" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:textwidth=99 " Vimwiki support for having your wiki directory as a git repo. " We add to the vimwiki group if exists("g:vimwiki_list") for w in g:vimwiki_list augroup vimwiki let home = w['path']."/index.wiki" " Make sure this window's working dir is the wiki repo dir whenever home.md is opened au! BufRead home lcd w['path']; echo "enabling vimwiki autogit"; " Also do a git pull whenever home.md is opened au BufRead home !git pull let wikifiles = w['path'] . "/*" " After writing to any file in the wiki dir, add all files in the repo, commit and push au! BufWritePost wikifiles !git add .;git commit -m "Autocommit and push"; git push augroup END endfor endif