--- /dev/null
+Clean System Files
+++ /dev/null
-definition module Data.GenType.Serialize
-from Data.Either import :: Either
-from Data.GenType import :: Type
- * Generate a single parser for a type.
- * This does not terminate for a recursive type
- */
-serialize :: Type -> Either String [Char]
--- /dev/null
+# Deeply embedded generics
-definition module Data.GenType
+definition module GenType
import StdGeneric
from StdOverloaded import class ==, class toString
+//* Auxiliary type to help with casting values, this is gone at runtime
:: Box b a =: Box b
derive bimap Box
unBox (Box b) :== b
box b :== Box b
reBox x :== box (unBox x)
+//* Deeply embedded generic type representation
:: GType
= GTyBasic BasicType
| GTyRef String
| GTyObject GenericTypeDefDescriptor GType
| GTyRecord GenericRecordDescriptor GType
+//* Type representation larded with the generic type information
:: Type
= TyBasic BasicType
| TyRef String
| TyObject GenericTypeDefDescriptor [(GenericConsDescriptor, [Type])]
| TyRecord GenericRecordDescriptor [(GenericFieldDescriptor, Type)]
+//* Basic types
:: BasicType = BTInt | BTChar | BTReal | BTBool | BTDynamic | BTFile | BTWorld
+//* Array kinds
:: ArrayType = AStrict | ALazy | AUnboxed | APacked
+//* Unboxed list kinds
:: UListType = ULLazy | ULStrict
+//* Kind of a type
+:: Kind = KStar | (KArrow) infixr 1 Kind Kind
-instance == GType, Type, BasicType, ArrayType, UListType, GenType
-instance toString GType, Type, BasicType, ArrayType, UListType, GenType
+instance == GType, Type, BasicType, ArrayType, UListType, GenType, Kind
+instance toString GType, Type, BasicType, ArrayType, UListType, GenType, Kind
* Removes recursive types by replacing them with references
* @param gtype
* @result the main type
- * @result all the separate types grouped in the strongly connected components
+ * @result the separated types grouped in strongly connected components
flattenGType :: GType -> [[GType]]
- * Convert a GType to a Type. This always returns a Just if the GType was
- * constructed using the gType generic function
- *
- * @param gtype
- * @result a type on success
- */
+//* Convert a GType to a Type
gTypeToType :: GType -> Type
- * Gives the name for the type
- */
+//* Extract the name of the type
typeName :: Type -> String
- * Gives the genType for a type
- */
+//* Extract the genType for a type
typeGenType :: Type -> [GenType]
- * Return an approximation of the kind of the type given all the constructors
- */
-:: Kind = KStar | (KArrow) infixr 1 Kind Kind
+//* Extract the kind of the type's constructors (see `{{typeGenType}}`)
genTypeKind :: [GenType] -> Kind
-instance toString Kind
+//* @type Type -> Kind
+typeKind t :== genTypeKind (typeGenType t)
- * Predicate whether the outer type is a builtin type
- */
+//* Predicate whether the outer type is a builtin type
class isBuiltin a :: a -> Bool
instance isBuiltin Type, GType
- * Predicate whether the outer type is a basic type
- * Int, Bool, Char, Real, World, File, Dynamic
- */
+//* Predicate whether the outer type is a basic type
class isBasic a :: a -> Bool
instance isBasic Type, GType
- * Replace builtin constructors with their pretty names
- */
+//* Replace builtin constructors with their pretty names (e.g. _!Cons with [!])
