Basic file structure created with makefiles and gitignore file.
In script.tex and in syntax.tex are some examples for beamer, furthermore you
can look at
for a comprehensive tutorial for beamer.
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+Bash presentatie
+Requires LaTeX and Beamer to compile.
--- /dev/null
+ pdflatex part1.tex
+ pdflatex part1.tex
+ rm -v part1.{pdf,aux,log,nav,out,snm,toc,vrb}
--- /dev/null
+% Voor het weergeven van code, we moeten maar even kijken naar de precieze
+% stijl opties die we willen.
+ language=bash,
+ basicstyle=\footnotesize,
+ breaklines=true,
+ tabsize=2,
+ breakatwhitespace=true,
+ showspaces=false
+ frame=L
+ numbers=left,
+ frame=single
+\author{Felix Stegerman \and Mart Lubbers}
+\title{Bash workshop part 1}
+ \maketitle
+\section{Exit codes}
+\section{Basis commando's}
+\section{Pipes en streams}
--- /dev/null
+ \begin{lstlisting}[style=bashscript]
+foo() {
+ echo "bar"
+barbaz=$(foo | sed 's/r/z/g')
+ \end{lstlisting}
--- /dev/null
+% een frame moet fragile als het listings bevat
+ \begin{lstlisting}[style=bashregel]
+$ cd ..
+ \end{lstlisting}
--- /dev/null
+ pdflatex part2.tex
+ pdflatex part2.tex
+ rm -v part2.{pdf,aux,log,nav,out,snm,toc,vrb}
--- /dev/null
+\author{Felix Stegerman \and Mart Lubbers}
+\title{Bash workshop part 2}
+ Hello world!