--- /dev/null
+ <head>
+ <title>Dvorak resources</title>
+ <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <p>Since about 2011 I've started using dvorak as my main keyboard layout and like the efficiency compared to QWERTY.</p>
+ <h2>Dvorak in dos</h2>
+ <p>To use dvorak in dos download this <a href="files/dvorak_dos.tar">file</a> containing dvorak.com<br />
+ Transfer it to your C:\DOS folder for example and add this to your AUTOEXEC.bat:
+ <pre>C:\DOS\DVORAK.COM</pre>
+ When your computer boots the program will say DVORAK is loaded and you're good to go</p>
+ <h2>Dvorak in dosbox</h2>
+ <p>Dvorak is also usable in dosbox via a custom mapper file that your can find <a href="files/dvorak-0.74.map">here</a><br />
+ You can enable the layout by saving this in your settings directory and <pre>mapperfile=dvorak-0.74.map</pre> to your sdl section of your dosbox config.</p>
+ </body>
--- /dev/null
+drwxr-xr-x 2 ftp ftp 4096 Mar 19 08:41 .\r
+drwxr-xr-x 3 ftp ftp 4096 Mar 19 08:41 ..\r
+-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 2859 Mar 19 08:37 dvorak-0.74.map\r
+-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 10240 Mar 19 08:35 dvorak_dos.tar\r
--- /dev/null
+hand_shutdown "key 290 mod1" \r
+hand_capmouse "key 291 mod1" \r
+hand_fullscr "key 13 mod2" \r
+hand_pause "key 19 mod2" \r
+hand_mapper "key 282 mod1" \r
+hand_speedlock "key 293 mod2" \r
+hand_recwave "key 287 mod1" \r
+hand_caprawmidi "key 289 mod1 mod2" \r
+hand_scrshot "key 286 mod1" \r
+hand_video "key 286 mod1 mod2" \r
+hand_decfskip "key 288 mod1" \r
+hand_incfskip "key 289 mod1" \r
+hand_cycledown "key 292 mod1" \r
+hand_cycleup "key 293 mod1" \r
+hand_caprawopl "key 288 mod1 mod2" \r
+hand_swapimg "key 285 mod1" \r
+key_esc "key 27"\r
+key_f1 "key 282"\r
+key_f2 "key 283"\r
+key_f3 "key 284"\r
+key_f4 "key 285"\r
+key_f5 "key 286"\r
+key_f6 "key 287"\r
+key_f7 "key 288"\r
+key_f8 "key 289"\r
+key_f9 "key 290"\r
+key_f10 "key 291"\r
+key_f11 "key 292"\r
+key_f12 "key 293"\r
+key_grave "key 96"\r
+key_1 "key 49"\r
+key_2 "key 50"\r
+key_3 "key 51"\r
+key_4 "key 52"\r
+key_5 "key 53"\r
+key_6 "key 54"\r
+key_7 "key 55"\r
+key_8 "key 56"\r
+key_9 "key 57"\r
+key_0 "key 48"\r
+key_minus "key 39"\r
+key_equals "key 93"\r
+key_bspace "key 8"\r
+key_tab "key 9"\r
+key_q "key 120"\r
+key_w "key 44"\r
+key_e "key 100"\r
+key_r "key 111"\r
+key_t "key 107"\r
+key_y "key 116"\r
+key_u "key 102"\r
+key_i "key 103"\r
+key_o "key 115"\r
+key_p "key 114"\r
+key_lbracket "key 45"\r
+key_rbracket "key 61"\r
+key_enter "key 13"\r
+key_capslock "key 301"\r
+key_a "key 97"\r
+key_s "key 59"\r
+key_d "key 104"\r
+key_f "key 121"\r
+key_g "key 117"\r
+key_h "key 106"\r
+key_j "key 99"\r
+key_k "key 118"\r
+key_l "key 112"\r
+key_semicolon "key 122"\r
+key_quote "key 113"\r
+key_backslash "key 92"\r
+key_lshift "key 304"\r
+key_lessthan "key 60"\r
+key_z "key 47"\r
+key_x "key 98"\r
+key_c "key 105"\r
+key_v "key 46"\r
+key_b "key 110"\r
+key_n "key 108"\r
+key_m "key 109"\r
+key_comma "key 119"\r
+key_period "key 101"\r
+key_slash "key 91"\r
+key_rshift "key 303"\r
+key_lctrl "key 306"\r
+key_lalt "key 308"\r
+key_space "key 32"\r
+key_ralt "key 307"\r
+key_rctrl "key 305"\r
+key_printscreen "key 316"\r
+key_scrolllock "key 302"\r
