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+\subsection{Part 1: Modelling Sokoban}
+\subsubsection{Task 1: Knowledge base}
+ \item{Q1}\\
+ We describe the connections using the four main directional words,
+ namely: $north,south,east,west$. We only define the connection for the
+ $north$ and $east$ directions because we can infer the $south$ and
+ $west$ directions from it.
+ \item{Q2}\\
+ We use the functions $agent(X, S_i), crate(cratename, X, S_i)$ and
+ $target(cratename, X)$ to easily represent the information.
+ \item{Q3}\\
+ \begin{lstlisting}[language=prolog]
+connected(loc1-1, loc2-1, north),
+connected(loc1-1, loc1-2, east),
+connected(loc1-2, loc2-2, north),
+connected(loc1-2, loc1-3, east),
+connected(loc1-3, loc2-3, north),
+connected(loc1-3, loc1-4, east),
+connected(loc1-4, loc2-4, north),
+connected(loc2-1, loc3-1, north),
+connected(loc2-1, loc2-2, east),
+connected(loc2-2, loc3-2, north),
+connected(loc2-2, loc2-3, east),
+connected(loc2-3, loc3-3, north),
+connected(loc2-3, loc2-4, east),
+connected(loc3-1, loc3-2, north),
+connected(loc3-2, loc3-3, north),
+(connected(X, Y, east); \+connected(Y, X, west)),
+(connected(X, Y, north); \+connected(Y, X, south)),
+crate(crate-c, loc2-1, s),
+crate(crate-b, loc2-2, s),
+crate(crate-a, loc2-3, s),
+target(crate-a, loc1-1),
+target(crate-b, loc1-3),
+target(crate-c, loc1-2),
+agent(loc3-2, s).$
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \item{Q4}\\
+ \begin{lstlisting}[language=prolog]
+target(X, Y), crate(X, Y, s).
+ \end{lstlisting}
+\subsubsection{Task 2: Actions}
+ \item{Q5}\\
+$Poss(move(x, y), s) \equiv \neg(crate(x, y, s)) \wedge connected(x, y, _)$
+ \item{Q6}\\
+$Poss(push(x, d), s) \equiv agent(x, s) \wedge (\exists c,z: crate(c, z, s)
+\wedge connected(x, z, d) \wedge (\exists y: connected(z, y, d) \wedge \neg
+(\exists a: crate(a, z, s))))$
+ \item{Q7}\\
+$connected(x, y, d) \rightarrow agent(y, do(move(x, y), s))\\
+connected(x, y, d) \rightarrow agent(y, do(push(x, d), s))\\
+connected(x, y, d) \wedge connected(y, z, d) \rightarrow
+ crate(c, z, do(push(x, d), s))$
+\subsection{Part 2: Implementation}
+ \item{How much time did it take?}\\
+ p1t1: 45m
+ \item{What would you like to see changed?}\\
+ p1t1: There is an ambiguity in p1t1Q3, it's not clear if the starred
+ locations should be included in the initial state(therefore not only in
+ the goal state).\\