TIMEOUT :== Just 1000
-bot :: (String, Int) [IRCMessage] [IRCMessage] a (IRCMessage a *World -> (Maybe [IRCMessage], a, *World)) *World -> (MaybeErrorString a, *World)
+bot :: (String, Int) [IRCMessage] [IRCMessage] .a (IRCMessage .a *World -> .(Maybe [IRCMessage], .a, *World)) *World -> *(Maybe String, .a, *World)
bot (host, port) start end state bot w
//Lookup hostname
# (ip, w) = lookupIPAddress host w
-| isNothing ip = (Error $ "DNS lookup for " +++ host +++ " failed", w)
+| isNothing ip
+ = (Error $ "DNS lookup for " +++ host +++ " failed", state, w)
# (rpt,chan,w) = connectTCP_MT TIMEOUT (fromJust ip, port) w
-| rpt == TR_Expired = (Error $ "Connection to " +++ host +++ " timed out", w)
-| rpt == TR_NoSuccess = (Error $ "Could not connect to " +++ host, w)
+| rpt == TR_Expired
+ = (Error $ "Connection to " +++ host +++ " timed out", state, w)
+| rpt == TR_NoSuccess
+ = (Error $ "Could not connect to " +++ host, state, w)
// Send startup commands
# (merr, chan, w) = send (map toString start) (fromJust chan) w
-| isError merr = (Error $ fromError merr, w)
+| isError merr = (Error $ fromError merr, state, w)
//Start processing function
# (mer, chan, state, w) = process chan "" state bot w
-| isError mer = (Error $ fromError mer, w)
+| isError mer = (Error $ fromError mer, state, w)
// Send shutdown commands
# (merr, {rChannel,sChannel}, w) = send (map toString end) chan w
-| isError merr = (Error $ fromError merr, w)
+| isError merr = (Error $ fromError merr, state, w)
//Close channels
-= (Ok state, closeChannel sChannel (closeRChannel rChannel w))
+= (Ok state, state, closeChannel sChannel (closeRChannel rChannel w))
-import StdDebug,StdMisc
-process :: TCP_DuplexChannel String a (IRCMessage a *World -> (Maybe [IRCMessage], a, *World)) *World -> (MaybeErrorString (), TCP_DuplexChannel, a, *World)
+process :: TCP_DuplexChannel String .a (IRCMessage .a *World -> *(Maybe [IRCMessage], .a, *World)) *World -> *(MaybeErrorString (), TCP_DuplexChannel, .a, *World)
process chan acc state bot w
//See if we have a message
= case split "\r\n" acc of
//We have a successfull split and therefore we process at least one message
# acc = join "\r\n" xs
- | not (trace_tn $ "Full message: '" +++ m +++ "'") = undef
= case parseIRCMessage $ m +++ "\r\n" of
(Left err) = (Error $ "IRC Parsing error: " +++ join "\n" err, chan, state, w)
(Right msg)
import Text.JSON
import Text.URI
+import System.Time
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Monad as CM
, bs_autojoin :: [String]
, bs_port :: Int
, bs_server :: String
+ , bs_strftime :: String
-Start :: *World -> (MaybeErrorString (), *World)
+//Start :: *World -> (MaybeErrorString (), *World)
Start w
# ([arg0:args], w) = getCommandLine w
+# (io, w) = stdio w
# bs = parseCLI args
-| isError bs = (Error $ "\n" +++ fromError bs +++ "\n", w)
+| isError bs = (Error $ "\n" +++ fromError bs +++ "\n", snd $ fclose io w)
# (Ok bs) = bs
-= bot (bs.bs_server, bs.bs_port) (startup bs) shutdown () process w
+# (merr, io, w) = bot (bs.bs_server, bs.bs_port) (startup bs) shutdown io (process bs.bs_strftime) w
+= (maybe (Ok ()) Error merr, snd $ fclose io w)
parseCLI :: [String] -> MaybeErrorString BotSettings
parseCLI [] = Ok
, bs_autojoin = []
, bs_port = 6667
, bs_server = "irc.freenode.net"
+ , bs_strftime = "%s"
parseCLI [a:as]
+ | a == "-f" || a == "--strftime"
+ = arg1 "--strftime" as \a c->{c & bs_strftime=a}
| a == "-n" || a == "--nick"
= arg1 "--nick" as \a c->{c & bs_nick=a}
| a == "-ns" || a == "--nickserv"
| a == "-p" || a == "--port"
= arg1 "--port" as \a c->{c & bs_port=toInt a}
| a == "-s" || a == "--server"
- = arg1 "--port" as \a c->{c & bs_server=a}
+ = arg1 "--server" as \a c->{c & bs_server=a}
| a == "-h" || a == "--help" = Error $ join "\n" $
[ "Usage: cloogle [OPTS]"
, "Options:"
+ , "\t--strftime/-f FORMAT strftime format used in the output. default: %s\n"
, "\t--nick/-n NICKNAME Use the given nickname instead of clooglebot"
, "\t--nickserv/-ns PW Identify via the given password with NickServ"
, "\t--port/-p PORT Use the given port instead of port 6667"
[JOIN (CSepList bs.bs_autojoin) Nothing]
shutdown = map toPrefix [QUIT $ Just "Bye"]
- process :: IRCMessage () *World -> (Maybe [IRCMessage], (), *World)
- process im s w = case im.irc_command of
- Left numr = (Just [], (), w)
+ //process :: String IRCMessage *File *World -> (Maybe [IRCMessage], *File, *World)
+ process strf im io w
+ # (io, w) = log strf " (r): " im (io, w)
+ = case im.irc_command of
+ Left numr = (Just [], io, w)
Right cmd = case process` im.irc_prefix cmd w of
- (Nothing, w) = (Nothing, (), w)
- (Just cs, w) = (Just $ map toPrefix cs, (), w)
- process` :: (Maybe (Either IRCUser String)) IRCCommand *World -> (Maybe [IRCCommand], *World)
+ (Nothing, w) = (Nothing, io, w)
+ (Just cs, w)
+ # msgs = map toPrefix cs
+ # (io, w) = foldr (log strf " (s): ") (io, w) msgs
+ = (Just msgs, io, w)
+ //log :: String String IRCMessage (*File, *World) -> (*File, *World)
+ log strf pref m (io, w)
+ # (t, w) = localTime w
+ = (io <<< strfTime strf t <<< pref <<< toString m, w)
+ //process` :: (Maybe (Either IRCUser String)) IRCCommand *World -> (Maybe [IRCCommand], *World)
process` (Just (Left user)) (PRIVMSG t m) w
| m == "!restart" = (Nothing, w)
| m.[0] == '!'
process` _ (PING t mt) w = (Just [PONG t mt], w)
process` _ _ w = (Just [], w)
- realProcess :: [String] *World -> ([String], *World)
+ //realProcess :: [String] *World -> ([String], *World)
realProcess ["help",x:xs] w = ((case x of
"help" =
[ "Usage: !help [ARG]"