toString p,
"SemError: Cannot select ", toString fs, " from type: ",
toString t]
+ toString (OperatorError p o t) = concat [
+ toString p,
+ "SemError: No ", toString o, " for type ",
+ toString t]
+ toString (UndeclaredVariableError p ident) = concat [
+ toString p, "SemError: identifier: ", ident, " undefined."]
sem :: AST -> SemOutput
sem (AST vd fd) = case runStateT m ('Map'.newMap, getRandomStream 1) of
typeExpr (Op1Expr p UnMinus expr) = unify IntType expr
typeExpr (TupleExpr p (e1, e2)) = typeExpr e1
>>= \t1-> typeExpr e2 >>= \t2-> pure $ TupleType (t1, t2)
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiPlus e2) = unify IntType e1 >>| unify IntType e2
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiMinus e2) = unify IntType e1 >>| unify IntType e2
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiTimes e2) = unify IntType e1 >>| unify IntType e2
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiDivide e2) = unify IntType e1 >>| unify IntType e2
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiMod e2) = unify IntType e1 >>| unify IntType e2
-//bool, char of int
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiEquals e2) = typeExpr e1 >>= \t1 -> unify t1 e2
- >>| pure BoolType //todo, actually check t1 in Char,Bool,Int
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiUnEqual e2) = typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiEquals e2)
-//char of int
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiLesser e2) = typeExpr e1 >>= \t1 -> unify t1 e2
- >>| pure BoolType //todo, actually check t1 in Char, Int
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiGreater e2) = typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiLesser e2)
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiLesserEq e2) = typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiLesser e2)
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiGreaterEq e2) = typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiLesser e2)
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiAnd e2) = unify BoolType e1 >>| unify BoolType e2
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiOr e2) = unify BoolType e1 >>| unify BoolType e2
-typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 BiCons e2) = typeExpr e1 >>= \t1-> typeExpr e2
- >>= \t2-> unify (ListType t1) t2
+typeExpr (Op2Expr p e1 op e2)
+| isMember op [BiPlus, BiMinus, BiTimes, BiDivide, BiMod] =
+ typeOp2 e1 e2 op [IntType]
+| isMember op [BiEquals, BiUnEqual] =
+ typeOp2 e1 e2 op [IntType, BoolType, CharType]
+| isMember op [BiLesser, BiGreater, BiLesserEq, BiGreaterEq] =
+ typeOp2 e1 e2 op [IntType, CharType]
+| isMember op [BiAnd, BiOr] =
+ typeOp2 e1 e2 op [BoolType]
+| op == BiCons = typeExpr e1 >>= \t1-> typeExpr e2
+ >>= \t2-> unify (ListType t1) t2
typeExpr (EmptyListExpr p) = freshIdent >>= \frsh-> let t = IdType frsh in
putIdent frsh t >>| pure t
- typeExpr (FunExpr p (FunCall fid args)) = undef
+//ignore field selectors
+ typeExpr (FunExpr p (FunCall f es)) = gets (\(st, r)->'Map'.get f st)
+ >>= \mt-> case mt of
+ Nothing = let t = IdType f in putIdent f t >>| pure t
+ Just t = unifyApp t es
typeExpr (VarExpr p (VarDef ident fs)) = gets (\(st, r)->'Map'.get ident st)
- >>= \mt->case mt of
- Nothing = let t = IdType ident in putIdent ident t >>| pure t
- Just t = unify t fs
+ >>= \mt->case mt of
+ Nothing = liftT $ Left $ UndeclaredVariableError p ident
+ Just t = unify t fs
+ unifyApp :: Type [Expr] -> Env Type
+ unifyApp t [] = pure t //whoop whoop, functions can return functions
+ unifyApp (tf1 ->> tf2) [t1:ts] = (->>) <$> unify tf1 t1 <*> (unifyApp tf2 ts)
+ unifyApp t1 t2 = liftT $ Left $ UnifyError zero t1 (IdType "[expressions, FIXME")
class unify a :: Type a -> Env Type