+Within the leisure activity field, information is often bundled badly and
+contains empty or wrong data. Hyperleap tries to solve this problem by bundling
+the information from various sources including RSS feeds. Currently the
+feedback loop for fixing site-specific crawlers requires multiple steps which
+demand someone with a computer science background to perform. We introduce a
+new adaptable crawler generation system using subword matching via an adapted
+form of directed acyclic word graphs. The application allows users with no
+particular computer science background to create, edit and test crawlers for
+RSS feeds. In this way the feedback loop for broken crawlers is shortened, new
+sources can be incorporated in the database quicker and, most importantly, the
+information about the latest movie show, theater production or conference will
+reach the people looking for it as fast as possible.
% Set listings settings
Mart Lubbers\\
+ Artificial Intelligence\\
+ Radboud University Nijmegen\\
External supervisor: Alessandro Paula\\
Internal supervisor: Franc Grootjen\\
% Surrogate abstract
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\chapter{Requirements and design}