class replaceBuiltins a :: a -> a
instance replaceBuiltins Type, GType, GenType
- * Creates a deep representation of the type
- */
+//* Creates a deep embedded generic representation of a type
generic gType a :: Box GType a
derive gType UNIT, EITHER, PAIR, CONS of gcd, FIELD of gfd, OBJECT of gtd, RECORD of grd
derive gType Int, Bool, Real, Char, World, File
-implementation module Data.GenType
+implementation module GenType
import StdEnv, StdGeneric
import Control.Applicative
typeName (TyArrow l r) = typeName l +++ "->" +++ typeName r
typeName (TyArray s a) = "{" +++ toString s +++ typeName a +++ "}"
typeName (TyUList s a) = "[#" +++ toString s +++ typeName a +++ "]"
-typeName (TyUMaybe a) = "?" +++ typeName a
+typeName (TyUMaybe a) = "?#" +++ typeName a
typeName (TyNewType i _ _) = i.gtd_name
typeName (TyObject i _) = i.gtd_name
typeName (TyRecord i _) = i.grd_name
typeGenType (TyArray s a) = GenTypeApp (GenTypeCons (toString s)) <$> typeGenType a
typeGenType (TyUList s a) = [GenTypeCons "_#Nil":GenTypeApp (GenTypeCons (toString s)) <$> typeGenType a]
typeGenType (TyUMaybe a) = [GenTypeCons "_#Nothing":GenTypeApp (GenTypeCons "_#Just") <$> typeGenType a]
-typeGenType (TyNewType _ _ a) = abort "typeGenType for newtypes not yet implemented\n"
+typeGenType (TyNewType _ i a) = [i.gcd_type]
typeGenType (TyRecord i _) = [i.grd_type]
typeGenType (TyObject _ fs) = [c.gcd_type\\(c, _)<-fs]
genTypeKind ts = foldr (KArrow) KStar $ map snd $ sortBy ((<) `on` fst) $ foldr (\t->gt t id) [] ts
gt :: GenType (Kind -> Kind) [(Int, Kind)] -> [(Int, Kind)]
- gt (GenTypeCons _) c ks = ks
- gt (GenTypeVar i) c ks = case lookup i ks of
- Nothing = [(i, c KStar):ks]
- Just KStar = [(i, c KStar):filter ((<>)i o fst) ks]
- Just _ = ks
- gt (GenTypeArrow l r) c ks = gt l id $ gt r id ks
+ gt (GenTypeCons _) _ ks = ks
+ gt (GenTypeVar i) c ks
+ # k = c KStar
+ = case lookup i ks of
+ Nothing = [(i, k):ks]
+ Just k`
+ | numArr k` > numArr k = ks
+ = [(i, k):filter ((<>)i o fst) ks]
+ gt (GenTypeArrow l r) _ ks = gt l id $ gt r id ks
gt (GenTypeApp l r) c ks = gt l ((KArrow) KStar o c) $ gt r id ks
-instance toString Kind where toString k = concat $ print k []
-instance print Kind
+numArr :: Kind -> Int
+numArr KStar = 0
+numArr (l KArrow r) = inc (numArr l + numArr r)
+instance == Kind
- print KStar c = ["*":c]
- print (l KArrow r) c = ["(":print l ["->":print r [")":c]]]
+ (==) KStar KStar = True
+ (==) (l1 KArrow r1) (l2 KArrow r2) = l1 == l2 && r1 == r2
+ (==) _ _ = False
+instance toString Kind where toString k = concat $ pr k False []
+pr :: Kind Bool [String] -> [String]
+pr KStar _ c = ["*":c]
+pr (l KArrow r) b c = [if b "(" "":pr l True ["->":pr r False [if b ")" "":c]]]
instance isBuiltin String
-definition module Data.GenType.CParser
+definition module GenType.CParser
from Data.Either import :: Either
-from Data.GenType import :: Type
+from GenType import :: Type
* Generate a single parser for a type.
-implementation module Data.GenType.CParser
+implementation module GenType.CParser
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import qualified Text
from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
-import Data.GenType
-import Data.GenType.CType
+import GenType
+import GenType.CType
instance MonadFail (Either String) where fail s = Left s
:: FPMonad :== WriterT [String] (ReaderT Int (Either String)) ()
indent c = liftT ask >>= \i->tell [createArray i '\t':c]
-parsefun t = "parse_" +++ safe (typeName t)
+parsefun t c = ["parse_", safe (typeName t):c]
(<.>) infixr 6
(<.>) a b = a +++ "." +++ b
parsenameimp t c def = def t [" {\n\t":ctypename t [" ", c, "\n\n"]]
ctypename t c = [prefix t, safe (typeName t):c]
- * Generate a single parser for a type.
