPos.pxy,exit=bottomExit}} ) | otherwise = (refActions,memory) where (compTeam,studentTeam,studentHome) = if (stringStarts (nameOf team1) base_TeamName_Opponent_Keeper) (team1,team2,East) (team2,team1,West) ballKickoff = if (studentHome == West) {zero & px = scale -0.5 field.flength + penalty_area_depth} {zero & px = scale 0.5 field.flength - penalty_area_depth} /* The keeper has to cover the entire width of the goal minus spaceAllowed at both sides in order to be succesfull enough for this assignment. */ spaceAllowed = scale (1.0/6.0) goal_width theBall = getFootball ballState (team1 ++ team2) keeper = hd (filter isKeeper studentTeam) keeperPos = keeper.pos ballDirection2keeper = bearing zero theBall keeper (topReachKeeper,bottomReachKeeper) = getMaximumCatchPositions ballDirection2keeper /* Draws a line from football to keeper determines the two directions the keeper can jump to cover max area behind him gets the maximum distance the keeper can catch/jump returns the two positions past which the ball can pass the keeper */ getMaximumCatchPositions :: !Angle -> (!Position,!Position) getMaximumCatchPositions ballDirection2keeper # ballDirection2keeper = if (ballDirection2keeper < rad (1.5*pi)) (ballDirection2keeper + rad (1.5*pi)) (ballDirection2keeper - rad (0.5*pi)) # catchCorner1 = if (ballDirection2keeper < rad (1.5*pi)) (ballDirection2keeper + rad (1.5*pi)) (ballDirection2keeper - rad (0.5*pi)) # catchCorner2 = if (ballDirection2keeper > rad (0.5*pi)) (ballDirection2keeper - rad (1.5*pi)) (ballDirection2keeper + rad (0.5*pi)) # maxCatchDistance = maxCatchReach keeper # maxPoint1 = {px=keeperPos.px + scale (sinus catchCorner1) maxCatchDistance, + scale (~(cosinus catchCorner1)) maxCatchDistance } # maxPoint2 = {px=keeperPos.px + scale (sinus catchCorner2) maxCatchDistance, + scale (~(cosinus catchCorner2)) maxCatchDistance } | < = (maxPoint2,maxPoint1) | otherwise = (maxPoint1,maxPoint2) // What if the keeper is passed could be the lowest position to let the ball exit the field direction2topReach = bearing zero theBall topReachKeeper topExit = getExitPos topReachKeeper theBall.ballPos.pxy direction2topReach // What if the keeper is passed could be the lowest position to let the ball exit the field direction2bottomReach = bearing zero theBall bottomReachKeeper bottomExit = getExitPos bottomReachKeeper theBall.ballPos.pxy direction2bottomReach getExitPos :: !Position !Position !Angle -> Position getExitPos reachPos ballPos direction = while aintOut (move_point {dx=m (cosinus dir),dy=m (sinus dir)}) target where (dir,target) = if (reachPos.px >= zero) (direction,reachPos) (oppositeDirection direction,ballPos) aintOut = point_in_rectangle ({px = scale -0.5 field.flength, py = scale -0.5 field.fwidth} ,{px = scale 0.5 field.flength, py = scale 0.5 field.fwidth} ) oppositeDirection :: !Angle -> Angle oppositeDirection d | d > rad pi = d - rad pi | otherwise = d + rad pi