\item[F9:] Report to the user or maintainer when a source has been changed
too much for successful crawling.
- This requirement was also present in the original requirements and hasn't
+ This requirement was also present in the original requirements and has not
changed. When the crawler fails to crawl a source, this can be due to any
reason, a message is sent to the people using the program so that they can
edit or remove the faulty crawler. This is a crucial component because the
- \scalebox{0.7}{
- \digraph[]{graph111}{
- rankdir=LR;
- node [shape="rectangle",fontsize=10,nodesep=0.7,ranksep=0.75,width=1];
- User -> System
- User -> Source
- System -> Crawler
- Crawler -> Source
- }
- }
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{appoverview.eps}
+ \strut\\
\caption{Overview of the application}
\subsubsection{General description}
The frontend is a web interface to the backend applications that allow the user
server periodically calls the XML output from the backend to process it.
- \caption{The landing page of the frontend}
+ \caption{The landing page of the frontend}
\subsubsection{Edit/Remove crawler}
become highlighted and by doing this for several entries the program will have
enough information to crawl the feed as shown in Figure~\ref{addcrawl}
- \label{addcrawl}
- \caption{Example of a pattern in the add crawler component}
+ \label{frontendfront}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth,natheight=1298,natwidth=584]{crawlerpattern.png}
+ \caption{A pattern selection of three entries}
\subsubsection{Test crawler}
\section{Application overview}
+The backend consists of several processing steps before a crawler specification
+is ready.
+ \label{dawg1}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{backend.eps}
+ \strut\\
+ \caption{Backend overview}
\section{Internals of the crawler generation module}
Data marked by the user is in principle just raw html data that contains a
table with for every RSS feed entry a table row. Within the html the code
-severel markers are placed to make the parsing more easy and removing the need
+several markers are placed to make the parsing more easy and removing the need
of an advanced HTML parser. When the user presses submit a http POST request is
prepared to send all the gathered data to the backend to get processed. The
sending does not happen asynchronously, so the user has to wait for the data to
head -50 scheme.xsd > scheme1.xsd
tail -n +49 scheme.xsd > scheme2.xsd
+ dot -Teps appoverview.dot > appoverview.eps
+ dot -Teps backend.dot > backend.eps
latex -shell-escape thesis.tex > log.txt
bibtex thesis.aux >> log.txt
latex -shell-escape thesis.tex >> log.txt
- rm -vf *.{aux,bbl,blg,dvi,log,out,toc,dot,ps,pyg} log.txt scheme[12].xsd
+ rm -vf *.{aux,bbl,blg,dvi,log,out,toc,ps,pyg} log.txt scheme[12].xsd
clobber: clean
rm -vf *.pdf
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