set flag Pushed
+Behaviour FoundLineL
+ take control: Light on left
+ action:
+ set flag LeftLine
+Behaviour FoundLineR
+ take control: Light on right
+ action:
+ set flag RightLine
+Behaviour FollowLGood
+ take control: (&& flag set LeftLine Light on left)
+ action:
+ left motor forward with speed 75 acceleration 1000
+ right motor backward with speed 50 acceleration 1000
+Behaviour FollowLBad
+ take control: (&& flag set LeftLine not Light on left)
+ action:
+ left motor forward with speed 75 acceleration 1000
+ right motor forward with speed 100 acceleration 1000
+Behaviour FollowRGood
+ take control: (&& flag set RightLine Light on right)
+ action:
+ right motor forward with speed 75 acceleration 1000
+ left motor backward with speed 50 acceleration 1000
+Behaviour FollowRBad
+ take control: (&& flag set RightLine not Light on right)
+ action:
+ right motor forward with speed 75 acceleration 1000
+ left motor forward with speed 100 acceleration 1000
+Behaviour FoundParkingSpace
+ take control: (&& (|| flag set LeftLine flag set RightLine) Color is White)// (|| Light on left Light on right))
+ action:
+ set flag Parked
+ /*
Mission FindAndMeasureLakes
using Wander StayInFieldR StayInFieldL StayInFieldB GreenLake RedLake BlueLake
and stops when (&& flag set GreenLake flag set RedLake flag set BlueLake)
and stops when flag set Measured
Mission PushRocks
using Wander PushL PushR PushB StopPushing StayInFieldR StayInFieldL StayInFieldB
- and stops when flag set Pushed
\ No newline at end of file
+ and stops when flag set Pushed*/
+Mission Park
+ using Drive FoundLineL FoundLineR FollowLBad FollowLGood FollowRBad FollowRGood FoundParkingSpace
+ and stops when flag set Parked
\ No newline at end of file