- * This does not terminate for a recursive type
- */
flatParser :: Type -> Either String ([String], [String])
flatParser t = tuple (parsedef [";\n"]) <$> runReaderT (execWriterT (tell (parsenameimp t "r;" \_->parsedef) >>| fpd t True "r" >>| tell tail)) 1
- parsedef c = ctypename t [" ", parsefun t, "(uint8_t (*get)())":c]
+ parsedef c = ctypename t [" ":parsefun t ["(uint8_t (*get)())":c]]
fpd :: Type Bool String -> FPMonad
fpd (TyRef s) tl r = assign r (parsename s)
>>| result r "+=" "(int64_t)get()<<8"
>>| result r "+=" "(int64_t)get()"
BTChar = assign r "(char)get()"
- BTReal = assign r "double"
+// BTReal = assign r "double"
BTBool = assign r "(bool)get()"
t = fail $ "flatParse: there is no basic type for " +++ toString t
fpd (TyArrow _ _) tl r = fail $ "flatParser: function cannot be serialized"
fmtField :: (String, Type) -> FPMonad
fmtField (name, ty) = fpd ty False name
- * generate parsers for the types grouped by strongly connected components
- */
:: TPMonad :== WriterT [String] (StateT TPState (Either String)) ()
:: TPState :== 'Data.Map'.Map String (String, Bool)
-import Debug.Trace
parsers :: [[Type]] -> Either String ([String], [String])
parsers ts = tuple (parsedefs ts) <$> evalStateT (execWriterT $ mapM_ parsergroup ts) 'Data.Map'.newMap
parsedefs = foldr (\t c->parsedef t [";\n":c]) [] o flatten
parsedef :: Type [String] -> [String]
- parsedef t c
- # (pt, _) = trace_stdout (parsefun t, toString $ genTypeKind $ typeGenType t)
- = ctypename t [" *", /*parsefun */pt, "(uint8_t (*get)()",pd t, ")":c]
+ parsedef t c = ctypename t [" *":parsefun t ["(uint8_t (*get)()":pks (typeKind t) True [")":c]]]
- pd (TyBasic s) = ""
- pd (TyUList _ _) = ", void *parse_0(uint8_t (*get)())"
- pd (TyUMaybe _) = ", void *parse_0(uint8_t (*get)())"
- pd (TyObject gtd _) = concat [", void *parse_" +++ toString i +++ "(uint8_t (*)())"\\i<-[0..gtd.gtd_arity-1]]
- pd (TyRecord grd _) = concat [", void *parse_" +++ toString i +++ "(uint8_t (*)())"\\i<-[0..recordArity (trace_stdout grd.grd_type)-1]]
-// pd (TyNewType _ _ _) = abort "not implemented yet\n"
- pd t = abort $ "not implemented yet: " +++ toString t +++ "\n"
- recordArity :: GenType -> Int
- recordArity (GenTypeCons _) = 0
- recordArity (GenTypeVar _) = 0
- recordArity (GenTypeApp _ _) = 0
- recordArity (GenTypeArrow _ (GenTypeApp _ _)) = 1
- recordArity (GenTypeArrow l r) = inc $ recordArity l
+ pks :: Kind Bool [String] -> [String]
+ pks k tl c = foldr (\(i, k) c->pd k tl i c) c $ zip2 [0..] $ typeArgs k
+ pd :: Kind Bool Int [String] -> [String]
+ pd KStar tl i c = [", void *(*", if tl ("parse_"+++toString i) "", ")(uint8_t (*)())":c]
+ pd (l KArrow r) tl i c =
+ [ ", void *(*", if tl ("parse_"+++toString i) "", ")(uint8_t (*)()"
+ : pks l False $ pd r False (inc i) [")":c]]
+ typeArgs :: Kind -> [Kind]
+ typeArgs KStar = []
+ typeArgs (l KArrow r) = [l:typeArgs r]
parsergroup :: [Type] -> TPMonad
parsergroup ts
>>= tell
parser :: Type -> TPMonad
- parser t=:(TyRef s) = tell [parsefun t]
+ parser t=:(TyRef s) = tell $ parsefun t []
parser (TyBasic t)
= case t of
BTInt = tell ["\t*r = (Int)get()<<54;\n"
-definition module Data.GenType.CType
+definition module GenType.CType
from StdGeneric import :: GenericTypeDefDescriptor
from Data.Either import :: Either
-from Data.GenType import :: Type
+from GenType import :: Type
* generate typedefs for the types grouped by strongly connected components
-implementation module Data.GenType.CType
+implementation module GenType.CType
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
import Data.Func
import Data.Functor
-import Data.GenType
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map
from Data.Map import :: Map(..)
