PATH . 'system/classes/config.php', 'Error' => PATH . 'system/classes/error.php', 'Session' => PATH . 'system/classes/session.php', 'TestCMS' => PATH . 'system/classes/testcms.php', 'Template' => PATH . 'system/classes/template.php', 'Request' => PATH . 'system/classes/request.php', 'Response' => PATH . 'system/classes/response.php', 'Log' => PATH . 'system/classes/log.php', 'Db' => PATH . 'system/classes/db.php', 'IoC' => PATH . 'system/classes/ioc.php', 'Url' => PATH . 'system/classes/url.php' )); // tell the autoloader where to find classes Autoloader::directory(array( PATH . 'system/classes/' )); // register the auto loader Autoloader::register(); /** Report all errors let our error class decide which to display */ error_reporting(-1); /** Error display will be handled by our error class */ ini_safe_set('display_errors', false); /** Disable magic quotes note: magic quotes is deprecated in PHP 5.3 src: */ if(function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc')) { if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { ini_safe_set('magic_quotes_gpc', false); ini_safe_set('magic_quotes_runtime', false); ini_safe_set('magic_quotes_sybase', false); } } /** Check our installation */ if(Config::load(PATH . 'config.php') === false) { // looks like we are missing a config file echo file_get_contents(PATH . 'system/admin/theme/error_config.php'); exit(1); } // Register the default timezone for the application. date_default_timezone_set(Config::get('application.timezone')); // Register the PHP exception handler. set_exception_handler(array('Error', 'exception')); // Register the PHP error handler. set_error_handler(array('Error', 'native')); // Register the shutdown handler. register_shutdown_function(array('Error', 'shutdown')); /** Start session handler */ Session::start(); /** Handle routing */ TestCMS::run(); /** Close and end session */ Session::end(); /** Output awesomeness! */ Response::send();