The current list of supported and tested devices is as follows:
\item $^*$\texttt{NIX} systems such as Linux
- \item STM32 like development boards supported by \texttt{ChibiOS}.
- \item \emph{Arduino} compatible microcontrollers
+ \item \emph{STM32} like development boards supported by \texttt{ChibiOS}
+ such as the \emph{STM32f7x} series.
+ \item \emph{Arduino} compatible microcontrollers. Even development boards
+ with as little as \emph{2K} \emph{RAM} such as the \emph{Arduino UNO}
+ are supported.
\subsection{Class based shallow embedding}
\todo{while iTasks is also a DSL\ldots}
\glspl{mTask} are expressed in a class based shallowly embedded \gls{EDSL}.
There are two main types of \glspl{EDSL}.