import qualified Text
from Text import class Text(concat), instance Text String
+import GenType
instance MonadFail (Either String) where fail s = Left s
safe :: String -> String
fmtField (name, ty) = ftd ty False >>| tell [" ", name, ";\n"]
:: TDMonad :== WriterT [String] (StateT TDState (Either String)) ()
-:: TDState :== 'Data.Map'.Map String (String, Bool)
+:: TDState :== ('Data.Map'.Map String (String, Bool), [String])
typedefs :: [[Type]] -> Either String [String]
-typedefs ts = evalStateT (execWriterT (mapM_ typedefgroup ts)) 'Data.Map'.newMap
+typedefs ts = (\(text, (_, enums))->enums ++ text)
+ <$> runStateT (execWriterT (mapM_ typedefgroup ts)) ('Data.Map'.newMap, [])
typedefgroup :: [Type] -> TDMonad
typedefgroup ts
- = liftT (modify ('Data.Map'.putList [(typeName ty, (prefix ty, False))\\ty<-ts]))
+ = liftT (modify (appFst $ 'Data.Map'.putList [(typeName ty, (prefix ty, False))\\ty<-ts]))
>>| mapM_ (\x->printTypeName x >>| tell [";\n"]) (if (ts=:[_,_:_]) (map typeName ts) [])
- >>| liftT (modify (flip (foldr $ 'Data.Map'.alter (fmap (fmap \_->True)) o typeName) ts))
+ >>| liftT (modify (appFst $ flip (foldr $ 'Data.Map'.alter (fmap (fmap \_->True)) o typeName) ts))
>>| mapM_ (\t->typedef t >>| tell ["\n"]) ts
printTypeName :: String -> TDMonad
printTypeName tname
- = liftT (gets (\s->maybe [safe tname, " "] (\(p, b)->[p, safe tname, if b " *" " "]) $ 'Data.Map'.get tname s))
+ = liftT (gets $ maybe [safe tname, " "] (\(p, b)->[p, safe tname, if b " *" " "]) o 'Data.Map'.get tname o fst)
>>= tell
typedef :: Type -> TDMonad
typedef (TyRef s) = printTypeName s
typedef (TyBasic t) = case t of
- BTInt = tell ["typedef uint64_t Int;\n"]
- BTChar = tell ["typedef char Char;\n"]
- BTReal = tell ["typedef double Real;\n"]
- BTBool = tell ["typedef bool Bool;\n"]
+ BTInt = tell ["typedef uint64_t Int;"]
+ BTChar = tell ["typedef char Char;"]
+ BTReal = tell ["typedef double Real;"]
+ BTBool = tell ["typedef bool Bool;"]
t = fail $ "basic type: " +++ toString t +++ " not implemented"
typedef (TyArray _ a) = tell ["*"] >>| typedef a
typedef t=:(TyNewType ti ci a)
>>| tell ["};\n"]
typedef t=:(TyObject ti fs)
- | and [t =: [] \\ (_, t)<-fs] = tell
- [consName ti, " {", 'Text'.join ", " [safe ci.gcd_name\\(ci, _)<-fs], "};\n"]
+ | and [t =: [] \\ (_, t)<-fs] = enum ti fs >>| tell [";\n"]
+ //[consName ti, " {", 'Text'.join ", " [safe ci.gcd_name\\(ci, _)<-fs], "};\n"]
//Single constructor, single field (box)
typedef t=:(TyObject ti [(ci, [ty])]) = tydef ti.gtd_name ci.gcd_type
//Single constructor
>>| tell ["};\n"]
//Complex adt
typedef t=:(TyObject ti fs) = tell
- ["struct ", safe ti.gtd_name, " {\n"
- , "\t", consName ti, " {", 'Text'.join ", " [safe ci.gcd_name\\(ci, _)<-fs], "} cons;\n"
- , "\tstruct {\n"]
+ ["struct ", safe ti.gtd_name, " {\n\t"]
+ >>| enum ti fs >>| tell [" cons;\n\tstruct {\n"]
+ //, consName ti, " {", 'Text'.join ", " [safe ci.gcd_name\\(ci, _)<-fs], "} cons;\n"
>>| mapM_ fmtCons fs
>>| tell ["\t} data;\n};\n"]
