implementation module RefereeFunctions import Referee ball_left_field_at :: !FootballField -> RefereeAI` (Maybe Position) ball_left_field_at field=:{fwidth,flength} = \{RefereeInput | theBall} -> case theBall of Free ball = if (point_in_rectangle field_coordinates ball.ballPos.pxy) Nothing (Just (point_to_rectangle field_coordinates ball.ballPos.pxy)) gained = Nothing // footballers are incapable of leaving the football field where field_coordinates = ({px = scale -0.5 flength, py = scale -0.5 fwidth}, {px = scale 0.5 flength, py = scale 0.5 fwidth}) ball_in_goal :: !FootballField -> RefereeAI` (Maybe Home) ball_in_goal field=:{flength} = \{RefereeInput | theBall} -> case theBall of Free ball = let ball_inside = isbetween south north && ball.ballPos.pz <= goal_height in if (ball.ballPos.pxy.px < scale -0.5 flength && ball_inside) (Just West) (if (ball.ballPos.pxy.px > scale 0.5 flength && ball_inside) (Just East) Nothing ) gained = Nothing // footballers must kick the ball in the goal to score where (north,south) = goal_poles field half_of_game :: !PlayingTime -> RefereeAI` Half half_of_game total_time = \{RefereeInput | playingTime} -> if (playingTime >= scale 0.5 total_time) FirstHalf SecondHalf players_in_offside_position :: !FootballField !Home -> RefereeAI` (AssocList FootballerID Position) players_in_offside_position field home = \{RefereeInput | theBall,playingHalf,team1,team2} -> let (players1,players2) = if (home == West && playingHalf == FirstHalf || home == East && playingHalf == SecondHalf) (displacements team1, displacements team2) (displacements team2, displacements team1) ball = getFootball theBall (team1 ++ team2) in offside_players field ball home players1 players2 /** offside_players field ball home team opponents: returns the players from @team that are in offside position. @home is the current home of @team, and @opponents are the current opponents. @ball is the current ball. */ offside_players :: !FootballField !Football !Home !Displacements !Displacements -> Displacements offside_players field ball home team opponents = [(player,pos) \\ (player,pos) <- team // a player is in offside position if: | team_ord pos.px middle_x // he is at the opponent's half of the field, and && team_ord pos.px opponent_x // he is closer to the opponent's base line than the 2nd-last opponent, and && team_ord pos.px ball_x // he is closer to the opponent's base line than the ball ] where middle_x = zero ball_x = ball.ballPos.pxy.px team_ord = if (home == West) (>) (<) opponent_x = (snd ((sortBy opponent_ord opponents) !! 1)).px opponent_ord = if (home == West) (\(_,p1) (_,p2) -> p1.px >= p2.px) (\(_,p1) (_,p2) -> p1.px <= p2.px)