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+all: $(addsuffix .pdf,$(DOCUMENTS))
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+ $(PDFLATEX) $<
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+ $(RM) -v $(addprefix $(DOCUMENTS),.pdf .log .aux)
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+\title{Exercise week 4}
+\author{Mart Lubbers}
+\subsection*{Exercise 7.2}
+See Table~\ref{t1}
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{llccccc}
+ \toprule
+ & IPA & \multicolumn{5}{c}{ARPA}\\
+ \midrule
+ a & \textipa{r3d} & \texttt{r} & \texttt{eh} & \texttt{d}\\
+ b & \textipa{blu} & \texttt{b} & \texttt{l} & \texttt{uw}\\
+ c & \textipa{grin} & \texttt{g} & \texttt{r} & \texttt{iy} & \texttt{n}\\
+ d & \textipa{"j3loU} & \texttt{y} & \texttt{eh} & \texttt{l} & \texttt{ow}\\
+ e & \textipa{bl\ae{}k} & \texttt{b} & \texttt{l} & \texttt{ae} & \texttt{k}\\
+ f & \textipa{waIt} & \texttt{w} & \texttt{aa} & \texttt{ih} & \texttt{t}\\
+ g & \textipa{"OrIndZ} & \texttt{ao} & \texttt{r} & \texttt{ih} & \texttt{n} & \texttt{jh}\\
+ h & \textipa{"p\textrhookrevepsilon{}pl""} & \texttt{p} & \texttt{er} & \texttt{p} & \texttt{el}\\
+ i & \textipa{pjus} & \texttt{p} & \texttt{y} & \texttt{uw} & \texttt{s}\\
+ j & \textipa{toUp} & \texttt{t} & \texttt{ow} & \texttt{p}\\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{IPA ARPA mapping\label{t1}}
+\subsection*{Exercise Chapter 8}
+The bars can be seen as pauses. Text between braces can be omitted, as can the
+copyright statement. Numbers have to be treated as years and be pronounced in
+such a way. Detection of proper names can be difficult since there is a lot of
+capitalization. Real proper names are in full caps.