import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List
+import Data.Functor
import StdString
import StdList
instance zero Gamma where
zero = 'Map'.newMap
+//runInfer :: Gamma (Infer a) -> Either SemError a
+//runInfer env m = evalRWST m env variableStream
variableStream :: [String]
variableStream = map toString [1..]
"SemError: SanityError: ", e]
toString se = "SemError: "
-uni :: Type Type -> Infer ()
-uni t1 t2 = tell [(t1, t2)]
+// ------------------------
+// First step: Inference
+// ------------------------
+unify :: Type Type -> Infer ()
+unify t1 t2 = tell [(t1, t2)]
inEnv :: (String, Scheme) (Infer a) -> Infer a
inEnv (x, sc) m = local ('Map'.put x sc) m
class infer a :: a -> Infer Type
instance infer Expr where
infer (VarExpr _ (VarDef ident fs)) = lookupEnv ident
- infer (Op2Expr _ e1 op e2) = case op of
- BiPlus = pure IntType
- BiMinus = pure IntType
- BiTimes = pure IntType
- BiDivide = pure IntType
- BiMod = pure IntType
- BiLesser = pure IntType
- BiGreater = pure IntType
- BiLesserEq = pure IntType
- BiGreaterEq = pure IntType
- BiAnd = pure BoolType
- BiOr = pure BoolType
- BiEquals = infer e1
- BiUnEqual = infer e1 // maybe check e2?
- BiCons = infer e1 >>= \it1->pure $ ListType it1
- infer (Op1Expr _ op e) = case op of
- UnMinus = pure IntType
- UnNegation = pure BoolType
+ infer (Op2Expr _ e1 op e2) =
+ infer e1 >>= \t1 ->
+ infer e2 >>= \t2 ->
+ fresh >>= \frsh ->
+ let given = t1 ->> (t2 ->> frsh) in
+ op2Type op >>= \expected ->
+ unify expected given >>|
+ return frsh
+ infer (Op1Expr _ op e) =
+ infer e >>= \t1 ->
+ fresh >>= \frsh ->
+ let given = t1 ->> frsh in
+ op1Type op >>= \expected ->
+ unify expected given >>|
+ pure frsh
infer (IntExpr _ _) = pure IntType
infer (CharExpr _ _) = pure CharType
infer (BoolExpr _ _) = pure BoolType
- infer (FunExpr _ _ _ _) = undef
- infer (EmptyListExpr _) = undef
+ infer (FunExpr _ f args sels) = //todo, iets met field selectors
+ lookupEnv f >>= \expected ->
+ fresh >>= \frsh ->
+ mapM infer args >>= \argTypes ->
+ let given = foldr (->>) frsh argTypes in
+ unify expected given >>|
+ pure frsh
+ infer (EmptyListExpr _) = ListType <$> fresh
infer (TupleExpr _ (e1, e2)) =
infer e1 >>= \et1->infer e2 >>= \et2->pure $ TupleType (et1, et2)