>>| tell ["\t\t} ", safe ci.gcd_name, ";\n"]
typedef t = fail $ toString t +++ " not implemented"
+ enum :: GenericTypeDefDescriptor [(GenericConsDescriptor, [Type])] -> TDMonad
+ enum ti fs = liftT (modify (appSnd \xs->[consName ti, " {", 'Text'.join ", " [safe ci.gcd_name\\(ci, _)<-fs], "};\n":xs]))
+ >>| tell [consName ti]
tydef :: String GenType -> TDMonad
tydef name (GenTypeArrow l r) = tell ["typedef "] >>| fmtField "" l >>| tell [safe name,";\n"]
+++ /dev/null
-module test
-import StdEnv, StdGeneric
-import Data.Func
-import Data.Functor
-import Data.List
-import Data.Tuple
-import Data.Bifunctor
-import Data.Maybe
-import Control.GenBimap
-import Data.Either
-import System.FilePath
-import Data.GenType
-import Data.GenType.CType
-import Data.GenType.CParser
-import Text
-derive gType Either, T, R, Frac, Tr, Fix, Odd, Even, SR, List, Enum, NT, Blurp, EnumList, ER, CP, RA, Nest, MR, P
-:: P m = P (Tr m Int) | P2 (m Bool Bool)
-:: T a = T2 a Char
-:: NT =: NT Int
-:: SR = {f1 :: Int, f2 :: Bool, f3 :: Tr Either Bool, f4 :: Enum}
-:: R a = {f1 :: ? (R a), f2 :: Bool, f3 :: T a, f4 :: Char -> Int,
- f5 :: [([#Int], [#Int!], [!Int!], [!Int], [Int!])],
- f6 :: ({!Int}, {R Bool}, {#Char}, {32#Int}),/*({!Int}, {#Char}, {R Bool})*/
- f7 :: {!Int}}
-:: Tr m b= Tr (m Int b) | TrBork
-:: Frac a = (/.) infixl 7 a a | Flurp
-:: Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
-:: List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil
-:: Blurp a = Blurp (List a) | Blorp
-:: EnumList = ECons Enum EnumList | ENil
-:: ER = {nat :: Int, bool :: Bool}
-:: RA a = {a1 :: a, a2 :: Int}
-:: MR m = {b1 :: m Int}
-:: CP = CLeft Int Bool | CRight Char Char
-////Start :: [String]
-////Start = foldr (\i c->print i ["\n":c]) [] $ catMaybes $ map gTypeToType $ flattenGType $ unBox t
-//:: Pair a b = Pair a b
-//instance == (Pair a b) | == a where (==) (Pair a1 _) (Pair a2 _) = a1 == a2
-//instance < (Pair a b) | < a where (<) (Pair a1 _) (Pair a2 _) = a1 < a2
-:: Odd a = Odd (Even a) | OddBlurp
-:: Even a = Even (Odd a) | EvenBlurp
-:: Enum = A | B | C
-includes = "#include <stdint.h>\n#include <stdbool.h>\n"
-genFiles :: String (Box GType a) *World -> *World | gType{|*|} a
-genFiles bn t w
-// # tds = map (map gTypeToType) $ map (filter (not o isBasic)) $ flattenGType $ unBox t
- # tds = map (map gTypeToType) $ flattenGType $ unBox t
- # (ok, h, w) = fopen (bn <.> "h") FWriteText w
- | not ok = abort ("Couldn't open: " +++ bn <.> "h")
- # (ok, c, w) = fopen (bn <.> "c") FWriteText w
- | not ok = abort ("Couldn't open: " +++ bn <.> "c")
- # h = h <<< "#ifndef " <<< toUpperCase bn <<< "_H\n"
- <<< "#define " <<< toUpperCase bn <<< "_H\n"
- <<< includes
- # c = c <<< includes
- <<< "#include <stdlib.h>\n"
- <<< "#include \"" <<< (bn <.> "h") <<< "\"\n\n"
- # h = case typedefs tds of
- Left e = abort ("Couldn't generate typedef: " +++ e)
- Right d = foldl (<<<) h d
- # (h, c) = case parsers tds of
- Left e = abort ("Couldn't generate parser: " +++ e)