+key_pause "key 19"\r
+key_insert "key 277"\r
+key_home "key 278"\r
+key_pageup "key 280"\r
+key_delete "key 127"\r
+key_end "key 279"\r
+key_pagedown "key 281"\r
+key_up "key 273"\r
+key_left "key 276"\r
+key_down "key 274"\r
+key_right "key 275"\r
+key_numlock "key 300"\r
+key_kp_divide "key 267"\r
+key_kp_multiply "key 268"\r
+key_kp_minus "key 269"\r
+key_kp_7 "key 263"\r
+key_kp_8 "key 264"\r
+key_kp_9 "key 265"\r
+key_kp_plus "key 270"\r
+key_kp_4 "key 260"\r
+key_kp_5 "key 261"\r
+key_kp_6 "key 262"\r
+key_kp_1 "key 257"\r
+key_kp_2 "key 258"\r
+key_kp_3 "key 259"\r
+key_kp_enter "key 271"\r
+key_kp_0 "key 256"\r
+key_kp_period "key 266"\r
+jbutton_0_0 \r
+jbutton_0_1 \r
+jaxis_0_1- \r
+jaxis_0_1+ \r
+jaxis_0_0- \r
+jaxis_0_0+ \r
+jbutton_0_2 \r
+jbutton_0_3 \r
+jbutton_1_0 \r
+jbutton_1_1 \r
+jaxis_0_2- \r
+jaxis_0_2+ \r
+jaxis_0_3- \r
+jaxis_0_3+ \r
+jaxis_1_0- \r
+jaxis_1_0+ \r
+jaxis_1_1- \r
+jaxis_1_1+ \r
+jbutton_0_4 \r
+jbutton_0_5 \r
+jhat_0_0_0 \r
+jhat_0_0_3 \r
+jhat_0_0_2 \r
+jhat_0_0_1 \r
+mod_1 "key 306" "key 305" \r
+mod_2 "key 308" "key 307" \r
+mod_3 \r
--- /dev/null
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+ <title>Mart Lubbers' Site</title>
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+ </head>
+ <body>
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+ if(document.URL.indexOf('doomgenerator') != -1)
+ {
+ window.location = "http://www.martlubbers.net/test.php"
+ }
+ </script>
+ <h2>Mart Lubbers</h2>
+ <table width="640">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <img src="./p.jpg" width="120" alt="Mart Lubbers" />
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ Bachelor Student<br />
+ Artificial Intelligence<br />
+ Radboud University<br />
+ <br />
+ Mart Lubbers<br />
+ mart@martlubbers.net<br />
+ GPG ID: <a href="http://martlubbers.net/mart@martlubbers.net.asc">AD3FEBE7</a><br />
+ Fingerprint: 74FF FBF1 4758 273B 2F56 A30C A937 B7A1 AD3F EBE7<br />
+ <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/pub/mart-lubbers/1b/76a/763">LinkedIn</a><br />
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <h3>Work</h3>
+ <p>Student Assistant at <a href="http://www.mpi.nl/">Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics</a>
+ in the Language and Cognition department.</p>
+ <h3>Research Interests</h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Artificial Intelligence</li>
+ <li>Computational Linguistics</li>
+ <li>Machine Learning</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Publications</h3>
+ <p>Currently none</p>
+ <h3>Personal Projects</h3>
+ <h4>Tutorials or manuals</h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="dvorak.html">Personal dvorak page</a></li>
+ <li><a href="youtube-term.html">Play youtube videos on headless machine</a></li>
+ <li><a href="nsa-dropbox.html">Use any untrusted linux cloud storage safe</a></li>
+ <li><a href="lejos-ubuntu.html">Install LeJoS on any debian based linux</a></li>
+ <li><a href="wlan-debian.html">Wlan w.o. network manager on debian</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <h4>Currently active</h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://github.com/dopefishh/pynterfaces">pynterfaces</a> - A python toolkit to modify your /etc/network/interfaces file to make network managers unneeded(wifi included)</li>
