\subsection{Test cases}
+Before every test case use the following steps to initialize the testing environment.
+ \item Boot the vm using VirtualBox.
+ \item Setup iptables by executing \texttt{\# code/iptables.sh}
+ \item Navigate to the working directory by running \texttt{\$ cd /home/student/tt2015}
+ \item Start the echo server by running \texttt{\# cd code/server \&\& java Main}
+ \hline
+ Nr & 1 \\\hline
+ Title & Single valid request with 1byte payload. \\\hline
+ Input & Generated packets. \\\hline
+ Expected output & Packets echoed back by Echo-Server. \\\hline
+ \multirow{2}{*}{Course of action}
+ & 1. Use the steps listed above in order to start the SUT. \\
+ & 2. Execute the script by running \texttt{\# code/client/tests/1.py} \\\hline
+ Valid trace & Verify that the script prints 'Success'. \\\hline
+ \hline
+ Nr & 2 \\\hline
+ Title & Single valid request with 65495bytes payload. \\\hline
+ Input & Generated packets. \\\hline
+ Expected output & Packets echoed back by Echo-Server. \\\hline
+ \multirow{2}{*}{Course of action}
+ & 1. Use the steps listed above in order to start the SUT. \\
+ & 2. Execute the script by running \texttt{\# code/client/tests/2.py} \\\hline
+ Valid trace & Verify that the script prints 'Success'. \\\hline
+ \hline
+ Nr & 3 \\\hline
+ Title & 5 valid requests with 1byte payload. \\\hline
+ Input & Generated packets. \\\hline
+ Expected output & Packets echoed back by Echo-Server, in the same order as the client sent them. \\\hline
+ \multirow{2}{*}{Course of action}
+ & 1. Use the steps listed above in order to start the SUT. \\
+ & 2. Execute the script by running \texttt{\# code/client/tests/3.py} \\\hline
+ Valid trace & Verify that the script prints 'Success'. \\\hline
+ \hline
+ Nr & 4 \\\hline
+ Title & 5 valid requests with 65495bytes payload. \\\hline
+ Input & Generated packets with 65495bytes payload. \\\hline
+ Expected output & Packets echoed back by Echo-Server, in the same order as the client sent them. \\\hline
+ \multirow{2}{*}{Course of action}
+ & 1. Use the steps listed above in order to start the SUT. \\
+ & 2. Execute the script by running \texttt{\# code/client/tests/4.py} \\\hline
+ Valid trace & Verify that the script prints 'Success'. \\\hline
+ \hline
+ Nr & 5 \\\hline
+ Title & 5 valid requests with 1byte payload sent out of order. \\\hline
+ Input & Generated packets with 1byte payload, two packets are swapped in position. \\\hline
+ Expected output & All requests sent up to and including
+ the swapped packet with the lowest sequence number, the remaining packets are dropped. \\\hline
+ \multirow{2}{*}{Course of action}
+ & 1. Use the steps listed above in order to start the SUT. \\
+ & 2. Execute the script by running \texttt{\# code/client/tests/5.py} \\\hline
+ Valid trace & Verify that the script prints 'Success'. \\\hline
+ \hline
%\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{| l | X|}
%Nr & 1 \\\hline