& 2. Execute the script by running \texttt{\# code/client/tests/5.py} \\\hline
Valid trace & Verify that the script prints 'Success'. \\\hline
+ Nr & 6 \\\hline
+ Title & Request with corrupted source port. \\\hline
+ Input & Generated packets with 1byte payload, in these packets the source port number is increased by one. \\\hline
+ Expected output & - \\\hline
+ \multirow{2}{*}{Course of action}
+ & 1. Use the steps listed above in order to start the SUT. \\
+ & 2. Execute the script by running \texttt{\# code/client/tests/6.py} \\\hline
+ Valid trace & Verify that the script prints 'Success'. \\\hline
+ \hline
+ Nr & 6 \\\hline
+ Title & Request with corrupted destination port. \\\hline
+ Input & Generated packets with 1byte payload, in these packets the destination port number is increased by one. \\\hline
+ Expected output & - \\\hline
+ \multirow{2}{*}{Course of action}
+ & 1. Use the steps listed above in order to start the SUT. \\
+ & 2. Execute the script by running \texttt{\# code/client/tests/6.py} \\\hline
+ Valid trace & Verify that the script prints 'Success'. \\\hline
+ \hline
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