implementation module RefereeCoach_Slalom_Assignment import Referee RefereeCoach_Slalom :: !FootballField -> Referee RefereeCoach_Slalom field = { name = "RefereeCoach_Slalom" , brain = { memory = mkMemory , ai = randomlessRefereeAI (brain field) } , refActionPics = [] } :: Stage = Begin | Slalom | Kick | End Success instance == Stage where == Begin Begin = True == Slalom Slalom = True == Kick Kick = True == (End s1) (End s2) = s1 == s2 == _ _ = False :: Memory = { positions :: ![Position] // all positions of student player, in reverse order , stage :: !Stage // the current stage of the training , home :: Home // home of student player, determined at Begin } mkMemory :: Memory mkMemory = { positions = [] , stage = Begin , home = undef } slalom :: Memory -> Memory slalom memory = {memory & stage = Slalom} after_kick :: Memory -> Memory after_kick memory = {memory & stage = Kick} fail :: Memory -> Memory fail memory = {memory & stage = End Fail} ok :: Memory -> Memory ok memory = {memory & stage = End Success} position :: Position Memory -> Memory position p memory = {memory & positions = [p:memory.positions]} knownHome :: Home Memory -> Memory knownHome home memory = {memory & home = home} brain :: !FootballField !(!RefereeInput,!Memory) -> (!RefereeOutput,!Memory) // Assignment has started. Check teams and determine home of student player. brain field ({RefereeInput | team1,team2},memory=:{stage = Begin}) | not ok_teams = ([TellMessage "Wrong teams selected."],fail memory) | otherwise = ([DirectFreeKick home ball],position student.pos (slalom (knownHome home memory))) where (ok_teams,home) = case (team1,team2) of ([p],[_,_:_]) = (True, West) ([_,_:_],[p]) = (True, East) otherwise = (False,undef) student = if (home == West) (hd team1) (hd team2) west_ball_pos = {zero & px = scale -0.5 field.flength + penalty_area_depth} ball = if (home == West) (mirror field west_ball_pos) west_ball_pos // Assignment has ended. Stop training session. brain _ (_,memory=:{stage = End how}) = ([TellMessage msg, GameOver],memory) where msg = if (how == Success) "Well done! Move on to next exercise." "Improve your assignment and try again." // Assignment is in slalom or kicking stage. brain field ({RefereeInput | playingTime=time, theBall=ballState, team1, team2}, memory=:{home,positions,stage}) | time <= zero = ([TellMessage "Out of time."],fail memory) // time's up | ballIsFree ballState && ballIsOut field ball // ball is out # ball_pos = ball.ballPos.pxy # (north,south) = goal_poles field | not (isbetween south north) // student did not kick ball in goal = ([TellMessage "You should play the ball in the goal."],fail memory) | home == West && ball_pos.px < scale -0.5 field.flength + m 1.0 || home == East && ball_pos.px > scale 0.5 field.flength - m 1.0 // student kicked ball in wrong goal = ([TellMessage "You should play the ball in the other goal."],fail memory) | otherwise = ([ContinueGame],ok memory) // student ended exercise correctly | isMoved action | compare_pos student.pos last_pos // student is moving in wrong direction = ([TellMessage "You're moving in the wrong direction."],fail memory) | any (\other -> dist other student < m 0.5) others // student moves too close to opponents = ([TellMessage "Don't move so close to opponents."],fail memory) | not up_and_down = ([TellMessage "You're not doing a slalom."],fail memory) // student is not doing slalom | otherwise = ([ContinueGame],memory) | isKickedBall action | stage == Kick = ([TellMessage "Don't kick the ball twice."],fail memory) // kick the ball only once | otherwise = ([ContinueGame],after_kick memory) | otherwise = ([TellMessage ("Illegal action. Perform only Move and KickBall. You did: " <+++ typeOfAction action)],fail memory) where ball = getFootball ballState (team1 ++ team2) (student,others) = if (home == West) (hd team1,team2) (hd team2,team1) action = fromJust student.effect last_pos = hd positions new_positions = [student.pos : positions] compare_px = if (home == West) < > compare_pos pos1 pos2 = compare_px pos1.px pos2.px close_px pos1 pos2 = abs (pos1.px - pos2.px) <= m 1.0 line_up_others = sortBy compare_pos (map (\{Footballer | pos} -> pos) others) close_encounters = takeWhile (not o isEmpty) [filter (close_px other_pos) new_positions \\ other_pos <- line_up_others] up_and_down = isAlternating [ map (\studentpos -> < close_encounter \\ close_encounter <- close_encounters & other_pos <- line_up_others ] ballIsOut :: !FootballField !Football -> Bool ballIsOut field ball = not (point_in_rectangle ({px = scale -0.5 field.flength, py = scale -0.5 field.fwidth} ,{px = scale 0.5 field.flength, py = scale 0.5 field.fwidth} ) ball.ballPos.pxy) typeOfAction :: !FootballerEffect -> String typeOfAction (Moved _ _) = "Move" typeOfAction (GainedBall _) = "GainBall" typeOfAction (KickedBall _) = "KickBall" typeOfAction (HeadedBall _) = "HeadBall" typeOfAction (Feinted _) = "Feint" typeOfAction (Tackled _ _ _) = "Tackle" typeOfAction (CaughtBall _) = "Catch" isAlternating :: [[a]] -> Bool | Eq, ~ a isAlternating sequences = isEmpty sequences || all isSingleton singletons && map hd singletons == take n (iterate ~ (hd (hd singletons))) where singletons = map removeDup sequences n = length sequences