implementation module Buffer import StdEnvExt import Footballer buffer :: !FootballField !Home !Edge !FootballerID -> Footballer buffer field home edge playerID = {defaultFootballer playerID & name = "buffer" , length = m 2.2 , skills = (Running, Gaining, Rotating) , brain = { memory = {curDir = if (edge == North) (rad (0.5*pi)) (rad (-0.5*pi))} , ai = the_mind_of_a_buffer field home } } :: Memory = { curDir :: !Angle } the_mind_of_a_buffer :: !FootballField !Home !(!BrainInput,!Memory) -> (!BrainOutput,!Memory) the_mind_of_a_buffer field home ({football,others,me},memory) | dist ball me < maxGainReach me // I can gain the ball = (GainBall,memory) | dist ball me < m 30.0 && ballIsInZone // I can not gain the ball, but I can run to it = (runTowardsBall,memory) | abs > scale 0.5 field.fwidth - sidebuffer // near the edge, turn around = (Move {velocity = ms 25.0,direction=new_direction} zero, {memory & curDir = new_direction}) with new_direction = if (me.speed.direction < zero) (rad (0.5*pi)) (rad (-0.5*pi)) | otherwise = (Move {velocity = ms 25.0,direction=memory.curDir} zero,memory) // no ball, no turning, just keep running where sidebuffer = scale 0.01 field.fwidth ball = getFootball football [me:others] ball_x = ball.ballPos.pxy.px ballIsInZone = if (home == East) (isbetween ball_x (scale 0.15 field.flength) (scale 0.20 field.flength)) (isbetween ball_x (scale -0.10 field.flength) (scale -0.10 field.flength)) nextBallPos = (nextpos ball).ballPos direction2ball = bearing me.speed.direction me nextBallPos.pxy runTowardsBall = Move {direction=direction2ball,velocity=ms 10.0} zero nextpos :: !Football -> Football nextpos ball=:{ballSpeed={vxy={velocity=v,direction=d},vz=v3},ballPos} = {ball & ballPos = move_point3D {zero & dxy={dx=m (cosinus d * toReal v),dy=m (sinus d * toReal v)}} ballPos}