+ <li><a href="https://github.com/dopefishh/pympi">pympi</a> - A python toolkit to interact with Praat and Elan files</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h4>Suspended</h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="https://github.com/dopefishh/dwifi">dWifi</a> - A cli network manager for linux</li>
+ <li>TALK</li>
+ <li>Kasparobot</li>
+ <li>Logic gate simulator</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h3>Other Interests</h3>
+ <p>- Death/Doom metal<br />
+ - Hacking<br />
+ - Kung fu<br />
+ - Linux<br />
+ - Pokémon</p>
+ <div style="margin-top">
+ </div>
+ </body>
--- /dev/null
+ <head>
+ <title>Install LeJOS on Ubuntu</title>
+ <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h3>INFO</h3>
+ <p><a href="http://lejos.org">LeJOS</a> is an alternative operating system and programming environment for the LEGO NXT robots. LeJOS
+ uses java as main programming languages and makes it thus very easy to program object-oriented and reuse old java code.</p>
+ <pre>
+# apt-get update
+# apt-get install libusb-dev gcj libbluetooth-dev ant
+$ wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/lejos/lejos-NXJ/0.9.1beta/leJOS_NXJ_0.9.1beta-3.tar.gz?
+$ tar -zxvf leJOS_NXJ_0.9.1beta-3.tar.gz
+$ mv leJOS_NXJ_0.9.1beta-3 ~/software/lejos_nxj (or something)
+$ cd ~/software/lejos_nxj/bin
+$ chmod +x nxj*
+$ cd ~/software/lejos_nxj/build
+$ ant
+$ export PATH=/home/user/software/lejos_nxj/bin:$PATH (or put in /etc/environment)
+# touch /etc/udev/rules.d/70-lego.rules
+# echo "BUS==\"usb\", SYSFS{idVendor}==\"03eb\", GROUP=\"lego\", MODE=\"0660\"" << /etc/udev/rules.d/70-lego.rules
+# echo "BUS==\"usb\", SYSFS{idVendor}==\"0694\", GROUP=\"lego\", MODE=\"0660\"" << /etc/udev/rules.d/70-lego.rules
+$ groupadd lego
+$ useradd -G lego user</pre>
+ <br />
+ <p>Remember to run eclipse as root(don't know why yet)</p>
+ </body>
--- /dev/null
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
--- /dev/null
+ <head>
+ <title>Use any untrusted cloud storage with encryption</title>
+ <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ Install encfs and fuse<br />
+<pre># apt-get install fuse encfs</pre>
+ Install a cloud service(copy.com used here)(assuming ~/bin is in your path and running on a 64bits machine)<br />
+ When using a different architecture just change x86_64 to x86 or armv6h in the client install script<br />
+ If ~/bin is not in your path add to your bashrc(example using user: test):
+ Download and install the copy client for linux
+$ wget https://copy.com/install/linux/Copy.tgz
+$ mkdir ~/bin/copy; tar -xf Copy.tgz -C ~/bin/copy
+$ ln -s ~/bin/copy/x86_64/CopyConsole ~/bin/CopyConsole
+ <h3>SETUP</h3>
+ <p>Make sure your user is in the fuse group and setup the encfs share by doing this:
+$ mkdir ~/.copy.encr ~/copy
+$ encfs ~/.copy.encr ~/copy
+ When they ask use option p for paranoia and pick a password.<br />
+ Create an account on copy.com and setup the client by typing this command
+<pre>$ CopyConsole -u=the_mail_you_signed_up_with -r=/home/your_linux_username/.copy.encr -p=the_password_you_signed_up_with</pre>
+ This creates a setup that does this automatically in the future<br />
