import StdString
import StdTuple
import StdList
+import StdBool
from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
Nothing = modify (\(st, r)->('Map'.put i t st, r))
Just t2 = unify t t2 >>= \t3-> modify (\(st, r)->('Map'.put i t3 st, r))
+replace :: String Type -> Env Void
+replace ident type = get >>= \(st, fr)->put ('Map'.fromList $
+ map (itupdate ident type) ('Map'.toList st), fr)
+ where
+ itupdate :: String Type (String, Type) -> (String, Type)
+ itupdate ident newtype ov=:(key, IdType type) = if (ident == type)
+ (key, newtype) ov
+ itupdate ident newtype (key, TupleType (t1, t2))
+ # (_, t1) = itupdate ident newtype (key, t1)
+ # (_, t2) = itupdate ident newtype (key, t2)
+ = (key, TupleType (t1, t2))
+ itupdate ident newtype (key, ListType t1)
+ # (_, t1) = itupdate ident newtype (key, t1)
+ = (key, ListType t1)
+ itupdate _ _ k = k
instance toString SemError where
toString (ParseError p e) = concat [
toString p,"SemError: ParseError: ", e]
pure (vds, fds)
semFunDecl :: FunDecl -> Env FunDecl
-semFunDecl fd=:(FunDecl p f _ mt vds stmts) = case mt of
+semFunDecl fd=:(FunDecl p f _ mt vds stmts) = mapM_ semVarDecl vds >>|
+ mapM_ (checkStmt IntType) stmts >>|
+ case mt of
Nothing = let t = IdType f in putIdent f t >>| pure fd
Just t = putIdent f t >>| pure fd
semVarDecl (VarDecl pos type ident ex) = unify type ex
>>= \t-> putIdent ident t >>| (pure $ VarDecl pos t ident ex)
-typeOp2 :: Expr Expr Op2 [Type] Type -> Env Type
-typeOp2 e1 e2 op ts ret = typeExpr e1 >>= \t1-> typeExpr e2 >>= \t2->
- unify t1 t2 >>= \t3->if (isMember t3 ts) (pure ret)
- (liftT $ Left $ OperatorError (extrPos e1) op t3)
+checkStmt ::Type Stmt -> Env Stmt
+checkStmt t (IfStmt c st se) = unify BoolType c >>| mapM (checkStmt t) st
+ >>= \st1-> mapM (checkStmt t) se >>= \se1-> pure (IfStmt c st1 se1)
+checkStmt t (WhileStmt c [et]) = undef
+checkStmt t (AssStmt (VarDef ident fs) e) = undef
+checkStmt t (FunStmt (FunCall f es)) = undef
+checkStmt VoidType r=:(ReturnStmt Nothing) = pure r
+checkStmt t r=:(ReturnStmt (Just e)) = typeExpr e >>= \te -> unify t te
+ >>| pure r
+all :: [Bool] -> Bool
+all as = foldr (&&) True as
+last :: [a] -> a
+last as = foldl (\_ r -> r) (hd as) as
typeExpr :: Expr -> Env Type
typeExpr (IntExpr _ _) = pure IntType
Nothing = liftT $ Left $ UndeclaredVariableError p ident
Just t = unify t fs
+typeOp2 :: Expr Expr Op2 [Type] Type -> Env Type
+typeOp2 e1 e2 op ts ret = typeExpr e1 >>= \t1-> typeExpr e2 >>= \t2->
+ unify t1 t2 >>= \t3->if (isMember t3 ts) (pure ret)
+ (liftT $ Left $ OperatorError (extrPos e1) op t3)
buildFunctionType :: String [Expr] -> Env Type
buildFunctionType frsh [] = let t = IdType frsh in putIdent frsh t >>| pure t
buildFunctionType frsh [e:es] = (->>) <$> typeExpr e <*> buildFunctionType frsh es
Right t = Right t //note, t :: (Type, Gamma)
where m = typeExpr e >>= \tex-> unify t tex
-replace :: String Type -> Env Void
-replace ident type = get >>= \(st, fr)->put ('Map'.fromList $
- map (itupdate ident type) ('Map'.toList st), fr)
- where
- itupdate :: String Type (String, Type) -> (String, Type)
- itupdate ident newtype ov=:(key, IdType type) = if (ident == type)
- (key, newtype) ov
- itupdate ident newtype (key, TupleType (t1, t2))
- # (_, t1) = itupdate ident newtype (key, t1)
- # (_, t2) = itupdate ident newtype (key, t2)
- = (key, TupleType (t1, t2))
- itupdate ident newtype (key, ListType t1)
- # (_, t1) = itupdate ident newtype (key, t1)
- = (key, ListType t1)
- itupdate _ _ k = k
instance unify Type where
unify IntType IntType = pure IntType
unify BoolType BoolType = pure BoolType