\subsection{Preflight checklist}\r
-Execution of the preflight checklist of Table~\red{tbl:preflight}\r
+Execution of the preflight checklist of Table~\ref{tbl:preflight} yields the\r
+following results:\r
+ \centering\r
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\r
+ \hline\r
+ Check \# & result \\ \hline \hline\r
+ 1 & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ 2 & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ 3 & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ 4 & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ 5 & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \end{tabular}\r
+\caption{Results of the preflight checks}\r
\subsection{Test cases}\r
+Comparing the results of the execution of the test cases of\r
+Table~\ref{tbl:testpairs} with the expected results of those test cases specified in\r
+Table~\ref{tbl:testcases} yields the following results:\r
+ \centering\r
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\r
+ \hline\r
+ Test case \# & result \\ \hline \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \doTCC & RESULT\\ \hline\r
+ \end{tabular}\r
+\caption{Results of the test cases}\r
+To pass the test the SUT has to pass all the specified test cases (\r
+Table~\ref{tbl:tpreflight} and Table~\ref{tbl:testpairs}). As can be seen in\r
+Table~\ref{tbl:preflightresults} and Table~\ref{tbl:testcasesresults} this is\r
+%not %remove first % in case of any failure\r
+the case. Therefore the SUT has PASSED/FAILED this test.\r
+%This failure is due to the failure of the test case(s) 1,2,3,n as specified\r
+%where the SUT failed to behave in the expected way by... %behavior dat SUT wel\r
+%%liet zien\r