print("faculty of 5 is: ", foldr(\x y->x*y, 1, intList(5)));
print("sum of 1..5 is: ", foldr(\x y->x+y, 0, intList(5)));
print("filter evens from 0..12 is: ");
- print("sum of 0..12 but only the evens: ", foldr(\x y->x+y, 0, filter(\x->x%2 == 0, intList(12))));
+ print("sum of 0..12 but only the evens: ",
+ foldr(\x y->x+y, 0, filter(\x->x%2 == 0, intList(12))));
//printList(p, l) :: (a -> Void) -> [a] -> Void {
-printList(p, l) :: (a -> Void) -> [a] -> Void {
+printList(p, l) {
printInt(x) {
[Char] l = [];
+ if(x < 0){
+ print('-');
+ x = -x;
+ }
while(x > 0){
l = toChar(x % 10) : l;
x = x / 10;
var num = "-1234";
- printList(printInt, 32 : 4 : []);
+ printList(printInt, 32 : 4 : strToInt(num) : []);
defaultAddressBook fd = extend "1printint" (LAB "1printint" 1 0)
$ extend "1printchar" (LAB "1printchar" 1 1)
$ extend "read" (LAB "read" 0 2)
- $ extend "1readint" (LAB "1readint" 0 3)
- $ extend "isEmpty" (LAB "isempty" 1 4)
- $ addFuncs fd 5
+ $ extend "isEmpty" (LAB "isEmpty" 1 3)
+ $ addFuncs fd 4
addFuncs [] _ = 'Map'.newMap
addFuncs [(FunDecl _ k args _ _ _):xs] n =
programContext :: [FunDecl] -> SSMProgram
programContext x = [Lab "1func"
- :fS ["1printint" ,"1printchar"
- ,"read" ,"1readint"
+ :fS ["1printint" ,"1printchar","read"
,"isEmpty":map (\(FunDecl _ k _ _ _ _)->k) x] 0] ++ context
,Instr "ldr" [Raw "R5"] ""
,Instr "ldc" [Lit n] $ "branch to: " +++ k
,Instr "eq" [] ""
- ,Instr "brf" [L $ "1next" +++ (toString $ n + 1)] ""
+ ,if (isEmpty xs)
+ (Instr "nop" [] "")
+ (Instr "brf" [L $ "1next" +++ (toString $ n + 1)] "")
,Instr "bra" [L k] ""
:fS xs $ n+1]
context :: SSMProgram
,Instr "str" [Raw "RR"] ""
,Instr "unlink" [] ""
,Instr "ret" [] ""
- ,Lab "isempty"
+ ,Lab "isEmpty"
,Instr "link" [Lit 0] ""
,Instr "ldl" [Lit -2] "load prt to list"
,Instr "lda" [Lit 0] "derefrence ptr"
<Prog> ::= <LetDecl>*
-<LetDecl> ::= 'Let' <type> <id> '=' <Expr> ';'
+<LetDecl> ::= 'let' <type> <id> '=' <Expr> ';'
<FunDecl> ::= <id> '(' <Type>* ')' ['::' <FunType] '{' <VarDecl>* <Stmt>+ '}'
<FunType> ::= <VoidType> ['->' <FunType>]
| '(' <FunType> ')'
| '[]' <Expr>
| '(' <Expr> ',' <Expr> ')'
| '"' <char> '"'
+<Op1> ::= '~' | '!'
<LamdaExpr> ::= '\'<id>* '->' <Expr>
<FieldSels> ::= ('.' ('hd'|'tl'|'fst'|'snd))*
<FunCall> ::= <id> ['(' <ActArgs>+ ')']
lexKw "True" TrueToken <|> lexKw "False" FalseToken <|>
lexKw "Int" IntTypeToken <|> lexKw "Bool" BoolTypeToken <|>
lexKw "Char" CharTypeToken <|>
- lexKw "Let" LetToken <|>
+ lexKw "let" LetToken <|>
//Character tokens
lexEscape <|> lexCharacter <|>
//Two char ops tokens