\section{What is GIT}
+\subsection{Who am I?}
\frametitle{Who am I?}
\item Mart Lubbers
- \item 4th year bachelor AI
- \item \url{https://github.com/dopefishh/gitflashtalk}
+ \item Bachelors in Artificial Intelligence
+ \item 1th year master Software science
+ \item
+ {\tiny\url{https://ygdrassil.martlubbers.net/git/gitflashtalk.git}}
\item SHA of the commit of this presentation:
+\subsection{What is git}
+ \frametitle{History of version control}
+ \begin{block}{What is version control?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Text files
+ \item Collaboration
+ \item Possibly centralized or distributed
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{block}{History}
+ \begin{tabular}{lllp{6em}l}
+ \toprule
+ Gen & Networking & Operations & Concurrency & Examples\\
+ \midrule
+ 1 & None & One file & Locks & RCS, SCSS\\
+ 2 & Centralized & Multi-file & Merge before commit & CVS, SVN\\
+ 3 & Distributed & Changeset & Commit before merge &
+ Git, Mercurial\\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ {\tiny Table from \url{%
+ http://ericsink.com/vcbe/html/history_of_version_control.html}}
+ \end{block}
+ \frametitle{What is Git}
+ \begin{block}{Origins}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Pronounce: \textipa{[g\'\i t]}
+ \item 2005 because \textit{Bitkeeper} changed terms
+ \item Linux kernel
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{block}{Initial \texttt{readme} from 2005}
+ \begin{minted}{text}
+ GIT - the stupid content tracker
+"git" can mean anything, depending on your mood.
+ - random three-letter combination that is pronounceable, and not
+ actually used by any common UNIX command. The fact that it is a
+ mispronounciation of "get" may or may not be relevant.
+ - stupid. contemptible and despicable. simple. Take your pick from the
+ dictionary of slang.
+ - "global information tracker": you're in a good mood, and it actually
+ works for you. Angels sing, and a light suddenly fills the room.
+ - "goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t": when it breaks
+ \end{minted}
+ \end{block}
+ \frametitle{Why Git?}
+ \begin{block}{Pros}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Fast
+ \item Scaleable
+ \item Simple
+ \item Support for non linear development
+ \item Intermediate stage between committing and pushing
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{block}{Cons}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Binary files
+ \item Intermediate stage between committing and pushing
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}
+ \frametitle{Before we start}
+ \pause
+ \huge Git is not Github
+ \begin{block}{{\Large\Smiley\Smiley} Linux}
+ Depending on the distribution you may have to do:\\
+ \mint{console}{# apt-get install git}
+ \mint{console}{# pacman -S git}
+ \mint{console}{# yum install git}
+ \mint{console}{# emerge --ask dev-vcs/git}
+ Etc\ldots
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{block}{{\Large\Frowny\Smiley} Mac}
+ Install via XCode tools. Just run \mintinline{console}{|\$| git} and
+ when Git is not installed it will prompt you with instructions.
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{block}{{\Large\Frowny\Frowny} Windows}
+ Downoad the binary from \url{http://git-scm.com/download/win} and
+ install.
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{block}{Linux/Mac}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[Step 1.] Open your favourite terminal.
+ \item[Step 2.]
+ \begin{minted}{console}
+|\$| git --version
+git version 2.7.2
+ \end{minted}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{block}{Windows}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[Step 1.] Open \texttt{git-bash}. \texttt{git-bash} is a UNIX
+ like environment with all the necessary tools.
+ \item[Step 2.]
+ \begin{minted}{console}
+frobnicator@frobmachine MINGW64 ~
+|\$| git --version
+git version 2.7.2.windows.1
+ \end{minted}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}