- Right (hd, cd) = (foldl (<<<) h hd, foldl (<<<) c cd)
- # h = h <<< "\n#endif"
- # (ok, w) = fclose h w
- | not ok = abort ("Couldn't close: " +++ bn <.> "h")
- # (ok, w) = fclose c w
- | not ok = abort ("Couldn't close: " +++ bn <.> "c")
- = w
-genFilesFlat :: String (Box GType a) *World -> *World | gType{|*|} a
-genFilesFlat bn t w
- # ty = gTypeToType (unBox t)
- # (ok, h, w) = fopen (bn <.> "h") FWriteText w
- | not ok = abort ("Couldn't open: " +++ bn <.> "h")
- # (ok, c, w) = fopen (bn <.> "c") FWriteText w
- | not ok = abort ("Couldn't open: " +++ bn <.> "c")
- # h = h <<< "#ifndef " <<< toUpperCase bn <<< "_H\n"
- <<< "#define " <<< toUpperCase bn <<< "_H\n"
- <<< includes
- # c = c <<< includes
- <<< "#include \"" <<< (bn <.> "h") <<< "\"\n\n"
- # h = case flatTypedef ty of
- Left e = abort ("Couldn't generate typedef: " +++ e)
- Right d = foldl (<<<) h d
- # (h, c) = case flatParser ty of
- Left e = abort ("Couldn't generate parser: " +++ e)
- Right (hd, cd) = (foldl (<<<) h hd, foldl (<<<) c cd)
- # h = h <<< "\n#endif"
- # (ok, w) = fclose h w
- | not ok = abort ("Couldn't close: " +++ bn <.> "h")
- # (ok, w) = fclose c w
- | not ok = abort ("Couldn't close: " +++ bn <.> "c")
- = w
-Start w = foldr ($) w
- [ genFiles "maybeInt" maybeInt
- , genFiles "eitherIntChar" eitherIntChar
- , genFiles "eitherIntMaybeChar" eitherIntMaybeChar
- , genFiles "cp" cp
- , genFiles "raint" raInt
- , genFiles "lmint" lmInt
- , genFiles "trEitherInt" trEitherInt
- , genFiles "mrMaybe" mrMaybe
- , genFiles "pEither" pEither
- ]
-// ( flatTypedef $ gTypeToType $ unBox t
-// , typedefs $ map (map gTypeToType) $ map (filter (not o isBasic)) $ flattenGType $ unBox t
-// , flatParser $ gTypeToType $ unBox t
-// , parsers $ map (map gTypeToType) $ map (filter (not o isBasic)) $ flattenGType $ unBox t
- maybeInt :: Box GType (?Int)
- maybeInt = gType{|*|}
- eitherIntChar :: Box GType (Either Int Char)
- eitherIntChar = gType{|*|}
- eitherIntMaybeChar :: Box GType (Either Int (?Char))
- eitherIntMaybeChar = gType{|*|}
- cp :: Box GType CP
- cp = gType{|*|}
- raInt :: Box GType (RA Int)
- raInt = gType{|*|}
- lmInt :: Box GType [?Int]
- lmInt = gType{|*|}
- trEitherInt :: Box GType (Tr Either Int)
- trEitherInt = gType{|*|}
- mrMaybe :: Box GType (MR ?)
- mrMaybe = gType{|*|}
- pEither :: Box GType (P Either)
- pEither = gType{|*|}
-//Start = typedefs //$ (\x->[[gTypeToType x]])
-// $ map (/*filter (not o isBuiltin) o*/ catMaybes o map gTypeToType)
-// $ (\x->[[x]])
-// $ map (map gTypeToType)
-// $ map (filter (not o isBasic))
-// $ flattenGType
-// $ unBox t
-:: Nest m = Nest (m (m (m Int))) | NestBlurp
-//t :: Box GType (?# Int)
-//t :: Box GType (Maybe [Maybe (Either Bool String)])
-//t :: Box GType ([SR], Enum, T Int, NT, Blurp Int)
-//t :: Box GType [EnumList]
-t :: Box GType (Nest ?, Tr Either (?(Int, Enum)))
-//t :: Box GType (Odd Int, (), [Either (R (T *World)) (Frac Real)], Tr Either Bool, Fix Maybe)
-t = gType{|*|}