-every fetsh they imagined, and more, at their fingertips. A human browsing the
-web can see more people in one evening than a human say 100, 1000 or even
-10.000 years ago. In the internet era aberrant sexual behaviour is much more
-considered normal because of the use of pornography. While before the internet
-you really had to seek out companions or peers that also practised the
-abberative behaviour, currently you can seek contact with everyone in the world
-and the normativity changes. Suddenly there are numerous amounts of people that
-have the same interest. Moreover, this leads to the rise of these activities
-such as BSDM fantasies such as \emph{she-males} that were never so prevalent in
+every fetish they imagined, and more, at their fingertips. A human browsing the
+web can see more naked people in one evening than a human say 100, 1000 or even
+10.000 years ago in their entire lifetime.
+In the internet era aberrant sexual behaviour is considered more normal because
+of the use of pornography. While before the internet you really had to seek out
+companions or peers that also practised the abberative behaviour, currently you
+can seek contact with everyone in the world and the normativity on the subject
+changes. Suddenly there are numerous amounts of people that have the same
+interest. As a consequence, this leads to the rise of these activities such as
+BSDM fantasies (e.g. \emph{she-males}) that were never so prevalent in