+ Let the daemon and the encfs autostart when you and only you are logged in by adding this to ~/.bashrc
+if ! mountpoint -q ~/copy; then
+ encfs ~/.copy.encr ~/copy
+if ! pidof CopyConsole >> /dev/null; then
+ CopyConsole -daemon 2>&1 1>/dev/null
+ Congratulations your setup is working. <br />
+ When you want to stop the daemon you can kill the pid given by ~/.copy.pid.<br />
+ From now on your computer or server will ask one time for you password when the first bash starts in your account.</p>
+ <h3>NOTES</h3>
+ <p>This could work with any cloud service, just mount the folder it wil sync first with encfs</p>
+ </body>
--- /dev/null
+<title>Website voor oma!</title>
+<script src="cardgamecore.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+<script src="solitaire.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
+<body bgcolor="#000000" alinks="#F3F781" link="F3F781" text="FFFFF" vlink="F3F781">
+<h3>Hallo Oma</h3>
+<p>Het is je gelukt om het raadsel te ontcijferen en daarvoor heb ik deze internet site gemaakt met wat leuke en/of nostalgische dingen.
+Ten eerste van harte gefeliciteerd met je 80ste verjaardag en ik hoop dat er nog veel jaren bij komen.
+Iedereen werd gevraagd om iets te maken voor het boekje wat bij die gene past en ik vond dat dit wel bij mij past.
+Deze website zal altijd te bereiken zijn voor als je het nog eens terug wilt kijken.</p>
+<h3>Leuke links</h3>
+<a href="http://martlubbers.net">Mijn website: hierop staan een paar leuke filmpjes van de dingen die ik op de universiteit allemaal beleef.</a>
+<h3>Leuke muziekjes van vroeger en nu</h3>
+<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RpX59JHnDOk?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
+<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BGLR25EJtfE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
+<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Hlk0ohCYErE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
+<h3>Email mij</h3>
+<p><a href="mailto:mart@martlubbers.net">mart@martlubbers.net</a></p>
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+for f in $(find . -type f | grep -v "put\|/\.\|^\.$\|/$")
+ curl -u $(gpg --use-agent -d ~/passwd.gpg | grep ftp-user | awk '{print $2":"$3}') -T $f ftp://martlubbers.net/public_html/$f
--- /dev/null
+# go away
+User-agent: *
+Disallow: /
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ color:#000000;
+ background-color:#e3e3e3;
+ color:#000080;
+a:visited, a:hover, a:active
+ color:#0000c6;
--- /dev/null
+ <head>
+ <meta name="keywords" content="Doom, Black, Metal, Depressing, Depressed, Band, Name, Generator, Funeral">
+ <meta name="description" content="Doom metal band name generator">
+ <meta name="author" content="mart@martlubbers.net">
+ <title>Doom Metal Band Name Generator!</title>
+ </head>
+ <body bgcolor="#000000" ALINK="#FFFFFF" LINK="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#FFFFFF" VLINK="#FFFFFF">
+$input = array(
+ "Ability", "Abnormal", "Abominable", "Abuse", "Adolescents", "Affect", "Agency", "Aid", "Alarm", "Alienation", "All ages", "Alone", "Anger", "Anguish", "Antidepressant", "Anxiety", "Anxious", "Ashamed", "Attempt", "Attention", "Attitude", "Awareness",
+ "Boiling", "Bitter", "Bad", "Bipolar", "Blase", "Blue", "Brain",
