option and exchanged during the handshake so that the server knows the
multithreading capabilities of the client.
-\todo{Parametric lenses on devices share?}
+Hardly any work has been done in the interpreter. The current interpreter is a
+no nonsense stack machine. A lot of improvements can be done in this part. For
+example, precomputed \emph{gotos} can improve jumping to the correct part of
+the code corresponding to the correct instruction.
Resource analysis during compilation can be useful to determine if an
20 : BCDigitalWrite (Digital D0)
-\todo{add more elaborate example?}
-\todo{details about the interpreter on the client}
+The client contains an interpreter to execute a \gls{Task}'s bytecode.
+First some preparatory work is done. The stack will be initialized and the
+program counter and stack pointer are set to zero and the bottom respectively.
+Then the interpreter executes one step at the time while the program counter is
+smaller than the program length. The code for this is listed in
+Listing~\ref{lst:interpr}. One execution step is basically a big switch
+statement going over all possible bytecode instructions. Some instructions are
+detailed upon in the listing. The \CI{BCPush} instruction is a little more
+complicated in real life because some decoding will take place as not all
+\CI{BCValue}'s are of the same length.
+ caption={Rough code outline for interpretation}]
+#define f16(p) program[pc]*265+program[pc+1]
+void run_task(struct task *t){
+ uint8_t *program = t->bc;
+ int plen = t->tasklength;
+ int pc = 0;
+ int sp = 0;
+ while(pc < plen){
+ switch(program[pc++]){
+ case BCNOP:
+ break;
+ case BCPUSH:
+ stack[sp++] = pc++ //Simplified
+ break;
+ case BCPOP:
+ sp--;
+ break;
+ sds_store(f16(pc), stack[--sp]);
+ pc+=2;
+ break;
+ // ...
+ case BCADD: trace("add");
+ stack[sp-2] = stack[sp-2] + stack[sp-1];
+ sp -= 1;
+ break;
+ // ...
+ case BCJMPT: trace("jmpt to %d", program[pc]);
+ pc = stack[--sp] ? program[pc]-1 : pc+1;
+ break;