updates, for vim gitignore, toprc etc
authorMart Lubbers <mart@martlubbers.net>
Sat, 6 Jun 2015 15:27:43 +0000 (17:27 +0200)
committerMart Lubbers <mart@martlubbers.net>
Sat, 6 Jun 2015 15:27:43 +0000 (17:27 +0200)
.toprc [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/.bashrc b/.bashrc
index 22c7258..f115eb6 100644 (file)
--- a/.bashrc
+++ b/.bashrc
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
 export SUDO_ASKPASS=/usr/lib/ssh/ssh-askpass
 export NOTMUCH_CONFIG=/home/mart/.mutt/notmuch-config
 export SUDO_ASKPASS=/usr/lib/ssh/ssh-askpass
 export NOTMUCH_CONFIG=/home/mart/.mutt/notmuch-config
+export PYTHONSTARTUP=/home/mart/.pythonstartup
 export PATH=$PATH:~/projects/clean/bin
 export PATH=$PATH:~/projects/clean/bin
index 8ef08f3..fa8694d 100644 (file)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 set $mod Mod1
 set $mod Mod1
-exec xautolock -locker 'i3lock -c ccff00'
+exec xautolock -locker 'i3lock -c ccff00; systemctl suspend'
 exec convert -size 1600x900 plasma:fractal -modulate 20,100,10 png:- | display -window root
 exec xbacklight -set 50
 exec netctltray
 exec convert -size 1600x900 plasma:fractal -modulate 20,100,10 png:- | display -window root
 exec xbacklight -set 50
 exec netctltray
index b2cc9d6..e4a4305 100644 (file)
--- a/.inputrc
+++ b/.inputrc
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 set editing-mode vi
 set editing-mode vi
+set completion-ignore-case on
index d50b334..5de448c 100644 (file)
@@ -21,15 +21,6 @@ macro index <F8> \
        <enter-command>set pipe_decode=\$my_old_pipe_decode wait_key=\$my_old_wait_key<enter>" \
        "notmuch: search mail"
        <enter-command>set pipe_decode=\$my_old_pipe_decode wait_key=\$my_old_wait_key<enter>" \
        "notmuch: search mail"
-# Clean up mailing lists
-macro index,pager \Ct "\
-<tag-pattern>~C vim@vim.org | ~C vim_use<enter><tag-prefix-cond><save-message>=vim<enter><end-cond>\
-<tag-pattern>~C lists.debian.org<enter><tag-prefix-cond><save-message>=debian<enter><end-cond>\
-<tag-pattern>~C mutt-users@mutt.org<enter><tag-prefix-cond><save-message>=mutt<enter><end-cond>\
-<tag-pattern>~C praat-users<enter><tag-prefix-cond><save-message>=praat<enter><end-cond>\
-<tag-pattern>~C i3-discuss@i3.zekjur.net<enter><tag-prefix-cond><save-message>=i3<enter><end-cond>\
-<sync-mailbox>" "Clean up mailing lists"
 # Key bindings
 bind index gg first-entry
 bind index G last-entry
 # Key bindings
 bind index gg first-entry
 bind index G last-entry
@@ -70,8 +61,9 @@ set tilde
 set quote_regexp="^( {0,4}[>|:#%]| {0,4}[a-z0-9]+[>|]+)+"
 # Aliases
 set quote_regexp="^( {0,4}[>|:#%]| {0,4}[a-z0-9]+[>|]+)+"
 # Aliases
-set alias_file=~/.mutt/alias
-source ~/.mutt/alias
+set query_command = "abook --mutt-query '%s'"
+macro index,pager a "<pipe-message>abook --add-email-quiet<return>" "Add this sender to Abook"
+bind editor <Tab> complete-query
 # Colors
 color normal white default
 # Colors
 color normal white default
diff --git a/.toprc b/.toprc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a2d9d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.toprc
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+top's Config File (Linux processes with windows)
+Id:i, Mode_altscr=0, Mode_irixps=1, Delay_time=1.500, Curwin=0
+Def    fieldscur=¥&K¨³´»½@·º¹56ÄFÅ')*+,-./0128<>?ABCGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghij
+       winflags=192564, sortindx=18, maxtasks=0, graph_cpus=0, graph_mems=0
+       summclr=1, msgsclr=1, headclr=3, taskclr=1
+Job    fieldscur=¥¦¹·º(³´Ä»½@<§Å)*+,-./012568>?ABCFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghij
+       winflags=163124, sortindx=0, maxtasks=0, graph_cpus=2, graph_mems=0
+       summclr=6, msgsclr=6, headclr=7, taskclr=6
+Mem    fieldscur=¥º»<½¾¿ÀÁMBNÃD34·Å&'()*+,-./0125689FGHIJKLOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghij
+       winflags=163124, sortindx=21, maxtasks=0, graph_cpus=2, graph_mems=0
+       summclr=5, msgsclr=5, headclr=4, taskclr=5
+Usr    fieldscur=¥¦§¨ª°¹·ºÄÅ)+,-./1234568;<=>?@ABCFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghij
+       winflags=163124, sortindx=3, maxtasks=0, graph_cpus=2, graph_mems=0
+       summclr=3, msgsclr=3, headclr=2, taskclr=3
+Fixed_widest=0, Summ_mscale=2, Task_mscale=1, Zero_suppress=0
index a0e76af..7c26141 100644 (file)
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
index 40c3a0e..5411d05 100644 (file)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ sudo localectl set-x11-keymap --no-convert dvorak,ru pc104 ,phonetic_dvorak grp:
 sudo localectl set-keymap --no-convert dvorak
 # Link the dotfiles
 sudo localectl set-keymap --no-convert dvorak
 # Link the dotfiles
-hf=(.bashrc .gitconfig .inputrc .vimrc .xinitrc .Xresources
+hf=(.bashrc .gitconfig .inputrc .vimrc .xinitrc .Xresources .toprc
 .vim .mutt/mailcap .mutt/msmtprc .mutt/muttrc .mutt/offlineimap.py
 .mutt/offlineimaprc .mutt/notmuch-config .config/i3/bar .config/i3/config
 .config/i3/gpass.sh .config/i3status/config)
 .vim .mutt/mailcap .mutt/msmtprc .mutt/muttrc .mutt/offlineimap.py
 .mutt/offlineimaprc .mutt/notmuch-config .config/i3/bar .config/i3/config
 .config/i3/gpass.sh .config/i3status/config)