+ "Caregiver", "Certify", "Child", "Clarity", "Clinical", "Communication", "Concern", "Conclude", "Condition", "Confide", "Confusion", "Cooperative", "Cope", "Counsel", "Courage", "Cruel", "Cure", "Cycle",
+ "Data", "Death", "Debilitating", "Defeated", "Degree", "Depressed", "Depression", "Descent", "Despair", "Despicable", "Detestable", "Detriment", "Diagnosis", "Die", "Discrimination", "Discouraged", "Disease", "Disgusting", "Disinterest", "Dissatisfied", "Diminished", "Disorder", "Disorder", "Distracted", "Doctor", "Dog days", "Doom", "Down", "Drugs",
+ "Education", "Effect", "Endure", "Esteem", "Evaluation",
+ "Family", "Fatigued", "Fear", "Feelings", "Fight", "Finality", "Friends", "Funeral",
+ "Gain", "Grief", "Grieving", "Guideline", "Guilty",
+ "Hard work", "Heal", "Health", "Heaven", "Help", "Helpless", "Hereditary", "Hopelessness", "Hope", "Hot-line", "Hurt",
+ "Immune", "Improvement", "Inability", "Inactivity", "Indicator", "Insecure", "Interested", "Interfere", "Involvement", "Irritable", "Isolation", "Issues",
+ "Jeer", "Joking",
+ "Kill", "Knowledge", "Knowledgeable",
+ "Label", "Lack", "Level", "Level", "Listening", "Lousy", "Loss",
+ "Mad", "Media", "Medication", "Medicine", "Melancholia", "Mental", "Mental health", "Miserable", "Misunderstanding", "Monitor", "Mourning",
+ "Necessary", "Need", "Negative", "Normal", "Nothing",
+ "Observation", "Oncoming", "Opinion", "Option", "Organize", "Overcome", "Overwhelmed",
+ "Pain", "Panic", "Parents", "Patience", "Patient", "Pattern", "Pay attention", "Peers", "Personal", "Physician", "Pills", "Prescription", "Powerless", "Prevent", "Prevention", "Programs", "Progress", "Progressive", "Protect", "Psychiatrist",
+ "Quality", "Quantity", "Query", "Quest",
+ "Reality", "Refusal", "Reign", "Report", "Repugnant", "Requirement", "Resulting", "Review",
+ "Sadness", "Scared", "Security", "Separation", "Septic", "Seriousness", "Sewage", "Shades", "Siblings", "Signs", "Skills", "Sleep", "Sleep pattern", "Solitary", "Sorrow", "Source", "Statistics", "Stigma", "Strength", "Struggle", "Studies", "Substance abuse", "Succor", "Suffer", "Suicide", "Sulky", "Sympathetic", "Symptoms",
+ "Tack", "Talk", "Talking", "Tears", "Teenagers", "Tentative", "Terrible", "Terrified", "Therapy", "Thoughts", "Time", "Tired", "Tragedy", "Tragic", "Trajectory", "Treat", "Treatment", "Treatment", "Treatment", "Triumph", "Troubled",
+ "Uncertain", "Uncomfortable", "Understanding", "Unfulfilled", "Unique", "Unsettling", "Unusual",
+ "Validation", "Victim",
+ "Warning", "Watch", "Weeping", "Withdrawal", "Woesome", "World Health Organization", "Worry", "Worthless",
+ "Youth",
+ "Zero");
+$rand_keys = array_rand($input, 2);
+echo "\t\t<h1>" . $input[$rand_keys[0]] . " ";
+echo $input[$rand_keys[1]] . "</h1><br />\n";
+ <br />
+ <img src="http://www.metalmusicarchives.com/images/artists/arckanum.jpg"/><br/>
+ <font size="1">
+ <a href="javascript:location.reload(true);">new</a><br/>
+ <a href="mailto:mart@martlubbers.net">contact</a>
+ </font>
+ </body>
--- /dev/null
+ <head>
+ <title>Automatic wifi without heavy network manager on debian</title>
+ <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <p>Install wpa_supplicant and wireless-tools(standard in most distros).<br />
+<pre># apt-get install wireless-tools wpa_supplicant</pre>
+ <br />
+ Identify your wifi controller. This can usually be found by typing<br />
+ <pre>$ iwconfig</pre>
+ <br />
+ Locate all the config files for your desired networks. Mine are placed in /etc/network/wifi/<SSID>.conf. More info on creating configs in the end of the file.</p>
+ <p>Create the SSID selection script.<br />
+ I've put mine in /etc/network/wifi/select<br />
+ifconfig [INTERFACE] up 1> /dev/null && { iwlist [INTERFACE] scan | grep -o "\".*\"" | tr -d \'\" | sort | uniq; grep -o "map\ .*" /etc/network/interfaces | awk '{print $2}'; } | sort | uniq -d | head -1
+ <br />
+ Make it executable.<br />
+ <pre># chmod +x /etc/network/wifi/select</pre>
+ <br />
+ Change in /etc/network/interfaces the [INTERFACE] specification.<br />
+mapping [INTERFACE]
+ script /etc/network/wifi/select
+ map [SSID]1
+ map [SSID]2
+ ..
+ map eduroam
+iface [SSID]1 inet dhcp
+wpa_conf /etc/network/wifi/[SSID]1.conf
+iface [SSID]2 inet dhcp
+wpa_conf /etc/network/wifi/[SSID]2.conf
+iface eduroam inet dhcp
+wpa_conf /etc/network/wifi/eduroam.conf
+ <br />
+ You're finished! Restart the network service with:<br />
+ <pre># service networking restartworking restart</pre>
+ And you can connect to a available network by running this command.<br />
+ <pre># ifup [INTERFACE]</pre>
+ If you want to force an [SSID] you can run:<br />
+ <pre># ifup [INTERFACE]=[SSID]</pre></p>
+ <p>Standard wpa2 network configs can be created by running:<br />
+ <pre># wpa_passphrase [SSID] [PASSWORD] > /etc/network/wifi/[SSID].conf</pre>
+ <br />
+ For eduroam you can use this example:<br />
+ ssid="eduroam"
+ key_mgmt=WPA-EAP
+ eap=TTLS
+ phase2="auth=MSCHAPV2"
+ ca_cert="/etc/ssl/certs/AddTrust_External_Root.pem"
+ identity="login@university.nl"
+ scan_ssid=1
+ password="YOURPASSWORD"
+ If you don't want your password in a config you can also use a hash generated by this command. (Don't forget to remove it from ~/.bash_history afterwards)<br />
+<pre>$ echo -n [PASSWORD] | iconv -t UTF16LE | openssl md4</pre>
+ You should replace the plaintext string with: "hash:[HASHOUTPUT]"<br />
+ note: don't use quotes.</p>
+ <footer>update 2014-03-04: fixed a few small errors concerning hashing and config files</footer>
+ </body>
--- /dev/null
+ <head>
+ <title>Play youtube videos on a headless server</title>
+ <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ Download the get_flash_videos latest version:
+<pre>$ git clone https://github.com/monsieurvideo/get-flash-videos.git</pre>
+ Install the dependencies:
+<pre># apt-get install perl libmodule-find-perl libwww-mechanize-perl vlc</pre>
+ Install the get_flash_videos script:
+$ cd get-flash-videos/
+$ make
+$ make install
+ Create a small script that combines these with vlc by adding this to bashrc or a shellscript in PATH the flag -A alsa could be different(when usig pulseaudio it can be omitted):
+function ytview {
+ if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then
+ echo "usage $0 yturl"
+ else
+ get_flash_videos -q -f - $1 | cvlc -A alsa -V aa -
+ fi
+ Play a video by typing:
+<pre>$ ytview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAUzWtLMnU0</pre>
+ Some videos can't be downloaded, but most videos will just work.
+ </body>